Dorms! A guide to living options for incoming freshmen

April 21, 2015

Hello again! It’s been quite a while since I’ve posted, and I hope everything has been going well since I last have. Today I have a fun topic that I get to cover for you guys! Normally, I try to give some examples of what’s going on in my life. Which, as intriguing as that […]

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Nice Weather and Exciting Times!

April 19, 2015

Hi everyone! At last it has warmed up and turned into spring here in Appleton! It’s been quite a beautiful week weather-wise; warm temperatures (50s and 60s!), sunny skies, and the snow has all melted and made way for green grass and flowers! The university decided to plant beautiful white crocuses in various locations all […]

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Clear Skies and Sunshine in Third Week

April 14, 2015

The beginning of third week here at Lawrence has brought beautiful weather–a welcome relief from those cold Wisconsin winters! I know I’m happy to be trading in freezing temperatures for Birkenstock weather, but I also am thankful for the winters here, as they make me appreciate the spring even more when it finally arrives. Since […]

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Spring Term Beginnings!

April 7, 2015

Hi everyone! It’s the second week back from spring break, and it’s quite a busy one! Because terms are only ten weeks long here at Lawrence (we have three 10-week terms per year), classes (and life) are very fast-paced, so there is often quite a bit of work to do for classes even during first […]

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10th week and Spring Break on the horizon!

March 12, 2015

Good evening everyone! I’m checking in with you all on a Wednesday evening in the middle of 10th week, our last week of Winter term classes here at Lawrence. Although classes are winding down, end-of-the term papers and projects are due this week! So, life has been busy, that’s for sure, but Wisconsin has given […]

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