Research Publications

Research Publications

Recent Publications

Hammerdahl, E.**, Hilt, L.M., Draheim, A., Fox, G.**, & Briester, E.** (2025). The role of attention control in a mindfulness-based intervention for rumination: A randomized controlled trial. Mindfulness.

Hilt, L.M., Vachhani, S.,** Vaghasia, N.,** Swords, C.M.,** & Sage, A. (2025). Brief app-based mindfulness and mood monitoring intervention for first-year college students: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.

Hilt, L. M., Swords, C. M.**, Austria, N.**, Webb, C. A., Wahl, J.**, & Eklund, L.** (2024). Nonjudgment mediates the effect of a brief smartphone-delivered mindfulness intervention on rumination in a randomized controlled trial with adolescents. Mindfulness, 1-12.

Curran, N. C.,** & Hilt, L. M. (2023). Evaluating the moderating effect of gender on adolescents’ internalizing symptoms throughout the first wave of COVID-19. Youth & Society,

Hilt, L.M., Swords, C. M.**, & Webb, C.A., (2023). Randomized controlled trial of a mindfulness mobile application for ruminative adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Webb, C. A., Swords, C. M.,** Lawrence, H., & Hilt, L. M. (2022). Which adolescents are well-suited to app-based mindfulness training? A randomized clinical trial and data-driven approach for personalized recommendations. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 90, 655-669.

Conley, C. S., Hilt, L.M., & Gonzalez, C. G. (2022). Internalizing in adolescents and young adults. In L.J. Crockett, G. Carlo, & J.E. Schulenberg (Eds.), American Psychological Association handbook of adolescent and young adult development (pp. 505-523). American Psychological Association.

Swords, C.M.,** Lecarie, E.,* Doane, L.D., & Hilt, L.M. (2021). Psychological well-being of ruminative adolescents during the transition to COVID-19 school closures: An EMA study. Journal of Adolescence, 92, 189-193.

Webb, C. A., Swords, C. M.,** Murray, L., & Hilt, L. M. (2021). App-based mindfulness training for adolescent rumination: Predictors of immediate and cumulative benefit. Mindfulness, 12, 2498-2509.

Hilt, L. M., & Swords, C. M.** (2021). Acceptability and preliminary effects of a mindfulness mobile application for ruminative adolescents. Behavior Therapy, 6, 1339-1350.

Swords, C. M.** & Hilt, L.M. (2021). Examining the relationship between trait rumination and mindfulness across development and risk status. Mindfulness, 12, 1965-1975. DOI: 10.1007/s12671-021-01654-0

Sapuran, V. R., Vrshek-Schallhorn, S., Hilt, L.M., & Stroud, C.B. (2021). Dopaminergic genetic variation in young adolescents: Associations with sensation-seeking. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 49, 1259-1274. DOI: 10.1007/s10802-021-00823-y

Salentine, C.M.**, Hilt, L.M., Muehlenkamp, J.J., & Ehlinger, P.E.** (2020). The link between discrimination and worst point suicidal ideation among sexual and gender minority adults. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 50, 19-28. DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12571

Somers, J., Borelli, J., & Hilt, L.M. (2020). Depressive symptoms, rumination and emotion reactivity among youth: Moderation by gender. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 49, 106-117.. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2018.1466304

Shaw, Z. A., Hilt, L.M., & Starr, L. R. (2019). The developmental origins of ruminative response style: An integrative review. Clinical Psychology Review, 74,101780. DOI: 10.1016/j.cpr.2019.101780

Vine, V., Hilt, L.M., Marroquin, B., & Gilbert, K. (2019). Socially oriented thinking and the biological stress response: Thinking of friends and family predicts trajectories of salivary cortisol decline. Psychophysiology, 56. DOI: 10.1111/psyp.13461.

Hilt, L.M., Tuschner, R.F.**, Salentine, C.**, Torcasso, G.**, & Nelson, K.R.** (2018). Development and initial psychometrics of a school-based screening program to prevent adolescent suicide. Practice Innovations, 3, 1-17.

