The trustees of Lawrence University are responsible for the stewardship and wellbeing of the institution Amos Lawrence called “a great and good work.” Leadership from the Board supports the development of strategic initiatives and priorities, and also ensures the fiscal and operational health of the University through management of the institution’s investments and oversight of its finances. The Board also keeps abreast of the rapidly changing higher-education sector and works collaboratively with the administration to plot a course for the future of Lawrence.
The Board consists of between 25 and 35 elected Term Trustees, 60 percent of whom must be alumni of the University, up to three Recent Graduate Trustees, and the President of the University. Each Term Trustee serves a three-year term and is eligible for reelection for four consecutive, full terms. Trustees who have reached a term limit may not be reelected to renew service before taking a one-year hiatus. Recent Graduate Trustees are eligible for a single three-year term, and may not be elected to Term Trustee status until completion of at least a one year hiatus. The chair of the Faculty Governance Committee and the presidents of the Lawrence University Community Council and the Lawrence University Alumni Association Board observe meetings of the Board of Trustees.
Formal meetings of the Lawrence University Board of Trustees are held three times during the academic year; in the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms. Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time, and a number of committees meet between formal meetings as business requires.