
Tag: Substack


Are you a writer of some kind and think “man, I wish I had a place to publish my work, but I don’t think this fits The Lawrentian”? Maybe, a little bit down the line, you might like to be paid for your work? Then consider using Substack, a typically-subscription-based platform to upload your greatest of musings! It’s especially great for those that want to put their work out there and link to specific writings for future employment.

Instead of just giving you a rundown of what makes Substack so great, I’m going to create an account and post three separate articles about things I’m interested in, just to tell you about the process of creating an account and posting to it.

Very quickly, I want to mention payment. It’s entirely optional (most influential figures will not make you subscribe with payment), but if you create a base for your writings, you could open the opportunity to payment. I tried creating subscriptions for 10 cents a month and a dollar a year, but, apparently, they hate fun and want me to charge $5 minimum for a subscription a month and $50 minimum a year. They have to make a profit somehow, since they take 10% as a commissioning fee. So, I won’t be asking people to pay for my writings… I’m just going to write for the fun of it! Whoopee!

Posting a note and posting a post are very different things. Notes are made on the home page, while posts can be created on your Substack account. Click on “Dashboard” at the top right-hand corner, and then tap “new post” if you want to make a post: the big kahunas of your writing. Click on the down arrow next to the “new post” button, and select note for smaller things. Maybe an update, or maybe something that’s not really related to what you typically do on your account.

Something much appreciated is some emails detailing the performance of a few of my articles. I got one subscriber (hooray!!) and hopefully after this goes up I get, like, one more… but I’m not doing too bad on post reads, I’ve got three now! Woohoo!! But Substack gives you information on your post 25 hours after its initial posting, and gives you stats on how many people have subscribed and how many people have read your articles for the month a few days after the end of the month.

One thing I really appreciate is that since I’m my own boss on my Substack page, I get to write about whatever I want and post whenever. Of course, it’s nice to set a schedule for yourself and maybe a theme, but I’ve decided to write about three things that pique my interest: animation, esoteric political figures, and entertaining masterfully-deranged hypotheticals. Writings of any length are welcome!

It’s incredibly easy to edit a post after it is uploaded… just click on the post and go to the ellipses next to “Share”, and the first option is “edit”. You can also easily “cross-post”, which sends it as a post as well… and you can do that right under that same ellipses.

If you want a place to publicize your writings without any limits, Substack is the place for you. You can set up payment methods if you want to, but if you don’t, it’s a great place to publish your work. Below, I’ve attached three works I’ve made just for this paper if you want to take a look through. It’s fun, it’s free, and it’s easy as pie!

Spencer R. Brown is a senior in their second year at Lawrence University, with a major in Government. They work as the Career Peer Educator for students in both Communication, Journalism & Written Arts (#CJW) and Government, Law & International Relations (#GLI) career communities in the Career Center. A writer and animator by trade, they are fascinated in finding ways to make digesting information entertaining. Feel free to connect with them on LinkedIn here!