President Burstein

Tag: President Burstein

Response to Fliers with Hate Speech (2/24/17)

Dear Lawrence Community,

Yesterday, members of our community discovered two fliers containing hate speech on campus. Campus Safety and university officials have contacted the Appleton Police Department and an investigation is underway. We have learned from the police that similar fliers have been found in other locations in Appleton.

We are a community committed to the safety of all its members. This kind of activity is abhorrent and unacceptable. Statements such as those made in the fliers are entirely inconsistent with the values of the Lawrence community.

If you have information about these fliers, please contact Campus Safety at 920-832-6999. You may also wish to file a Bias Incident Report, which can be submitted anonymously. If you have personal concerns or would like to learn about actions the university is taking to prevent bias related incidents, please contact Kimberly Barrett, vice president for diversity and inclusion and associate dean of the faculty at 920-832-7451.



Note on Education and Immigration (2/6/17)

Dear Lawrence community,

Recent events in the United States have made me, and perhaps many of you, focus more closely on our core values as a community of learners. We believe a Lawrence education provides opportunities to consider, analyze, and prepare us to solve the problems that face this nation and the world. Essential to this goal is the free exchange of ideas and the full representation of different viewpoints. This is not a value tied to any political party or presidential administration; rather, it is central to who we are and have been. For generations, students, faculty, and staff from around the globe have enriched our community and the learning we provide. As I stated in my message of January 11, the University will do everything in its power to ensure that all members of our community can continue to thrive here at Lawrence.

We are working to understand the implications of new immigration restrictions, even as judicial challenges have been made against them, and we are investigating options for making additional legal resources available to students, faculty, and staff. Even as we grapple with changes, we continue to maintain longstanding policies on the release of information, as well as admissions and hiring policies that foster a diverse and inclusive campus community. Additionally, our Human Resources office is about to announce a refresher training program on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). I strongly encourage all faculty and staff who have access to any student information to attend.

Given some of the confusion around these new immigration policies, we recommend that any student who does not hold a passport from the United States, and who is considering leaving the country, first discuss your plans with Leah McSorley, director of international student services. Likewise, we recommend that any faculty or staff member who does not hold a passport from the United States, and who is considering leaving the country, first discuss your plans with Julia Messitte, university counsel. Lawrence is prepared to arrange for housing and to assist with on-campus employment for any student who is unable to travel home during breaks due to travel restrictions or other mitigating circumstances. Any request for consultation will be treated as strictly confidential. Please: do not hesitate to contact Leah, Julia or my office if you need assistance. As a reminder, if you experience any incident of harassment or discrimination, please report it by using our Bias Incident Report form.

I am also committed to continuing to advocate for the interests and well being of Lawrence University and the members of our community. I have joined higher education presidents from across the nation in adding my signature to a letter from the American Council on Education expressing concern about recent policy changes to the Director of Homeland Security. The letter expresses a hope that we can work together to “craft policies that secure us from those who wish to harm us, while welcoming those who seek to study, conduct research and scholarship, and contribute their knowledge and talents to our country.”

Many of us can readily trace our personal lineage back to a time when our ancestors were recent immigrants to this country. My grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe, almost certainly escaping their deaths because of their religion during World War II. My parents-in-law emigrated from South America in the 1950s at a time when the United States government had an explicit goal of recruiting medical doctors from abroad to ensure adequate coverage here in this country. I ask that we all reflect on our personal connections to this issue, whether it is in our own family history or the histories of those we know, as we reach out to members of our community who are justifiably concerned by recent events.



Note on Lawrence and FERPA (2/6/17)

Dear Lawrence community,

Recent events in the United States have made me, and perhaps many of you, focus more closely on our core values as a community of learners. We believe a Lawrence education provides opportunities to consider, analyze, and prepare us to solve the problems that face this nation and the world. Essential to this goal is the free exchange of ideas and the full representation of different viewpoints. This is not a value tied to any political party or presidential administration; rather, it is central to who we are and have been. For generations, students, faculty, and staff from around the globe have enriched our community and the learning we provide. As I stated in my message of January 11, the University will do everything in its power to ensure that all members of our community can continue to thrive here at Lawrence.

