Category Archives: In Sound Mind

In Sound Mind Podcast 2

By Kanyon, Delaney, Dylan, and Juan

We will continue talking about the game In Sound Mind and we will dive into more specific topics of mental illness, unlike our first podcast, looking more into intersectionality. During the podcast we will be discussing elements of female representation of the female gender within videos games, specifically in horror games.

Works Cited:

GracieKat. (2018).”A Focus on the Frightful: The Women of Horror Games.” Sci-Fi & Scary,

King, Robert. (2015). “A Regiment of Monstrous Women: Female Horror Archetypes and Life History Theory.” Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences 9(3): 170-185. doi:

Martino, S. M. (2008). They’re still saying you’re crazy: Women and mental illness. PsycCRITIQUES, 53(45) doi:

Mental Illness Representation within In Sound Mind

By Kanyon, Delaney, Dylan, and Juan

During the podcast we will be discussing elements of Mental Illness in Video games and its intersectionality within In Sound Mind.

Works cited:

Shapiro, S., & Rotter, M. (2016). Graphic depictions: Portrayals of mental illness in video games. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 61(6), 1592-1595. doi:

Stigma, Gender Differences, and Mental Health – The SERVE Project,