Modern Family

April 26, 2016

Some people call and talk to their parents all the time at school. It can be a stress reliever, something to keep them from being homesick, gossip about what’s going on back at the homestead, or what have you. But for me, I don’t call that often. I will call every few weeks just to […]

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Relay for Life

April 25, 2016

YAY! SPRING TERM! Three cheers for everyone finally coming out of hibernation… did the campus just get 10 times bigger?? Time to put all of my winter clothes away (well, knowing Wisconsin, I’d better wait on that) and break out the sandals. Lawrence is such a happy place during Spring Term; time to lay out […]

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Lawrence International’s Cabaret

April 25, 2016

Lawrence International’s cabaret is one of the greatest shows on campus portraying cultures from all around the world on one stage. Yes, that’s exactly what Cabaret is and at the same time it is so much more than just that. “What you see tonight is merely a representation. It is the tip of the iceberg. […]

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Science in the Spring

April 18, 2016

Ah, spring – the warm sun, the green grass, the ability to wear anything less than a parka outside without freezing to death.  While some students have spent the last couple of days playing frisbee on the quad or trying to remember how hammocks are supposed to work, I’ve been doing something even better: lab […]

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Spring has Sprung, and so have Recitals.

April 18, 2016

As College Ave starts to warm up (and cool down then warm up again, thank you unpredictable Wisconsin weather!) so begins Recital Season at the Conservatory here at Lawrence! All bachelor of music students are required to perform two recitals, one in both Junior and Senior year. This weekend was full of them, featuring all […]

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