Dancing with Professors?!

February 9, 2015

Hi again! It’s been such a busy couple of weeks here, and we are finally in the home stretch before our beloved mid-term reading period! Reading period is basically a long weekend (Wednesday through Sunday) that starts in the middle of 6th week, and it’s a great chance to relax a little bit, catch up […]

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Student Bands at LU

February 4, 2015

Recently, the small house that I live in had it’s once-a-term party.  It was a great party, and one of the things that I enjoy most about our parties is the live music.  It’s something that is unique about Lawrence, in my opinion.  Here on campus, we have a number of bands that students have […]

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Sam Smith and other blog-worthy moments

February 3, 2015

Friends! I’m checking in with you guys at the very start of my fifth week back on campus. What? It’s February already?! I can’t believe I’ve been here for a month when I can still vividly picture myself back in France. Madness. Anyway, during the last two weeks I’ve managed to have some fun in […]

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Trivia Weekend!

January 26, 2015

This weekend is one of the most exciting weekends at Lawrence! It’s our 50th annual trivia weekend, known officially as the Great Midwest Trivia Contest, and it is arguably Lawrence’s best known tradition. Basically, it’s a 50 hour trivia contest (Friday 10 pm until Sunday at midnight) that happens every year during the last weekend […]

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Back at LU!

January 21, 2015

Hey there friends. In case the title didn’t give it away, I’m back from studying abroad! My time in France was equals parts amazing, challenging, and insightful, but nevertheless I’m happy to be back in good ole Appleton. Seeing everyone again has been great, but I don’t think I could have predicted how difficult the […]

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