
Tag: politics

Lobbying and Advocacy: How Students Can Get Involved Before and After Graduation

Lobbying and advocacy are powerful tools for influencing public policy and creating positive change in society. College students, often passionate about various causes, have unique opportunities to engage in these activities while still in school and continue their efforts after graduation. Whether advocating for environmental protection, social justice, or education reform, students can make a significant impact by understanding the mechanics of lobbying and getting involved early in their careers.

Lobbying refers to the process of attempting to influence legislators, policymakers, or other government officials to enact, amend, or oppose specific laws or regulations. Lobbyists represent various organizations, interest groups, or individuals and work to ensure that the voices of their clients are heard in the legislative process. Lobbying can take many forms, such as meeting with lawmakers, writing policy proposals, organizing grassroots campaigns, or testifying at public hearings.

Lobbying is often associated with corporate or professional lobbyists, but students and ordinary citizens can also engage in lobbying through grassroots efforts, advocacy groups, or individual actions.

Why Should College Students Get Involved in Lobbying?

Making a Difference: Lobbying allows students to influence policies that impact their communities, educational institutions, or areas of personal concern, such as climate change, student loan reform, or civil rights.

Developing Leadership Skills: Advocacy work helps students develop essential skills like public speaking, critical thinking, and networking. These skills are valuable in any career and can set students apart in the job market.

Networking and Professional Opportunities: Getting involved in lobbying can connect students with professionals in government, law, non-profits, and other fields, offering networking opportunities that may lead to internships or jobs.

Civic Engagement: Lobbying helps students become more informed and engaged citizens, empowering them to participate actively in the democratic process.

Ways to Get Involved in Lobbying and Advocacy Before Graduation

Join or Form Advocacy Groups on Campus: Joining student-led organizations that focus on political or social issues can provide an immediate opportunity to engage in lobbying efforts, such as organizing petitions, holding rallies, or writing letters to lawmakers. If no group exists for your cause, consider starting one yourself.

Intern with Advocacy Organizations or Non-Profits: Many non-profit organizations focus on advocacy and lobbying for specific issues. These organizations often offer internships or volunteer opportunities for students interested in making a difference. By interning, you’ll gain firsthand experience in lobbying strategies, campaign planning, and policy analysis.

Participate in Student Government: Running for student government can help students learn the basics of governance, decision-making, and advocating for their peers. This experience can translate into future lobbying efforts and provides an understanding of how institutional policies are created and changed.

Attend Town Halls and Public Hearings: Many local governments and universities hold public hearings and town halls where citizens, including students, can voice their concerns and opinions on policies. Attending these events is a direct way to engage with lawmakers and practice speaking on issues that matter to you.

Engage in Grassroots Campaigns: Grassroots lobbying involves mobilizing public opinion and using collective action to influence policy. This can include organizing petitions, phone banks, social media campaigns, or protests. Many national and local organizations rely on grassroots advocacy to amplify their voices, and students can play an essential role in these campaigns.

Take Advocacy or Political Science Classes: Enroll in public policy, political science, or advocacy classes that give you an academic understanding of how the legislative process works and the role of lobbying in that process. These classes often include simulations or projects that give students practical lobbying experience.

For students passionate about continuing their advocacy work after graduation, several career paths align closely with lobbying and public policy.

Work for Advocacy Groups or Non-Profits: Many students transition from college activism into professional roles within advocacy groups, non-profits, or NGOs. These organizations often need policy analysts, lobbyists, and campaign organizers to advocate for their causes at local, state, and national levels.

Government Jobs: Working in government, whether at the federal, state, or local level, provides an opportunity to influence policy from the inside. Many graduates go on to work as legislative aides, policy advisors, or analysts in government agencies, helping to shape policy directly.

Corporate Lobbying and Public Affairs: Corporations and industry groups hire lobbyists to advocate for policies that favor their business interests. Public affairs professionals often engage with lawmakers, regulatory agencies, and the public to shape policies that impact their companies. This can be a lucrative career path for those interested in the intersection of business and politics.

Political Campaigns: Graduates interested in political advocacy can also work for political candidates, parties, or issue-based campaigns. Many political jobs involve lobbying efforts to get candidates elected or advocate for specific legislative changes.

Law and Policy School: For students who want to deepen their understanding of law and policy, attending law school or pursuing a graduate degree in public policy is another route to professional lobbying. Lawyers often work as lobbyists, using their legal expertise to draft legislation, influence policy, or represent clients in regulatory matters.

Starting a Grassroots Organization: Some students may be so passionate about a cause that they start their own non-profit or advocacy group after graduation. With crowdfunding, social media, and grassroots mobilization strategies, it’s easier than ever to create movements that impact policy at local or national levels.

