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Free Webinars and Monthly Live Talks Provided by ERC

Did you know our Employee Assistance Program, ERC, provides free webinars and live talks on various topics? Here is what’s coming up this month:

  • Resiliency Today: Mindfulness Meditation – February 3rd from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • In this talk participants will explore what mindful meditation is and isn’t, identify the benefits, discuss data that supports mindful meditation and have an opportunity to experience it.
  • Parenting Your Child with Special Needs/Disabilities: The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise  – February 8th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Overall wellness plays a significant role in maximizing your child’s potential. In this talk, participants will look at how to incorporate special diets, such as gluten intolerance and nut allergies, into family meals; provide healthy snacks that support medical therapies and get help with picky eaters. You will also get creative ways to fit in exercise for parents and children
  • Financial Wellness: Tax Tips– February 9th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This talk will help you understand the secrets of reducing taxable income, how to break down the federal tax reporting system and remove the mystery of the tax return. You will learn to use deductions, exemptions and strategies to save tax dollars.
  • Caregiver’s Network: Sleep and Relaxation to Calm Caregivers  –February 16th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • Sleep is vitally important to caregivers and their overall health. This talk reviews sleep debt and good sleep hygiene habits but also how to calm the mind and body, avoid Monkey Mind Syndrome and find relaxation techniques that work.
  • Succeed at Work: Concentration– February 17th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • This month’s talk is specifically designed to assist parents in advancing their capacities to further equip children with valuable life skills as they continue securing the strong foundation for their lives. Planning, preparing and pursuing life dreams alongside your children is a journey well worth investing in with long lasting benefits for all.
  • Strong Parents, Strong Families: Managing Fear & Anxiety in Children – February 23rd from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • In this talk participants will discuss important tactics to help children of all age groups deal with anxiety and fear and how their own fears and anxieties must be handled in order to provide proper support to children.
  • Your Healthy Lifestyle: Sleep Basics– February 24th from 12:00 – 1:00pm
    • In this talk you will learn the physical and mental benefits of a good night’s sleep, how to establish daily habits that promote sleep and ways to improve your sleep environment. Participants will discuss techniques for relaxation and dealing with insomnia.

Click here to register for any of the upcoming monthly talks. To login to their website and view more resources, use the following credentials:

  • Username: ERC
  • Password: ERC