Hilt, L.M., Sladek, M. R., Doane, L., & Stroud, C. S. (2017). Daily and trait rumination: Diurnal cortisol patterns in adolescent girls. Cognition and Emotion, 31, 1757-1767. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2016.1262332

Hilt, L. M., Leitzke, B. T., & Pollak, S. D. (2017). Can’t take my eyes off of you: Eye tracking reveals how ruminating young adolescents get stuck. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 46, 858-867. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2015.1121824

Hilt, L. M., Armstrong, J. A., & Essex, M. J. (2017). Rumination and moderators of multifinality: Predicting internalizing symptoms and alcohol use during adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 46, 746-753. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2015.1070354

Torcasso, G.** & Hilt, L. M. (2017). Suicide prevention among high school students: Evaluation of a nonrandomized trial of a multi-stage suicide screening program. Child and Youth Care Forum, 46, 35-49. DOI: 10.1007/s10566-016-9366-x

Perrone, L., Borelli, J. L., Smiley, P., Rasmussen, H. F., & Hilt, L. M. (2016). Do children’s attributions mediate the link between parental conditional regard and child depression and emotion? Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, 3387-3402. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-016-0495-5

Somers, J. A., Borelli, J. L., Smiley, P.A., West, J. L., & Hilt, L. M. (2015). Prospective and concurrent associations between emotion reactivity and depressive symptoms in middle childhood. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 37, 692-704. DOI: 10.1007/s10862-015-9491-0

Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Gilbert, K., & Hilt, L.M. (2015). Rumination and self-regulation in adolescence. In G. Oettingen & P. M. Gollwitzer (Eds), Self-Regulation in Adolescence (pp. 311-331). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Hilt, L. M., Aldao, A., & Fischer, K. J.** (2015). Rumination and multi-modal stress reactivity. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 1486-1495. DOI:10.1080/02699931.2014.989816

Vahlsing, S.**, Hilt, L. M., & Jacobson, A. R.** (2015). Psychophysiological correlates of attention to emotional information in youth. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 29, 197-211. DOI:10.1891/0889-8391.29.3.197

Muehlenkamp, J.J., Hilt, L. M.,  Ehlinger, P. P.**, & MacMillan, T. (2015). Nonsuicidal self-injury in sexual minority college students: A test of theoretical integration. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 9:16. DOI:10.1186/s13034-015-0050-y

Oathes, D. J., Hilt, L. M., & Nitschke, J. B. (2015). Affective neural responses modulated by serotonin transporter genotype in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and depression. PLOS One, 10, e0115820. DOI: 10.3=1371/journal.pone.0115820

Leitzke, B.T., Hilt, L.M., & Pollak, S.D. (2015). Maltreated youth display a blunted blood pressure response to an acute interpersonal stressor. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 44, 305-313. DOI:10.1080/15374416.2013.848774

Hilt, L.M., Leitze, B.T., & Pollak, S.D. (2014). Cognitive control and rumination in youth: The importance of emotion. Journal of Experimental Psychopathology, 5, 302-313. DOI: 10.5127/jep.038113

Villa, C.D.**, &, Hilt, L. M.  (2014). Brief instruction in mindfulness and relaxation reduce rumination differently for men and women. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 7, 320-333. DOI: 10.1521/ijct_2014_07_02

Hilt, L.M., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2014). Gender differences in depression, In C. Hammen & I. Gotlib (Eds.), 3rd edition.  Handbook of Depression (pp. 355-373). New York: The Guilford Press.

Sachs-Ericsson, N., Selby, E. A., Joiner, T. E., Fingerman, K. L., Zarit, S. H., Birditt, K. S., & Hilt, L. M. (2014). Transmission of parental neuroticism of offspring’s depression: The mediating role of rumination. Personality and Mental Health, 8, 306-319. DOI: 10.1002/pmh.1268

Borelli, J. L., Hilt, L.M., West, J. L., Weekes, N. Y., & Gonzalez, M. (2014). School-aged children’s depressive rumination is associated with their reactivity to sadness but not fear. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 43, 799-812. DOI: 10.1080/15374416.2013.814542

McLaughlin, K.A., Aldao, A., Wisco, B.E., & Hilt, L. M. (2014). Rumination as a transdiagnostic factor underlying transitions between internalizing symptoms and aggressive behavior in early adolescents. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123, 13-23. DOI: 10.1037/a0035358

Hilt, L.M., & Hamm, E. H.** (2014). Peer influences on non-suicidal self-injury and disordered eating. In L. Claes and J. Muhlenkamp (Eds.), Non-suicidal self-injury in eating disorders (pp. 255-272). New York, NY: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-40107-7_15

**Denotes Lawrence student co-author