WELLU: The Freshman Fifteen

by Charlotte Noble on May 2, 2016

We all know the story of the Freshman Fifteen. The studly young high school grads leave for school, and by the time they return home for winter break, a 15 pound spare tire has appeared from stressful nights, pizza parties and full access to buffet style meals every. single. day. This urban legend has tiptoed around campuses for decades, but is such a thing avoidable here at Lawrence, or does it even exist? I, self-proclaimed investigative reporter of all things yummy, healthy, lazy and active, plan to find out.

First of all, no, the freshman fifteen doesn’t magically appear on your body the moment after you hug your parents good bye at orientation. I’ve found that college is a major lifestyle change, and like all new things in life, it can affect your mind and body. Personally, in the year and a half I’ve been at college, I’ve watched friends, and even myself ride different trains of weight, gaining muscle, losing fat, and the other way around. It’s very easy to fluctuate 15 pounds: up or down. And like we all know, it’s not what the scale says that’s important, but rather being healthy overall. So in that line of thought, here are some ways to stay healthy at LU.



Here on campus we have the wonderful Buchanan Kiewit Wellness Center. In the Wellness Center, students have complete access to a cardio room, weight room, full gymnasium, indoor track, free weights, multi-purpose room, racquetball courts, Olympic sized swimming pool, mats, medicine balls; it has the works. If you arrive there around 7:15 any given weekday morning, you’ll find a slightly sleepy college sophomore clad in sweats walking down the stairs to begin her workout: spoiler alert, it’s me. As someone who considers themselves a lover (and sometimes a hater, cause leg day, am I right?) of working out, I love the Wellness Center. Most students take advantage of its facilities weekly, if not daily. I find it to suit almost all exercise related needs, and would recommend taking advantage of it to anyone trying to stay healthy.


Although Lawrence is a school full of academics, let’s be honest, nerds; we still have 22 varsity sports. For these varsity sports, students try out, get placed in the team, train together, and develop some great friendships. But if you’re anything like me, and can’t be trusted with a ball, stick, paddle, fencing sword, etc, look to intramurals. Anyone with a few friends and a love of the game can jump in on one of our many low commitment, high fun, sports. While I’ve never taken advantage of this myself, many students use sports to keep their health on track (pun intended).



Here’s mine, he doesn’t say much, but he’s the only other person willing to be at the gym at 7am everyday. But all jokes aside, having a friend to join you is one of the best ways to keep yourself honest about your fitness. Being the bright kids we are here at LU, most students are health conscious, and it’s not hard to find someone who wants to join you in some healthy activities. Students also have the option to work with trainers at the Wellness Center, which can be either other students, or an employee of the school.


TGFY: Thank God for Yoga. Lawrence offers some classes during the week for wellness, including yoga, dance based classes, self-defense classes, etc. These are always changing, but also always posted online and around campus.


Of course, it’s not all about what you do with your body, but what you put in too. It’s easy to eat poorly at college. Ask the big bowl of ice cream I had with dinner a couple nights ago or the French toast served in Andrew Commons this morning. However, it is also easy to eat well here at LU. Thanks to Bon Appetit, our meal provider, there are plenty of interesting, healthy options available in Andrew Commons, and the other places to get food on campus. This, of course, requires plenty of self control, but salads, fruit, veggies, vegan and vegetarian options are always available.

So overall, while like in all stages of life, being healthy at college is 100% up to the person. Dorm snacks, calorie filled drinks, and stressed-induced cheeto binges will always be available, but, at least here at LU, there’s always the option to get in your run, eat a salad, play a game of soccer, and stay healthy no matter what 15 pounds you gain or lose.

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