Survey Results #6: The Greatest Question of All…

Critical thinking is an integral part of the Lawrence education experience. Each question seems to lead to a new question. (Like, “What are we having for lunch today?” leads to, “What will we have for dessert?” and, “What about dinner?”) So we decided to ask you what you feel, right now, is the greatest unanswered question.

Your responses were full of thought, intelligence and humor. Enjoy a few of them below:

What happens next?


Chocolate or vanilla?

What is the long time purpose of anything?

Which came first–the chicken or the egg?

How and why does Oxyclean work?

Why do we fall in love?

What is fulfillment?

Can music save the world?

Why are you eating that?

Not asked yet…

What does everyone see in Will Ferrell? I just don’t get it. What a fool.

Why do we repeat our mistakes? (personal or historical and even the big ones)

How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

To what extent are we all connected to each other?

Does any kind of higher power or being really exist?

Survey Results #5: What’s New (Part Two)

As we continue on the journey of discovery of the incoming class, it has been refreshing to see that there is no shortage of academic and extracurricular achievements. The summer before college is a perfect time to celebrate old friends, achievements and adventures and anticipate new ones. While traveling and working are still the top responses to the survey question; what’s new? , there are plenty of unique responses that we would like to highlight below:

What’s new since your application to Lawrence?

-“Baseball team is going downstate”

-“I sang a solo at graduation”

-“I just got back from a trip to South Africa with a friend where we worked with injured/orphaned monkeys and baboons”

-I got paid to play music four times!”

-“I am going to take acting classes”

-“working on an organic farm this summer”

-“I have played human foosball”

-“Prom turned out to be horribly boring”

-“I just finished a mini triathlon today!”

-“I made over $200 selling pottery at my high school”

-“I have lived through nearly an entire year in Mexico and seen far too many beautiful things to articulate in the process”

-“Nominated for Worst Driver in the school–Sad!”

-“I feel like a newborn with a world full of possibilities. What isn’t new?” (well said!)

Still more to come. ..stay tuned.

Survey Results #4 – I See Your True Colors…

Our apologies for titling this blog after a song from 1991 (or a personality test, depending on your perspective). Still, we wanted to tell you a little bit about Lawrence’s traditions before you arrive, including class colors. (Check out our longest and most popular traditions.)

These traditions include information about our coat of arms, school songs, the organs in the chapel and even a big, huge rock. But you’ll also be able to read about the tradition of class colors.

Beginning in 1914, Milwaukee Downer College (which merged with Lawrence College in 1964 to create Lawrence University) began transferring a red, green, yellow or purple banner to the incoming freshman class. The tradition continues today, with each incoming class receiving their official banner from the alumni association.

While we can’t yet reveal your official class color – that happens at the President’s welcome on September 8th – we thought it would be interesting to see which of the four colors your class liked the best. (Note: this does not have an impact on the class color you will receive!)

The results were:

1 – Green, with 39.9%

2 – Purple, with 30.9%

3 – Red, with 20.2%

4 – Yellow, with 9.0%

For the record, blue is not generally considered one of the available colors, as blue and white are the official school colors.

As of yet, there’s no explanation for the absence of orange…any ideas?

Survey Results #3: What’s in Name?

Nicknames can say a lot about who you are. While you were given an official name at your birth, (proven with a handy birth certificate) many times, the people who know you best may find another name to call you by. Just like some of us call Lawrence “Larry U” or “LU.”

The nicknames you sent us tell a lot about who you were, and who you are now. Check some of these out! (We’ve done everything we can to protect your anonymity, unless you wish to have these nicknames follow you to Lawrence.)

“The Boy”

Hallerina Ballerina



Old Soul, Grassy


No, sadly I lived on Mars as a child.

Viva Las Vegas



The E-Man

The C-Man

Any and every word starting with “water” – watermelon, waterlilly, watergun and more.

Milky Way – kids couldn’t pronounce my last name right.


Princess Pib



Survey result #2: What’s New? (Part One)

A lot can happen between the time when students apply to Lawrence in the fall and when they decide to attend in the sunny spring. We accept many students who are multi-interested and involved and we know that life doesn’t stop after the application process! (And we certainly don’t expect academic achievement to stop, either…)

In a survey of incoming Lawrentians, we asked, “A lot has happened since you initially filled out your application. What’s new?”

The responses have both amazed and intrigued the admissions office here at Lawrence. Our incoming students are definitely ending their high school careers with fireworks and gusto! There are some common themes (listed below), but overall the responses are as varied, unique and diverse as the incoming class itself. Lawrence seeks students who have “challenged themselves in high school, who have performed well in their academic work, who express themselves well both verbally and in writing, who understand the value of a liberal arts education, and who are imaginative, energetic, and willing to become active members of a learning community”… a perfect match according to this survey (whew!)

Here are the top 4 responses to the question, “What’s New”?

1. Graduating from high school (no surprises here, but congratulations nonetheless!)

2. Traveling. A lot. (Places included: Karachi, New Mexico, Ontario, Peru, Philippines, Inner Mongolia, India, NYC, and the Mediterranean).

3. Working/ looking for work/ volunteering.

4. Attending weddings (’tis the season)

Here are ten of the more interesting responses:

1. Working on a sustainable farm “tramping around in the mud and chasing the peacocks away from the lettuce.

2. Raising praying mantises and spiders

3. Sleeping an average of eleven hours a day

4. Growing a beard

5. Learning to play the fiddle and guitar

6. Voted “Most Likely to be Famous” in senior class

7. Learned to drive (and subsequently broke) a stick shift

8. Mastering the making of a Quiche Lorraine

9. Developed a stage theory of relationships

10. Taking part in an all-island best speaker competition

Stay tuned, more to come…