My friend and I in Sedona
So the acronym isn’t the most appealing, but everything that comes with it is much more exciting. Spring Term is my favorite time at Lawrence. The grass gets green, the weather gets warmer (hopefully) and there is no shortage of fun events and hanging out with friends on Main Hall green or the Quad. And as a senior, there’s even more to look foward to, like 50 days until graduation next week and a free TimberRattlers game in just a few weeks time!
But rewinding just a bit…SPRING BREAK!!! This year I ended up going to Arizona with a good friend of mine and I stayed at her house for a week. During that time I met her family and friends and we managed to get to Scottsdale, Tuscon and Sedona. Oh, and there was also time to tan by the pool and meet up with some other Lawrence friends in the area for break – such a welcome break from the stress of finals. I absolutely loved the red rocks of Sedona and the dry heat of the desert environment. But I think I was most excited to see Tuscon and get a chance to retrace some of my mom’s footsteps when she was a student at the University of Arizona more than three decades ago! We got to stop by her old dorm, visit the gallery of one of her favorite artists and were thisclose to the Mexican border when we visited the San Xavier mission.
Coming back to Lawrence for my last term brought another burst of winter and a new slew of classes. My favorite so far is Language and the Law. It’s a linguistics course that studies how the use of language impacts interrogation, courtroom proceedings, and any interactions between suspects and police officers. We look at things like trials, false confessions, requests for an attorney and consenual searches. Considering that I did my capstone on false confessions and how fascinated I am by the criminal justice system, this course is perfect for me and has really solidified my desire to be involved with the legal system in some capacity.
Other than school work, a lot of my time at the moment is spent thinking about or applying for jobs for next year. I’ve had an extended interview for an AmeriCorps position so far this term and my applications for other jobs are in the process of being reviewed at the moment. So until I hear back sometime in May about the outcome, I’ll just be waiting…