Brian Piasecki

Author: Brian Piasecki

Strategies for classroom observations (for observers and observees) with Professor Chloe Armstrong (Philosophy)

On Tuesday, November 9, 2021 from 4:30-5:30PM via Zoom, Professor Armstrong (Philosophy) will give a 25-minute presentation on strategies that serve a range of goals, including the modeling of new pedagogical innovations, data collection on experimental teaching and new practices, revising current practices, peer-to-peer observations, self-observations using recorded materials from remote course content, and classroom observations that may serve in the promotion and reappointment process. After the presentation, she will host a 30-minute question and answer (not recorded) session. An RSVP is encouraged but everyone is warmly welcome regardless!

And in keeping in our support for the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) initiative, we’ve outlined the workshop’s Tasks, Purposes, and Criteria below.


To learn about strategies and best practices for classroom observations for observers and observees developed by the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching.


Attend the live presentation with Q&A session or watch the recorded presentation. Participants will be provided with an electronic template fordata collection and guidance for before, during, and after a class visit.


Attend the live presentation with Q&A session or watch the recorded presentation. At the end of the workshop, we hope that you will be willing to share your intention to apply some of what you learn in your next observation with the Inclusive Pedagogy Committee!

HHMI Inclusive Excellence Grant & Inclusive Pedagogy Committee