Changes required for Spring 2020

Class Share Folders

Those of you who routinely use network class_share folders will need to adopt a new strategy for the spring term. In general, if you have files that are smaller than 200 MB, use Moodle as your file repository. There is no limit to the number of files you can store in Moodle, but each file does need to be under 200 MB.

If you have files that are over 200 MB, place them in a OneDrive folder and share the OneDrive folder with your class.


If you have DVD’s that you would normally put on reserve in the library for students to watch, email Pete Gilbert.

Student Presentations

If possible, plan to use Zoom to have your students give live presentations. If the synchronous nature of live presentations is a problem for your course, consider asking students to use some combination of YouTube, PowerPoint, or Zoom to record their presentations and upload them to Moodle.


The YouTube mobile app makes it very easy to record, auto-upload, set privacy settings (we recommend “Unlisted”) on the video, and to get a link back that could be posted as an assignment for you to assess, or to the Moodle forum if all students need to view it.  See this tutorial


If students are encouraged to use PowerPoint, have them produce a narrated PowerPoint video and upload that to YouTube (or to Moodle if it’s small enough).


If a mix of “talking head” and “slides” is best, a student can make a recording using Zoom in the same way you can be clicking record in Zoom, sharing a window, presenting, and then stopping the recording. If video editing is required, a saved Zoom recording could be opened in a video editor like iMovie.