We are working to understand the implications of new immigration restrictions, even as judicial challenges have been made against them, and we are investigating options for making additional legal resources available to students, faculty, and staff. Even as we grapple with changes, we continue to maintain longstanding policies on the release of information, as well as admissions and hiring policies that foster a diverse and inclusive campus community. Additionally, our Human Resources office is about to announce a refresher training program on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). I strongly encourage all faculty and staff who have access to any student information to attend.

Given some of the confusion around these new immigration policies, we recommend that any student who does not hold a passport from the United States, and who is considering leaving the country, first discuss your plans with Leah McSorley, director of international student services. Likewise, we recommend that any faculty or staff member who does not hold a passport from the United States, and who is considering leaving the country, first discuss your plans with Julia Messitte, university counsel. Lawrence is prepared to arrange for housing and to assist with on-campus employment for any student who is unable to travel home during breaks due to travel restrictions or other mitigating circumstances. Any request for consultation will be treated as strictly confidential. Please: do not hesitate to contact Leah, Julia or my office if you need assistance. As a reminder, if you experience any incident of harassment or discrimination, please report it by using our Bias Incident Report form.

I am also committed to continuing to advocate for the interests and wellbeing of Lawrence University and the members of our community. I have joined higher education presidents from across the nation in adding my signature to a letter from the American Council on Education expressing concern about recent policy changes to the Director of Homeland Security. The letter expresses a hope that we can work together to “craft policies that secure us from those who wish to harm us, while welcoming those who seek to study, conduct research and scholarship, and contribute their knowledge and talents to our country.”

Many of us can readily trace our personal lineage back to a time when our ancestors were recent immigrants to this country. My grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe, almost certainly escaping their deaths because of their religion during World War II. My parents-in-law emigrated from South America in the 1950s at a time when the United States government had an explicit goal of recruiting medical doctors from abroad to ensure adequate coverage here in this country. I ask that we all reflect on our personal connections to this issue, whether it is in our own family history or the histories of those we know, as we reach out to members of our community who are justifiably concerned by recent events.



Note on Community, Citizenship, and Immigration (1/11/17)

Dear faculty, students, and staff,

Welcome back to campus!  It is a pleasure to have you return; you enliven what becomes a very quiet place during the break.  I hope all of you have come back refreshed and ready to learn.  We begin this year steadfast in our commitment to provide insight into the pressing issues that face the world and to create opportunities for learning how to foster communities that include people of different backgrounds and different perspectives.  As societies around the world become more polarized, we must rededicate our efforts to come together and learn as one community.  Here at Lawrence, even as we have made positive progress, there remains work to be done.

To those ends, Kimberly Barrett, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Dean of the Faculty has already sent a message, and Linda Morgan-Clement, the Julie Esch Hurvis Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life, will be in contact very soon with schedules of events planned for this winter and spring.  These events will provide opportunities for us to learn new skills in order to discuss the issues that face our communities and others around the globe.  You can also find a schedule of events on the Diversity and Inclusion page and on a new page for Spiritual and Religious Life at Lawrence.

At the end of fall term many of you asked about our policies and procedures regarding Lawrentians who are not citizens of the United States.  Our policy has been, and will continue to be, to create a welcoming and supportive community for all, without regard for citizenship status. 

For many years our policy and practice have been to protect the information of all members of our community to the fullest extent the law allows, and to establish mechanisms to attract the most talented students, faculty, and staff from around the globe.  We take seriously our obligation to uphold the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which sets forth strict conditions for releasing student information to any party, including government authorities.  While faculty and staff information is not governed by FERPA, we also respect and protect the privacy of our employees to the extent permitted by law.  We will not release any non-directory information, including citizenship or immigration status information, about any member of the Lawrence community without that person’s consent unless we are required to do so by lawful subpoena or other legal directive.

As a learning institution, two of our most central and enduring values are to support all community members and to foster an environment in which all can thrive.  We value a learning environment that includes difference in all forms.  We remain committed to considering any applicant for admission, regardless of their immigration or citizenship status.  We will also continue to consider institutional financial aid for students who may not hold a U.S. passport.  We will continue to recruit faculty and staff from around the world and to provide support and resources to non-U.S. citizens.  Support and resources can be found here.

During the coming weeks, we will continue to review our policies and procedures that relate to citizenship and immigration to identify opportunities for improvement.  All employees will also receive a refresher on FERPA and information security.  Please do not hesitate to contact me, Kimberly Barrett, or Julia Messitte our general counsel, if you have specific questions.

