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Free Webinars and Monthly Live Talks Provided by ERC

Did you know our Employee Assistance Program, ERC, provides free webinars and live talks on various topics? Here is what’s coming up this month:

  • Resiliency Today: Letting Go of Worry & Anxiety – August 5th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk is designed to help participants cope with anxiety by understanding how it affects them, how to reduce it, and signs of anxiety disorders.
  • Parenting a Child with Special Needs/Disabilities: Financial Planning – August 10th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk will provide participants with strategies and tips to create a successful financial plan. The information will help you to assess your current financial situation so you can make the right decisions for your family.
  • Financial Wellness: Basic Banking & Banking Tips – August 11th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Learn the different aspects of banking and their effect on managing money. Participants will review the basic concepts of accounting, how to balance multiple accounts and understand the difference between mutual funds vs CD’s.
  • Parenting Your Teen: Success in School – August 12th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Participants will learn which health habits are important to school success, how to help your teen deal with teachers and academics and how to help them get organized. Participants will also explore how to recognize when your teen is over- or under-involved, how to deal with peer pressure and how to handle discipline.
  • Caregivers Network: Livable Spaces – August 18th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s live talk offers participants a virtual home makeover tour of the latest product designs and modifications to make homes work at any age. Multigenerational living is on the rise and a Livable Home Maintenance Plan will be provided to guide smart and green home living.
  • Succeed at Work: The Science of Goal Setting – August 19th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Examines goal setting as a brain function. Participants will look at how the brain works and create an awareness of the mental process, making it easier to develop new habits in relation to goal setting.
  • Strong Parents, Strong Families: Children’s Nutrition – August 25th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Participants will learn the basics of nutritional requirements for growing children, tips for healthy eating, health risks of obesity in children, recognizing when weight is a problem and building self-esteem. 
  • Your Healthy Lifestyle: Healthy Meal Planning – August 26th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Learn how to feed your family healthy foods on a budget, how to identify healthy foods and ingredients, and how to incorporate them into your meals. This talk will help you identify ways to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, understand portion control, and learn to read and understand food labels.

Click here to register for any of the upcoming monthly talks. To log in to their website and view more resources, use the following credentials:

  • Username: ERC
  • Password: ERC