Messiaen web resource

Gene Biringer, David Berk, and Howard Niblock have created a web resource for Olivier Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time, the Freshman Studies musical work this year. The web site contains historical and theoretical background information as well as graphical form sketches for each movement. The web site is accessible at:

Certain materials are only accessible from on-campus.

MyElectionDecision continues to draw a lot of interest from around the country. I encourage everyone to take it for a spin and let us know what you think by sending an email to

The project was created within Moodle with additional (and amazing!) PHP code contributed by Greg Blike, a computer science student at Lawrence. Greg built the entire module that displays the survey results indicating which candidate you most agree with (which is by far the coolest part of the site!).

The next phase of the project will give registered users a chance to engage in small group discussion with other MyElectionDecision users. Stay tuned for more details.