I look forward to seeing each of you on campus.  Again, welcome back.



Note on Education and FERPA (1/11/17)

Dear faculty, students, and staff,

Welcome back to campus!  It is a pleasure to have you return; you enliven what becomes a very quiet place during the break.  I hope all of you have come back refreshed and ready to learn.  We begin this year steadfast in our commitment to provide insight into the pressing issues that face the world and to create opportunities for learning how to foster communities that include people of different backgrounds and different perspectives.  As societies around the world become more polarized, we must rededicate our efforts to come together and learn as one community.  Here at Lawrence, even as we have made positive progress, there remains work to be done.

To those ends, Kimberly Barrett, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Dean of the Faculty has already sent a message, and Linda Morgan-Clement, the Julie Esch Hurvis Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life, will be in contact very soon with schedules of events planned for this winter and spring.  These events will provide opportunities for us to learn new skills in order to discuss the issues that face our communities and others around the globe.  You can also find a schedule of events on the Diversity and Inclusion page and on a new page for Spiritual and Religious Life at Lawrence.

At the end of fall term many of you asked about our policies and procedures regarding Lawrentians who are not citizens of the United States.  Our policy has been, and will continue to be, to create a welcoming and supportive community for all, without regard for citizenship status. 

For many years our policy and practice have been to protect the information of all members of our community to the fullest extent the law allows, and to establish mechanisms to attract the most talented students, faculty, and staff from around the globe.  We take seriously our obligation to uphold the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which sets forth strict conditions for releasing student information to any party, including government authorities.  While faculty and staff information is not governed by FERPA, we also respect and protect the privacy of our employees to the extent permitted by law.  We will not release any non-directory information, including citizenship or immigration status information, about any member of the Lawrence community without that person’s consent unless we are required to do so by lawful subpoena or other legal directive.

As a learning institution, two of our most central and enduring values are to support all community members and to foster an environment in which all can thrive.  We value a learning environment that includes difference in all forms.  We remain committed to considering any applicant for admission, regardless of their immigration or citizenship status.  We will also continue to consider institutional financial aid for students who may not hold a U.S. passport.  We will continue to recruit faculty and staff from around the world and to provide support and resources to non-U.S. citizens.  Support and resources can be found here.

During the coming weeks, we will continue to review our policies and procedures that relate to citizenship and immigration to identify opportunities for improvement.  All employees will also receive a refresher on FERPA and information security.  Please do not hesitate to contact me, Kimberly Barrett, or Julia Messitte our general counsel, if you have specific questions.

I look forward to seeing each of you on campus.  Again, welcome back.



Note to Campus Community on the Election (11/9/16)

Dear Lawrence community,

The recently concluded election cycle raised deep concerns for many of us, including me. The tenets of a Liberal Arts community: respect for others, openness to new, challenging ideas, and reliance on research to help determine solutions, were largely absent from the discourse. But, as we heard from many elected officials today, it is now time for all elements of this nation to come together, as Americans do after elections are over.

That is especially true for us, here, at Lawrence. Some members of our community feel deeply threatened by the outcome; others wonder what this transition will mean for their futures. Others, who are residents from other countries, find themselves participating at a major moment in the history of the U.S. It is now, more than ever, a time when we need to be present for one another and listen carefully for concerns which need to be addressed. This morning’s community gathering was a first step in that effort. Notes from that meeting are attached. Additional events will be posted on the Diversity and Inclusion web page under the “Post-Election Support” tab.

I take heart in knowing that you all join me in this effort.

In the past days a few members of the Fox Cities community have publicly demonstrated their prejudice. If at any point you feel your safety is at risk, please contact at once Campus Safety at x6999 or the Appleton Police Department at 911 or 920-832-5500.

I have faith we can work against this divisive trend in society and strengthen our community and the common values that bind us together.



Matriculation Convocation 2016: Together, Against the Current

Welcome to the academic year. I want to specifically welcome the freshman class, our transfer and Waseda students, the eight new tenure line faculty, their spouses and partners, and the many other new faculty and staff who join us this fall. I know you will extend a warm welcome to all new members of our community as you welcomed me close to four years ago.

I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the passing of Patrick Boleyn-Fitzgerald, the Edward F. Mielke Professor of Ethics in Medicine, Science and Society and Associate Professor of Philosophy. Patrick will be greatly missed. His teaching and writing has influenced many, including me.

