Springtime In Appleton?

by Romelle Loiseau on May 5, 2014

Greetings! I’m writing this from my bedroom desk as it is raining and too cold to be outside on the green lawn. Sounds like Spring in Appleton (or a really late Winter). Lately, Spring has been taking it’s sweet time to arrive, forcing me to wear a winter coat in April. Still, even as troubling as the weather may be, I’m enjoying my final term as a junior here at Lawrence University!

If it’s one thing you gain from being a student at Lawrence University, it’s learning how to deal with very, challenging weather! Being a motivated student is key! Being that it is my third year as a student here, I find easy to motivate myself through trivial weather. Besides, it’s very rewarding when the warm weather rolls around in mid-May, because by then, most of us feel like we have earned it!

Classes are going well. It has been great having my three classes split up between every day of the business week, since It helps with time management. When I was a freshman, my classes were almost always on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s, leaving all of Tuesday’s and Thursday’s open. Sitting through three straight classes in one day was exhausting! Now, I have two classes on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s, and one on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Balance is certainly important to the life of a student at Lawrence.

As I get closer to becoming a senior student here at Lawrence University, I am more and more fascinated with the idea of conducting my own senior research, as well as presenting on it! As I mentioned before, I am doing a focus on plants and regulated cell death, presented in the format of a website! How awesome is that? Anyway, I have been taking plant related courses all year, and have been working with some professors on gathering previously written scientific articles/journals revolving around the topic. It’s cool to have the freedom to take what ever kind of classes I want within my major, (this becomes even cooler once you are an upperclassman, since you have most of the intro sequences done).

Lately, I’ve been using things like basketball and music during my freetime in order to help me balance out my academic workload. It’s been a great release, and has helped me maintain interest. Lawrence has never made me feel limited in terms of what kind of outlets I have available to me as means for destressing. I have been playing on campus shows, playing instramural basketball, and even exploring some new areas in Appleton (the weather doesn’t let me do this as much as I would want to, but still).

Our two admitted student days occured this April, and seemed to be a huge success! I got to meet a lot of new faces and even share some discussion with some of them when they sat in on my classes. Visiting colleges as a prospective student is very important because it provides a brief, yet exciting, lenz for the prospective student to scope through for a day or two. When I was a senior in high-school, I visited Lawrence witha few other friends of mine from back home in New York and New Jersey and I’ll tell you what: It made ALL of the difference. So, all in all, it’s great to see so high-school students taking advantage of the opportunity being offered at Lawrence on admitted students day.

I’m excited to check back in with you all in a few weeks, when my term will be nearing it’s conclusion and things will be a bit more hectic on the academic side. Moral of this episodes story: patience is always rewarded handsomely (especially near mid-May in Appleton, Wisconsin)! See ya!

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