Well, after 5 1/2 months abroad, I’m back at Lawrence! It’s a little weird being back and getting back in to the swing of things – but I think I’m adjusting well! It was a little hard at first because I got off the plane on January 3rd and moved back in on the 5th, so I was still a little jet-lagged at first.
It’s the middle of third week here already, which is just crazy to me! The time has already gone by so fast!
Week One was filled with COLD! That was the week of the “Polar Vortex” or whatever they were calling it… It got to about -40 with the windchill! Brr! Good thing I’m from Wisconsin and I’m pretty used to it – although I was spoiled in Berlin with warm (ish) weather. It was great seeing all of my friends that I hadn’t seen (or had only seen through Skype) again! I went abroad fall term of my junior year, which is when a lot of students at Lawrence go abroad, so a lot of my friends were abroad the same time I was. Two of them are actually still abroad this term, so I won’t get to see them until Spring Term!

This is at my grandparents house in Wisconsin, about a day after I got back!
Week Two was a lot warmer – although I’m pretty sure after -40 degree weather anything above 0 feels like Florida! 🙂 It snowed a lot this week and I finally made it back in to the library! I tend to spend a lot of time in the library (my friends and I have a “library study group”) since I do my homework best there. If I try to do homework in my room, I tend to either fall asleep or watch Netflix! I had a couple of meetings with various professors to set up Independent Studies and to figure out what classes to take next year (I’ll be a senior).
And now it’s already Week Three! It’s crazy how time flies! Yesterday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, so Lawrence didn’t have classes. Students are encouraged to volunteer for all or part of the day at various places around Appleton. I have participated in the past, but I had a meeting right in the middle of the day yesterday, so unfortunately I couldn’t participate. My meeting was for the CARE Lab, which is a lab in the Psychology department here that does research in emotion. Right now we’re working on a study with youth emotion, which I also worked on as a Research Assistant this summer! Right now we’re mainly doing data analyses, and I’m actually presenting some of our findings (and so are two other students) at a conference in Austin in March! I’m really excited about it, but also a little nervous because I have to finish the poster in about a month…it’s going to be a busy month!
That’s it for now, in my next post I’ll talk about my classes that I’m taking and a little bit more about Research at Lawrence!