Events of the past year have made me keenly aware of how important our work is here on this campus and on campuses across the country. Conflict around human difference, and the degradation of essential communities, abounded at home and throughout the world. The events of the past few months have reinforced my sense of this painful trend. We, and our leaders, seem to lack the skills we need to stem this tide. Establishing consensus and response even to basic threats, like the impact of the Zika virus, seem beyond our collective capability. Education, like Lawrence offers, can provide the skills to help resolve these conflicts and solve these problems. But I wonder: will continuing to perfect the education we offer be enough to move us forward or do we need to also rethink the nature of our community and our interactions within it?

National and world events, even events in Appleton and on other college campuses, have focused my attention, and probably yours as well, on what is basic to our common enterprise. Can we nurture a campus environment that embraces learning and enables us to grow as human beings? Can we enhance our curriculum to address the challenges that face society? Can we find ways to better connect the education we provide to the opportunities available to our graduates, and the life challenges they will face? Can we more deeply learn from the diversity on our campuses?

What makes this set of enduring questions even harder to answer is the societal trend to become more inflexible in its approach, less willing to rely on those knowledgeable for solutions, and less interested in listening to build consensus. Can we, here, at Lawrence, together, work against the social tendencies that have led to this crisis in our communities today?

Many scholars and teachers offer advice that reinforces impulses within our learning community. In preparation for this talk I decided to look for sources I rarely consult, to open my own thoughts to different perspectives. I have been especially grateful for insights offered by religious leaders regarding cooperation and learning.

For example: when asked about how to move toward a culture of cooperation, the future Pope Francis answered, “such a culture has, at its foundation, the idea that the other person has much to give me, that I have to be open to that person and listen, without judgment, without thinking that because his ideas are different from mine . . . he can’t offer me anything. That is not so. Everyone has something to offer, and everyone can receive something. Prejudging someone is like putting up a wall, which then prevents us from coming together.”

This idea, to find value in views that are different from our own is, I believe, one of the core tenets of a liberal arts education. In Appleton this last year, this value was not always embraced, but if learning is a process of transformational change, it starts with new ideas and that requires listening to what others say and think.

This theme of listening to a wide range of voices and ideas is echoed in many traditions including my own. Maimonides, probably one of the most important Jewish philosophers, said, “every human being can contribute to human wisdom and knowledge.” What makes this statement remarkable is that Maimonides was born in the twelfth century, during a time when Christians and Muslims intermittently persecuted the Jews. His open minded approach to learning not only provided Maimonides the framework for some of the most important philosophical texts for the Jewish religion, but also helped him lead advances in astronomy and medicine.

From an entirely different tradition, one hears similar words of wisdom. In The Heart of Understanding: Commentaries on the Heart Sutra, Thich Nhat Hanh (tĭk-nät-hän), states, “In Buddhism knowledge is regarded as an obstacle for understanding. If we take something to be the truth, we may cling to it so much that even if the truth comes and knocks at our door, we won’t want to let it in.”

If we listen to these philosophers, we begin to understand how important it is to sustain a learning community that is open to many different points of view. But this would require us to look for the positive in each contribution, rather than reverting to social media or other forums to criticize every expression of views that differ from our own. And it would also increase the need to teach and practice the ability to let understanding grow, even if it doesn’t conform to what we have always believed.

These are not simple challenges. Diana Eck recognized the difficulty in, A New Religious America: How a “Christian Country” Has Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation. She considers how the 9/11 attacks brought a new consciousness of the transformation of American society. She says: “Without question, some Americans are afraid of the changing face of our country. After all, the first response to difference is often suspicion and fear.”

This sense of our unease with change and difference was addressed earlier by John Dewey, one of the foremost philosophers on education of the last century. Dewey believed that the antecedent condition for learning is “to be uncertain, unsettled, disturbed.” We have learned that this state seems difficult to sustain when the social environment feels unsafe. But these voices lead us to wonder whether we might create a sense of communal safety even as we foster an environment that may feel disturbing and unsettling. Do we really need to reject everything new and unfamiliar when challenged with fear and uncertainty?

