Greetings from LU again!
I’m writing this from our Bjorklunden site, owned by Lawrence University (often referred to as our southern campus). I am here on a weekend long trip for my Vegetation in Wisconsin Biology course. This plant identification course meets once a week to explore the field and analyze different types of vegetation, and their relative succession (how/why/when there were established in their environment). The weather in WI is finally beautiful; I can wear shorts, bike ride down the street, and even just go for walks, without having to worry about getting back before the snow starts! It’s great. Since the weather is so nice, these trips for my Biology plant ID class are all the more better of an experience. It’s cool that we have an opportunity as an undergraduate student to work in the field along side our favorite professors.
Spring training for the varsity soccer teams has begin to kick off recently as well, with the nice weather and all. Although I am not a player on the men’s soccer team, just as last year, I am the student manager and attend practices to help with setting equipment, the practice field, roster checking, and jersey distribution. It has been great getting back on the field with all of the guys on the team again, as well as meeting some of the new potential players on the team. I will be back early (August 15th) for preseason training as well. I’m excited!
Things outside of the classroom have been going well too (and fast)! The hip-hop group that I am apart of on campus were able to participate in a huge two-day festival that takes place right here on our LU campus, called “LUaroo”. These two days are filled with whole days of bands from campus, as well as off campus, as well as barbecue’s and volleyball. It was an honor to be invited to play the festival and turned out to be a blast too! It’s always great to perform to a field full of fellow students who you are all friends with. I’m looking forward to doing it again hopefully next year as a senior.
In just a few weeks I will be heading back to the east coast for the Summer. Although I have been enjoying my Spring trimester at LU, I am very much excited to be with family and friends back home again. It’s incredible how quick time flies at LU, but it’s all worth it in the end, I gotta say. I already have a job lined up as well, so it will be nice to keep busy all summer with work. I wish everyone the best Summer possible, and I will touch base with you in a few months!