If you are going to be a junior and you are interested in environmental economics and policy, this might be right up your alley. It seems to be well paid and well funded.
Title: 2010 Academic Year EPA Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental Study
Open Date: 09/15/2009 – Close Date: 12/10/2009
Summary: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Center for
Environmental Research (NCER), invites applications for the Greater Research
Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for undergraduate environmentally related
study for bachelor’s level students. The deadline for receipt of applications
is December 10, 2009. Subject to availability of funding, the Agency plans to
award approximately 30 new fellowships by July 30, 2010. The fellowship
provides up to $19,250 per year of academic support and $8,000 for internship
support for a combined total of up to $46,500 over the life of the fellowship.
The GRO program enhances and supports quality environmental education for
undergraduates, and thereby encourages them to continue their education beyond
the baccalaureate level, and pursue careers in environmentally related fields.
The actual amount awarded per year will vary depending on the amount of
tuition and fees and the number of months the stipend is required. This
fellowship is intended to help defray costs associated with environmentally
oriented study leading to a bachelor’s degree.