President Obama spoke to this problem in his commencement speech at Howard University last spring. Thinking about the way change happens in the world, he said: “don’t try to shut folks out . . . no matter how much you might disagree with them. There’s been a trend around the country of trying to get colleges to disinvite speakers with a different point of view, or disrupt a politician’s rally. Don’t do that — no matter how ridiculous or offensive you might find the things that come out of their mouths… That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t challenge them. Have the confidence to challenge them, the confidence in the rightness of your position… But listen. Engage. If the other side has a point, learn from them.”

Essayists have published hundreds of recent articles on the state of learning at colleges and the impulse to create more inclusive campus communities. These writers chronicle student protests, administrative and faculty responses, debates about names and the power they have to create equitable learning environments, and efforts to redefine intellectual freedom within this new context. Interest in these issues is so widespread, one wonders whether American society is using the college campus as a microcosm in which to search for solutions to the challenges that face us today.

One such article, “The Big Uneasy, What’s roiling the liberal-arts campus?” by Nathan Heller for The New Yorker, examined the current campus experience primarily through the lens of events at Oberlin but also with a nod toward Yale, Claremont McKenna, Ithaca, and Harvard. Heller’s description of events on those campuses reminded me of the pain we all felt and the conflicts we have had with each other here over the past year together. Heller’s article included student and faculty voices that argued against the belief that learning and personal growth are central to the work of the educational community we call college. It seems some of us no longer share the central mission of college of “changing lives,” but expect college to be a four-year holding tank where students, faculty, and staff can act out their identities in opposition to each other. Have we, as liberal arts communities, lost our central commitment to learning, growth, and human development?

I was heartened to read in The Lawrentian’s Welcome Week Edition that many columnists still believe that changing lives is at the core of a college education. They speak about the importance of personal growth and change; they give us hope that we, as a community, will take the path of openness, cooperation, readiness to listen, and to change.

Listening last spring to our visiting Scarff Professor, George Rupp’s lecture on campus, I wondered whether recommitment to the goals of learning, intellectual openness, growth, and human development might be only part of the task that faces us at Lawrence, and colleges across the country, as we prepare our students to be global citizens in this difficult world. When I attended this lecture I was not entirely open to new understanding, as the Buddhist teachings suggest. I joined the session to fulfill my role as host, hoping to spend more time with my longtime colleagues George and his wife Nancy. But what I heard was a deep and sophisticated critique of western individualism, which Rupp believes, is preventing the United States and other western countries from providing leadership to find solutions to global problems.

In Beyond Individualism: The Challenge of Inclusive Communities, Rupp speaks from his experience as dean of the divinity school at Harvard, president of Rice and Columbia, and most recently president of the International Rescue Committee, the largest refugee resettlement organization in the world. He writes: “to put the overall argument bluntly, the modern Western individualism so many of us (including me) know and love has led us into a global dead end – or, to mix metaphors for a slightly more positive image, to a wide channel so shallow that it is tough to navigate without running aground.” Rupp believes this primarily secular focus on the self prevents us from understanding the deep roots of community that form the framework for many societies around the world.

As you would expect given his experiences and commitments, Rupp is passionate about the role education can play in changing this dynamic. He hopes that, “one outcome of our education will be that we develop what psychologists call ‘tolerance of ambiguity’.” Not certainty, not knowledge, but ambiguity. He believes that “We need to compare what is generally accepted here and now, with what has been different elsewhere or might one day be different here. Such constructive criticism is the opposite of cynicism. It is engaged. It searches. It cares.” He wants us to foster learning environments that help us “To engage in a lover’s quarrel with our world, a quarrel that expresses restlessness with what is, on behalf of what might be.” Can we sustain this “lover’s quarrel” and also provide a welcoming and supportive community for all of our members?

Like hundreds of other college presidents this fall, I wish I could offer you more answers, fewer questions today. But I believe we are in the heart of an important process that requires all of us to move forward. I believe you join me in the desire to feel confident again in the strength of our community to support all its members. I believe we all desire to strengthen the rigorous and challenging education that is a hallmark of the Lawrence experience. We need to trust that we are together in this process. I know we have what it takes to recreate our learning community to meet our aspirations. This challenge need not weaken us. Rather, we are strengthened by the shared search for new and better answers.

