What’s a “Midterm Reading Period”?

by Stephanie Vahlsing on May 12, 2014

Ahh Midterm Reading Period we meet again!

Reading Period is something given to us from the Lawrence gods as a reward for getting through midterms (at least that’s my conjecture).  It (almost) always happens after midterms, although it does sometimes depend on classes.  Basically, we get Thursday and Friday off of classes.  A lot of people go home during reading period (which happens every term).  Even though I’m from pretty close (45 minutes south of Appleton), I don’t usually go home.  I prefer to stay on campus to relax and work.  If you remember my last post, we weren’t exactly having spring yet, even though it was April!  But this week, Mother Nature finally smiled down upon Appleton and spring has arrived (and hopefully will stay).

Since it’s Reading Period, my friends and I spend all day yesterday and today outside enjoying the weather!  We did some homework, but mostly hung out and played cards.  It was so lovely to just spend time outside again!  I am paying for it a little bit since I got a pretty nasty sunburn, but I’m still happy that I was able to be outside without a jacket or sweater!  It was also really nice to see other Lawrentians out and about playing frisbee, soccer, and football.  My friends and I love playing frisbee, volleyball, and football outside, so I’m sure we’ll start doing that soon!  We actually went bowling on Wednesday night which was a blast (even though I lost horribly!)


This term has been going really well for me so far, and I’ve actually had quite a bit of free time which has been really nice.   Honestly, I have spent some of it catching up on my favorite shows (Big Bang Theory, anyone?).  Other than that, I’ve been trying to work ahead a bit (I know, I’m kind of boring).  I have also started studying a little bit for the GRE.  The GRE is the test that you take to get in to grad school (like the ACT and SAT).  I will be a senior next year, so I’ll be taking the GRE in the fall, right before I apply to grad schools.

I just recently decided that I will be going for my Masters in Social Work, which I’m actually really excited about.  There are a lot of different job opportunities, and my background in Psychology is perfect for Social Work!  I have no idea where I’m going to apply to, but I’ve started researching different grad schools and I’ll probably decide by mid-summer.

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