Wait, are you sure this isn’t Winter Term?

by Stephanie Vahlsing on April 27, 2014

Okay, yes technically it’s Spring Term.  And I swear that Wisconsin usually warms up in April. The key word there is usually.  This year, winter seems to really want to hold on.  The good news is that it hasn’t snowed in just about two weeks.  The bad news is that it was 35 degress and windy today.  It’s also supposed to rain all week…but April showers bring May flowers, right?? I hope so! At least this means that summer will probably be swelteringly hot all of the time!


This term has actually been going really well so far!  I’ve even had –gasp– some free time!  (I’m just joking, I do have free time other terms as well!)  I’m taking my first for-fun class this term, which has been kind of an adjustment for me.  I’ve been really focused on my majors, but this term as well as next year I’m finding myself with a lot of extra slots for classes.  My for-fun class this term is a History class about Europe from 1851-1990.  Since I am a German major, there is a lot of overlap so far with German history, but obviously we’re learning about all of Europe!

My other two classes are a German class (Migrants and German culture) and a Psychology class (Child Clinical Psychology).  They’re both for my majors, and I like both of them.  My Child Clinical class is really awesome!  We’re learning how to interview parents and children right now.  Towards the end of the term we’re actually going to be interviewing real families!  This is something that I’m considering going in to after graduate school, so this class is really useful as well as awesome!  My German class is pretty interesting too.  We’ve been reading a lot of texts about people who have emigrated to Germany and we’ve also watched two movies.

My highlight of the past few weeks was actually going to the Performing Arts Center (just down the street from campus) to see Beauty and the Beast with my grandparents!  The PAC has awesome shows, and does student rush for most of them!  Sometimes, dorms at Lawrence will get a bunch of tickets at a reduced price, which is awesome. Since it was Beauty and the Beast there were a lot of little girls there dressed up in their “Belle” dresses – which was super cute!  I went to the PAC last year as well and saw Lion King…I swear they don’t do just Disney musicals! 🙂  I also swear I go to more plays/musicals than just Disney!  A few of my friends went and saw “Wicked” last term, and in June they are performing “Phantom of the Opera”!  If they do student rush for Phantom, I’m definitely going!




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