Finally, I thought back to my own liberal arts education and the impact it has had on my life and choices I have made. As a history major at Vassar, I was required to take at least one class beyond the staple of European and American history offerings. My first foray in this direction, which at best I came to ambivalently, was a course on modern African history. As we at Lawrence would hope, the course turned into one of the most important of my undergraduate career. Through this survey course I fell in love with the nation-building period, especially with Leopold Senghor and Julius Nyerere, the first leaders of Senegal and Tanzania. Senghor’s combination of literary and political mind, and Nyerere’s steadfast vision for his nation and
people inspired hope and awe in me.

In his 1971 commencement address at University of Vermont upon receiving an honorary degree, Senghor spoke movingly of the promise of America: “ . . . you have all the necessary ingredients, it is you who can give it a truly universal dimension. Your population is composed of every major European and Asian ethnic group, but even more important, those from Africa as well . . . Thus it is the Americans, more particularly the United States, which already anticipates the world of the twenty-first century and holds in its strong but faltering hands not only its own destiny, but the destiny of the entire world.” Senghor’s life, in two worlds, African nation building and French culture, led him to an understanding of the promise we still need to realize.

If we teach and learn anything together it is the power of overcoming doubt and uncertainty. This skill is essential at a time when much is unclear about the future. We need to have confidence that considering a wide range of ideas, of debate, and change will make us stronger. I hope this vision can guide our work this year. I am honored and glad to join you in a continuing endeavor to reach Senghor’s lofty goal for us and to sustain this learning community we call Lawrence. I look forward to seeing how we, together, engage this year with the challenge he described.

Thank you.

Note to the Campus Community on the Events of Summer 2016 (8/16/16)

Dear Members of the Lawrence Community,

Like many of us, I am deeply troubled by the events of this past summer.  So much violence and so many lives lost, both here in the United States and abroad, that underlined society’s conflicts about race, sexual orientation, and religion.  Each week seemed to bring more tragedy, more sources of division in the world at large.  Even more concerning to me was the lack of real discussion and progress toward solutions for the issues that troubled us in the United States.  In many ways the presidential election and its coverage by the media seem to be exacerbating this situation rather than providing us with opportunities to discuss these issues and find common ground.

At a memorial service in Dallas, President Obama said: “I know that Americans are struggling right now with what we’ve witnessed over the past week.  All of it has left us wounded, and angry, and hurt.  It’s as if the deepest fault lines of our democracy have suddenly been exposed, perhaps even widened.  And although we know that such divisions are not new ̶ though they have surely been worse in even the recent past ̶ that offers us little comfort.”

Many of us now return to campus carrying the pain of these events.  Even here, the past year was marked by slights and insults posted on social media and shared in discussion on campus.  As a liberal arts college, one of our core beliefs is addressing the complex issues that face society today through thoughtful discussion and careful research of all points of view.  We, as a community, must find ways to work against the stream of outside events, to create a learning community here that is a hallmark of the Lawrence experience.  I ask each of us to join in reaffirming our core principles. 

As former President George W. Bush said at the Dallas memorial, “Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.  And this has strained our bonds of understanding and common purpose.  But Americans, I think, have a great advantage.  To renew our unity, we only need to remember our values.  We have never been held together by blood or background.  We are bound by things of the spirit, by shared commitments to common ideals.  At our best, we practice empathy, imagining ourselves in the lives and circumstances of others.  This is the bridge across our nation’s deepest divisions.”

We at Lawrence believe that difference makes us stronger as a community; difference provides us opportunities to learn and to grow.  As we begin this academic year, I ask you to think of the words and intent of President Obama and former President Bush.  We can and should choose another path as a campus community here at Lawrence.  Whatever our individual political and social viewpoint, racial, ethnic or gender identities, sexual orientation, or religious creed, we must uphold Lawrence’s commitment to maintaining a learning community that welcomes and supports us all.  That fosters civil discourse.

We have put in place a number of initiatives this fall in support of this aim, and I want to thank all of you who have worked hard to make this possible.  Dean Lauderdale will launch Lawrence’s version of Sustained Dialogue a national program focused on training students, faculty, and staff to be effective small group discussion leaders and to engage in meaningful dialogue about relevant and sometimes difficult topics.  Sustained Dialogue professionals will begin training on the Lawrence campus October 21.

The Curriculum Committee will continue to rewrite the university’s statement on academic freedom.  This important work will help us to see more clearly how the classroom, the studio, and the laboratory can foster open and challenging conversation, intellectual engagement, and enhance mutual understanding.  Many new courses this year will explore the issue of difference and hopefully give us a chance to practice the art of civil discourse and develop the skills of collective problem solving that seem to be so necessary now. 

