If One Only Remembers to Turn On The Light (More Light!)

March 12, 2017

Over the past ten weeks, I’ve taken a class that has over 4,000 pages of prerequisite reading, and almost 20 hours of prerequisite films. We’ve examined the internal consistency of all that material and examined its cultural impact, including the way it’s effected our own lives. The final project is a ten- to twelve-page research […]

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Three Choirs, endless musical opportunities

February 28, 2017

A lot of people don’t believe me when I tell them I spend 4 hours a week attending a 1 unit class. And a lot of people doubt that I don’t dread (most the time) going to this class. Then again, a lot of people aren’t involved in musical ensembles–namely choir. Despite being required because […]

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The Center for Academic Success

February 26, 2017

A lot of buildings at Lawrence are built into the bank of the river that runs past campus, which means that sometimes you have to enter on the 4th floor, and sometimes the 1st floor is partially underground. For this reason, some students aren’t quite sure where the CAS—the Center for Academic Success—is located. Consider […]

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Travels to OHIO

February 21, 2017

Ever been to Ohio? Well, I went for the first time last weekend over our reading period. In case anyone is wondering, it’s a 9 hour drive to get to Columbus from Appleton, WOOHOO! The reason I drove all the way to Columbus with four of my friends is because we had our Delta Gamma […]

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Training to Become an Effective Leader

February 21, 2017

I don’t believe that people are born with an innate ability to be good at anything. In fact, phrases like “They were born to…”, “natural born leader” and “it’s in their blood” are amongst my many pet peeves. I refuse to believe that anyone can just be born with these magical genes that will make them […]

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