Business and Entrepreneurship Resource Portal

Business and Entrepreneurship Resource Portal

More resources are on the way!

We’re building and adding to the Resource Portals and Common Career Path resources regularly so check back frequently for the most current updates.

Already have a career path identified?

Find specialized sample resumes, job/internship sites, career tips, and more.

Gain Experience

Conduct Summer Research

You can receive up to a $4,000 stipend to participate in intensive 10-week summer research projects either at Lawrence or major research institutions around the world. (Opens in early January.)

Go to Lawrence University Research Fellows

Make Connections

Related Student Organizations at Lawrence

Related Professional Associations

Gain leadership and industry experience by actively participating in student organizations.

Keep up with the latest industry trends and make professional connections through national or regional professional associations.

Articles for #BE Careers

Read up on topics related to careers in business and entrepreneurship.

Want even more? See all articles tagged #BE.

Current Jobs from Handshake

View active job postings from Handshake for this community; updated regularly.

See more BE jobs in Handshake.