Lawrence University Science Presentation Takes 3-D Look at the Solar System

APPLETON, WIS. — With the help of special 3-D glasses, planetary scientist Nick Schneider offers a unique look at the solar system in a slide-illustrated address at Lawrence University.

Schneider, associate professor of astrophysical and planetary sciences at the University of Colorado, presents “The Solar System in 3-D and the Latest News from Saturn” Monday, April 14 at 7 p.m. in Youngchild Hall 121. The event is free and open to the public.

Through a special collection of three-dimensional images, Schneider will reveal the inner workings of the major planets and most of their moons in our solar system, providing the sensation of actually visiting these distant objects. Schneider also will discuss the latest discoveries of Saturn, its rings and moons made by the Cassini spacecraft, which is currently orbiting the planet.

Schneider, whose research focuses on the escaping atmospheres of planets and moons, is a member of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics and the author of the astronomy textbook “The Cosmic Perspective.” A native of Appleton, he is the son of Lawrence professor emeritus of English Ben Schneider.

His visit is sponsored by the Shapley Lectureship program of the American Astronomical Society. The lecture series honors Harlow Shapley, a pioneering American astronomer whose research helped place our solar system within the context of the galaxy and the universe.