Note on Recent Bias Incidents (3/13/19)

Dear Campus Community,

I write today to inform you that we were recently made aware of a few troubling instances on campus that violate our community’s values.  Last weekend, hateful language directed at queer community members was found in a residence hall bathroom.  Earlier in the term, a student discovered a library book with hand-drawn swastikas, and a racial slur was overheard in an academic setting.  Bias incident reports were filed in all three instances, and our Bias Response Team is working with faculty and staff to develop strategies to address and prevent these actions in the future. 

Mutual respect, justice, and the dignity of all human life are core values of Lawrence University.  We do not tolerate hate speech or acts of intolerance.  As a community, practicing empathy towards our fellow Lawrentians is one of the most important actions we can take, remembering that the daily struggles of our peers and colleagues may not always be visible.  End of term stress can exacerbate any issues an individual is struggling with, so being kind to each other at this point in the academic year is even more important.  If you witness a bias incident, I encourage you to fill out a bias incident report  or to contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

Campus resources are available if you need support processing these events.  Dr. Barrett can be reached through the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.  Dean Morgan-Clement, Associate Dean Winston and Dr. Ratzman can be reached through the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life.  Dean Lauderdale and the Residence Hall Directors, as well as Counseling Services and other members of the Student Life team, are available for students.  The Employee Assistance Program is available for faculty and staff.  I also encourage you to take advantage of the learning opportunities that are offered by these colleagues as we work to develop the skills that will ensure our campus community is one in which we can all thrive.

Thank you for joining me in our efforts to ensure a safe, respectful, and engaged campus for all.  Please feel free to contact me directly if I can provide additional support.  I hope you all have a successful end to winter term.

