
Category: 2020-21

Spring 2021 Meeting Summary

Due to the necessity to hold meetings virtually per our campus pandemic protocol, the Board of Trustees held its spring meeting May 11-14, 2021 via Zoom conferencing. Ahead of the meeting, the Board was provided with materials to prepare for conversations and decisions. Included in the materials were updates from the functional areas of the institution, the Faculty Committee on University Governance (FCUG), the Lawrence University Community Council (LUCC) and the Lawrence University Alumni Association (LUAA).

The Board began with the General Session where they spent time with incoming president Laurie A. Carter and discussed the culminating report from the Board of Trustees Antiracism Task Force. After which, the Enrollment Committee, Development Committee, Buildings and Grounds SubCommittee, Finance Committee, and Academic and Student Affairs Committee held their meetings, concluding with the Formal Board meeting. Much of each committee and subcommittee meeting was discussing our ongoing response to the COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic, updates on different initiatives, and forecasting fall 2021. The reports were delivered from the President, the Chair of the Board, and respective committee and campus leadership. Trustees and the campus leadership discussed the ever-changing climate and our mechanisms to lead and respond, and our institutional decision-making strategy as we welcome a new leader. There was much to celebrate as well: honoring the Board of Trustees members retiring from the Board, honoring President Mark Burstein, and welcoming President Laurie Carter.

In the May meetings, the Board:

  • Approved the minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees on Wednesday, February 24, 2021 when Laurie A. Carter was elected the 17th president of Lawrence University, beginning July 1, 2021.
  • Approved the President Emeritus Resolution bestowing the title of President Emeritus to Mark Burstein upon his retirement on June 30, 2021.
  • Approved the motion from the Board of Trustees Antiracism Task Force to create a standing committee of the Board of Trustees dedicated to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work and composed of an integrated group of Board members with the President and Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion as ex-officio.
  • Approved the Corporate Resolution.
  • Approved the Fiscal Year 2021 and projected Fiscal Year 2022 budgets.
  • Approved a Lawrence University Campus Community Resolution, thanking all for their dedication and sacrifice since the pandemic began.
  • Approved the election of the Class of 2024 Term Trustees for terms ending June 30, 2024.
  • Approved the election of the Officers of the Board.
  • Approved the election of Francesca Siekman ‘11 as a Recent Graduate Trustee.
  • Approved the election of Sachin Shivaram as a Term Trustee.
  • Approved the re-appointment of Ryan Primmer ‘91 as a Non-Trustee Committee Member of the Investment Committee.
  • Approved the re-appointment of Steven Mech ‘93 as a Non-Trustee Committee Member of the Buildings and Grounds SubCommittee.
  • Approved the President’s Advisory Council (PAC) as a formal institutional body.

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for October 20-22 on the campus of Lawrence University in Appleton, WI.

Winter 2021 Meeting Summary

Due to the necessity to hold meetings virtually per our campus pandemic protocol, the Board of Trustees held its winter meeting February 16-19, 2021 via Zoom conferencing. Ahead of the meeting, the Board was provided with materials to prepare for conversations and decisions. Included in the materials were updates from the functional areas of the institution, including the Faculty Committee on University Governance (FCUG).

The Board began with the General Session where they discussed the upcoming curricular and co-curricular strategic initiatives to be implemented. After which, the Enrollment Committee, Development Committee, Buildings and Grounds SubCommittee, Finance Committee, and Academic and Student Affairs Committee held their meetings, concluding with the Formal Board meeting. Much of each committee and subcommittee meeting was discussing our ongoing response to the COVID-19 coronavirus global pandemic and updates on different initiatives. Specifically, the Board thanked all involved with the Be The Light! Capital Campaign that concluded December 31, 2020 eclipsing our target with the total of $232.6million. Also,
information was shared that Lawrence University had surpassed the $400million mark in our endowment. The reports were delivered from the President, the Chair of the Board, and respective committee and campus leadership. Trustees and the campus leadership discussed the ever-changing climate and our mechanisms to lead and respond, and our institutional decision-making strategy.

In the course of the February meetings, the Board:

  • Approved the granting of an honorary degree to Dr. John Raymond during Commencement 2021.
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Ingrid Albrecht, Assistant Professor (Philosophy).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Matthew Arau, Assistant Professor (Music Education), Associate Director of Bands.
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Chloe Armstrong, Assistant Professor (Philosophy).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Stephanie Burdick-Shepherd, Assistant Professor (Education).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Horacio Contreras, Assistant Professor (Music).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to John Holiday, Associate Professor (Music).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Danielle Joyner, Assistant Professor (Art History).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Victoria Kononova, Assistant Professor (Russian).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Nora Lewis, Associate Professor (Music).
  • Approved the granting of tenure to Brigid Vance, Assistant Professor (History).

The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for May 11-14, 2021 virtually via Zoom conferencing.

Fall 2020 Meeting Summary

Due to the necessity to hold meetings virtually, the Board of Trustees held its fall meeting October 20-23 via Zoom conferencing to accommodate our internationally-based trustee membership. Ahead of the meeting, the Board was provided with materials to prepare for
conversations and decisions. Included in the materials were administrative reports from the president’s cabinet and the observers representing the Faculty Governance Committee and Lawrence University Alumni Association (LUAA).

The meeting began with our New Trustee Orientation for the new trustees. During the course of the meeting, reports were delivered in our committees from the respective committee leadership and campus leadership. The President and the Chair of Board led the trustees in discussion on the priorities for academic year 2020-2021 and reviewed the institutional response to the COVID-19 pandemic across all aspects of campus. The Enrollment Committee celebrated this fall’s first-year class and returning student population, which in the midst of a pandemic mirrored that of last year. The Board of Trustees Anti-Racism Task Force, created during the Summer 2020, updated the full membership on its activity. The Campaign Steering
Committee updated the full membership on this last cycle of the Be the Light! Capital Campaign, forging ahead having already reached our goal. The Academic and Student Affairs Committee focused its time on the curricular shifts and student life efforts made due to the
pandemic with insight provided by the Lawrence University Community Council (LUCC) president. The Finance Committee continues to contemplate revenue enhancements and savings strategies as we strive towards a more balanced budget, mindful of the pandemic.

Over the course of the meeting, the Board:

  • Approved the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget.
  • Approved the election of Gregg Dawley ’77 as a Non-Trustee Investment Committee Member.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for February 16-19, 2021 virtually via Zoom conferencing.