Election Day at Lawrence

November 6, 2014

It is midterm time at Lawrence again, although not in the classroom, but at the polls. Even inside the “Lawrence Bubble” campus has been buzzing in anticipation of midterm elections for some closely contested Wisconsin races. In Wisconsin the laws allow for voters to register up to and including Election Day. The laws also allow […]

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Off to the Netherlands!

November 3, 2014

Hello again! For this post I’m filling you guys in after just returning from my first vacation! My program includes two vacations that somewhat weirdly last for only four days each and take place one weekend after another. Believe me, I’m not complaining about the vacations themselves – but it would be nice not have […]

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Starting Out the 2014-2015 School Year

November 3, 2014

It’s been a bit over four months since my last blog post, so I thought I would start out my blog-posting year by writing one about my year thus far! This year, I am excited about my classes, and the ones that I’m taking this particular term are Psychology of Music, Trumpet Lessons, and Conducting. […]

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A trip to remember!

November 2, 2014

Hello again! What a busy two weeks it has been! Last week was a shortened academic week because of midterm reading period, which is a lovely four day break from classes and most activities in the middle of the term (Thursday through Sunday). On Wednesday and Thursday of reading period, I went on an arts […]

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Cross Country and Life at Lawrence

October 22, 2014

Fall term is my favorite term of the year. Everyone is back on campus, the weather is still decent and the leaves change to beautiful colors, and it is cross country season. I have been running competitively since 7th grade and just for fun since 4th grade. I knew when I began my college search […]

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