I know this has been a trying time for many of us personally.  I urge all of us to show compassion for one another as we process the latest tragedies and developments in our own ways.  I encourage you to prioritize your own well-being and that of fellow community members.  The university resources listed below stand ready to help you process these events and help determine your own personal response.  

This coming week we welcome over 400 new students and more than a dozen new faculty and staff to our campus.  Let us encourage constructive discourse throughout our community.  Let us reject violence, whether physical or rhetorical.  Together we can create the considerate, respectful, caring environment that makes us proud to call this place home.

I look forward to seeing you on campus in the coming weeks.



Mark Burstein

President, Lawrence University


University Resources:

Health and Wellness Center – for health, counseling and wellness: or 920-832-6574

Employee Assistance Program for staff and faculty:  For more information, contact ASSIST EAP at 1-800-222-8590 and identify yourself as a participant of Lawrence University’s ASSIST EAP, or log on to AssistERC.

Diversity Center:  stop by first floor of Memorial Hall or contact Pa Lee Moua, Associate Dean of Students for Diversity at or 920-832-7030 or Chris Vue, Diversity Center Coordinator at or 920-832-6695

Curt Lauderdale, Dean of Students

Contact Curt at: or 920-832-6596

Kimberly Barrett, Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion and Associate Dean of the Faculty

Contact Kimberly at: or 920-832-7451

Rev. Linda Morgan-Clement, Julie Esch Hurvis Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life

Contact Linda at: or 920-832-6673

Rochelle Blindauer, Director of Human Resources

Contact Rochelle at: or 920-832-6541

Note on Inclusive Community (11/25/15)

Dear Lawrence Community,

When I interviewed to be president four years ago, what struck me most about Lawrence were the strong connections among students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Every interaction displayed a common purpose and a shared vision of our University. Encountering a community driven by this impulse, to connect with and to support one another, to consider the University first, made my decision to join Lawrence a simple one. Events over this past week have further highlighted the importance of working together to make Lawrence a more welcoming and supportive community in which all students can thrive.

It is clear we have work to do to become the inclusive community we aspire to be. By the beginning of winter term the administration will offer a response to the requests submitted to Dean Lauderdale and me. I hope the actions we take will provide more opportunity for all of us to better understand central questions around race, identity, and the searing impact of racism. I also believe we must continue to take steps to ensure that all students, faculty and staff at Lawrence can thrive and feel at home on campus and in Appleton. Recent events have convinced many members of our community who spoke with me that these steps must be taken.

I believe we can restore the bonds that connect us as a community of learning and exploration. Freedom of inquiry and expression forms the bedrock of our education; it prepares Lawrentians for success in the greater world. As we strive to become a more inclusive community, in which respect for difference is the norm, we also need to ensure that different points of view and interests can be shared and discussed. I believe we have the will and the ability to sustain such a learning community if we work together.

I wish you all a happy holiday season and a restful break. Over the next few weeks members of the administration and I will work to develop ways for us to continue to make progress toward our goal of creating a better Lawrence. I look forward to the start of Winter Term when we can pick up this community conversation and take up this vital work together.



Email to Parents and Alumni on Inclusive Community (11/20/15)

Dear Lawrence parents and alumni,

Through the fall, students at many colleges and universities have pressed issues of racism and the need for more inclusive communities. Lawrence students joined this conversation by demonstrating in downtown Appleton and presenting a list of requests to me Tuesday night. Since then students, faculty, and staff have debated the merits of these requests through social media, in classrooms, and on campus. We need to work toward civil discourse as a community so that we can discuss our different opinions in a constructive way.

Some of the core student demands are ones we have investigated and discussed over the past year. They connect directly with existing initiatives, which would strengthen the education we offer. At the same time, we need to reinforce the value of free exchange of different opinions and perspectives. Our classrooms must remain places where open exchange is possible. As we develop ways to enhance the study of race and identity in our curriculum, and as we work to create a campus community, where all students can thrive, our efforts will be strengthened by continuing conversation among us. This is true for institutions across the country. And it is central to our learning environment.

I have attached a letter sent on Monday, from me to the campus community, as well as one sent by Vice President Truesdell yesterday. Please feel free to contact me or other campus colleagues if more information would be helpful .I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and I hope our paths cross soon.

