Rocks, rocks and more ROCKS!

May 10, 2016

Midterms… one of the most dreaded times of the term (second to finals). But the silver lining of all the testing is midterm reading period!! We get a four day weekend, and most people go home or go on other trips put together by groups on campus. This midterm reading period my friends and I, […]

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Reading Period

May 9, 2016

Reading period is a favorite time for many Lawrentians. You may ask “What is reading Period?” So, to answer your questions I asked a few of my friends to explain what reading period is. “Reading period is a time to relax, recuperate and catch up in the middle of the term. Despite the name, there […]

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6 Down, 4 to Go

May 9, 2016

We just finished reading period of the third term at Lawrence and I have to say, it was necessary. For me, as we wind our way down to the last few weeks, school can get pretty exhausting when I know that I am so close to being done. Summer is one of the best times […]

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WELLU: The Freshman Fifteen

May 2, 2016

We all know the story of the Freshman Fifteen. The studly young high school grads leave for school, and by the time they return home for winter break, a 15 pound spare tire has appeared from stressful nights, pizza parties and full access to buffet style meals every. single. day. This urban legend has tiptoed around campuses for […]

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On May, Maritime Adventures, and Being Wrong

May 1, 2016

It’s May Day today, which means that candy is blooming around campus and the sidewalk chalk is a little friskier than usual. The holiday itself has roots in the Celtic celebration of Beltane, which honors the point half way between the spring equinox and the summer solstice and is associated with optimism, growth, and new […]

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