We understand that it is not always easy for students to figure out how colleges award scholarships until after the award letters are released.
Lawrence, along with 100 other colleges, is partnering with Raise.me to award micro-scholarships to students beginning in 9th grade for a variety of academic and extracurricular achievements. A sample of micro-scholarships now available include:
- $400 for getting an A in a course
- $400 for each leadership position in an activity
- $750 for taking an Honors for Dual Enrollment course
- $1,500 for taking an AP or IB course
- $1,000 for visiting campus
The best way to get started is to visit www.raise.me/educators, where you can create your free educator account and view Raise.me’s starter kit materials. Your account allows you to invite students to Raise.me and track their progress as they build portfolios and earn micro-scholarships from participating colleges. For more information, contact Amanda Schwab at Amanda@raise.me.
About Raise.me:
Raise.me’s program is supported by the Gates Foundation and is completely free for students and high schools. Their mission is to increase student engagement and motivation by breaking traditional scholarships (typically awarded at the end of high school) into a series of small, attainable goals and making the path to college more tangible for students.