Visiting Time!

March 9, 2015

Greetings! It’s the eve of tenth week, which is the last full week of the term, and it’s hard to believe that it’s almost spring break! It’s actually really starting to feel like spring; this weekend was very warm, the snow is melting, and it’s so nice to be able to go outside without a […]

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Near the bitter end

March 3, 2015

Bonsoir mes amis! Good evening everyone! It’s a cold, Thursday evening here in Appleton, and I am checking in with you guys as I’m also listening to some George Ezra softly on my computer. The time is dwindling away in this winter term. In fact, there’s only about three weeks left! Unfortunately, I tend to become […]

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Winter Term Reading Period

February 26, 2015

This term, I spent my first entire reading period on campus.  This is my third year here, but, somehow, I managed to make it until a few days ago without spending a midterm reading period on campus! At first, I was sad because some of my favorite people were leaving for the four-day break–but it […]

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Reading period, opera, and more!

February 23, 2015

Hi everyone! So much has happened in the past two weeks, but I’ll make sure to cover the highlights! Reading period, our extended weekend after midterms, was a relaxing and well-needed break, and it was wonderful to be able to rejuvenate and catch up on everything. On Friday night of reading period, my friend Linnea […]

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Doritos and reading period

February 18, 2015

Hello again! I think this blog post is going to be in two parts. I’ll start it now, and give you guys an update about this week but then I’ll do the second half at the end of the weekend. Oh man – don’t you just love format changes?! Woo-hoo! Okay, down to business. Currently, […]

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