About those scholarship amounts…

If you have been a close reader of our website, you may be familiar with our array of academic scholarships and their amounts. Furthermore, if you have received one of those scholarships from us, you may have noticed that the dollar amounts have changed… for the better.

Don’t worry. It’s not a test. The amount is correct. We just haven’t changed the website yet.

If you have not received a scholarship from Lawrence, you may be disappointed, but please do not despair. Lawrence devotes much more of its institutional gift aid toward need-based financial aid. To that end, we strongly encourage you to file for financial aid, so we can explore using more tools to make a Lawrence education more accessible.

And when it comes to filing for financial aid and applying for outside scholarships, we encourage everyone to adopt the Wayne Gretzky philosophy: “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”

Community Chest card image credit: Parker Brothers (c) Monopoly board game.