Sigma Phi Epsilon Barbeque

June 1, 2014

Hey everyone! Just a quick check in today guys. So, during memorial weekend we had LUaroo; one of the most jam packed weekends I have ever had this term. After the event Sigma Phi Epsilon threw a barbeque and everyone just hung out in the quad. Finals are drawing closer as the days go by […]

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Where does the time go?

May 26, 2014

Greetings from LU again! I’m writing this from our Bjorklunden site, owned by Lawrence University (often referred to as our southern campus). I am here on a weekend long trip for my Vegetation in Wisconsin Biology course. This plant identification course meets once a week to explore the field and analyze different types of vegetation, […]

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Summer is here!

May 25, 2014

It seems like all of my posts focus on the weather…well at least their titles do.  In my defense, it has been a hard year weather-wise!  But today it was officially 80+ degrees!  I absolutely love spending time outside reading and doing homework, so that’s what I’ve been doing so far this weekend!   It’s […]

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May 24, 2014

In my opinion, this weekend Lawrence University is hosting the best event to be held on campus. Yes indeed, LU-aroo, the most amazing musical festival! This event is a tradition, like Freshman Studies or the Kaleidoscope event where student musicians from our very own, nationally recognized, Conservatory of Music put on an evening of music from genres such as jazz, opera, bluegrass, […]

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Getting Ready for the “Real World”

May 20, 2014

The past few weeks have brought some really exciting news….I’ve got a job! Next year I’ll be working in Milwaukee as a member of College Possible (an Americorps position) and a High School Coach. I’ll be working with up to 40 high school students from low-income poverty, helping them with ACT prep and the entire […]

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