Tips for Success in Lobbying and Advocacy

Stay Informed: Keep up with the news, read about policy changes, and stay engaged with current events. Being well-informed is crucial for anyone involved in lobbying or advocacy.

Build Relationships: Whether you’re advocating as a student or professional, building relationships with legislators, influencers, and other advocates is key to successful lobbying. Networking and personal connections can open doors and amplify your voice.

Be Persistent and Patient: Policy change often takes time, and lobbying can be a slow process. Persistence and patience are essential qualities for successful advocates.

Develop Communication Skills: Lobbying involves a lot of communication—whether you’re writing letters, speaking at public hearings, or organizing a campaign. Develop strong written and oral communication skills to effectively present your case and persuade others.

Lobbying and advocacy offer college students a meaningful way to engage with the world, influence policy, and create lasting change. By getting involved before graduation, students can develop critical skills, build valuable networks, and gain firsthand experience in shaping public policy. After graduation, many career opportunities exist for those who want to continue their work in advocacy, whether through non-profits, government, or corporate lobbying.

Taking action on the issues you care about now, whether through grassroots organizing or direct engagement with policymakers, allows you to contribute to a better future—and it just might shape the course of your career.

Working for a Local, State, or National Political Party

Working for a political party can be a fulfilling and influential career that allows individuals to actively participate in shaping the future of their community, state, or even the country. Whether it’s at the local, state, or national level, party work often involves dynamic responsibilities and the opportunity to contribute directly to the political process. From grassroots organizing to strategizing national campaigns, each level of party work offers unique challenges and opportunities.

Working at the local level, such as for a city or county political organization, is often where political careers start. Local party roles typically focus on direct community engagement, where workers interact with the public to encourage voter participation, recruit volunteers, and promote local candidates.


Organizing community events: Local party workers help organize town halls, voter registration drives, and neighborhood meetings to connect constituents with their elected officials.

Grassroots campaigns: Canvassing, phone banking, and digital outreach are crucial to building support for local candidates and issues.

Voter outreach: Engaging with local voters, understanding their concerns, and mobilizing them to vote are central to local party work.


Immediate impact: Local party workers often see the direct effects of their efforts, whether it’s electing city council members or passing local ordinances.

Strong community ties: Working for a local party allows individuals to build strong connections within their communities, fostering close relationships with voters and local leaders.

Local political party work is ideal for those who want to engage deeply with their communities and see the tangible results of their activism

State political parties often act as intermediaries between local and national politics, coordinating efforts to elect governors, state legislators, and other statewide officials. State party work involves broader strategies that address the needs and concerns of diverse regions within a state.


Campaign management: State party workers often coordinate campaigns for state-level offices, helping candidates with fundraising, messaging, and voter outreach.

Strategic planning: State parties develop overarching strategies to support multiple candidates, promote the party platform, and respond to statewide political developments.

Policy advocacy: Workers may be involved in pushing for statewide policy changes or defending against policies that go against the party’s platform.


Regional influence: Working at the state level allows you to have a broader impact, influencing policy and elections across large and diverse areas.

Professional networking: State-level work offers more opportunities to network with influential political leaders, elected officials, and party operatives.

For those interested in shaping larger-scale policies while maintaining a connection to local communities, working at the state level provides a balance between regional engagement and broader political impact.

National political party work is fast-paced, highly strategic, and often has significant stakes, as it involves shaping the future of the country. National party employees work on major elections, such as the presidential race, U.S. Senate, and House of Representatives campaigns.


National campaigns: National party workers often play a role in presidential and congressional campaigns, coordinating fundraising, media outreach, and voter engagement strategies.

Policy development: National parties help develop platforms that shape the political dialogue across the country. Staff may assist in drafting these platforms, coordinating policy debates, and conducting research.

Media and public relations: Managing a party’s image on the national stage is crucial, and party workers at this level are often involved in crafting public messages, preparing candidates for debates, and responding to media inquiries.


Broad national impact: National party workers have the opportunity to influence the course of major political movements and national elections.

High-profile connections: Working at the national level puts individuals in contact with the country’s top political figures and power brokers.

While working at the national level can be demanding and stressful, it offers a platform to influence politics on a grand scale, making it appealing to those driven by national policy and change.

Across all levels—local, state, or national—certain skills are essential for success in political party work:

-Strong communication skills: Whether you’re giving a speech, writing campaign materials, or engaging with voters, clear and persuasive communication is critical.

-Organizational abilities: Political party work often involves juggling multiple projects, deadlines, and people, so being well-organized is key.

-Networking: Building relationships with community leaders, donors, voters, and other party officials is essential for long-term success in politics.

-Adaptability: Politics is fast-paced and unpredictable, so being able to pivot quickly in response to new developments is an important skill.

Challenges of Working in Political Party Roles

While working for a political party offers numerous rewards, it is not without its challenges. Political party workers often deal with high-pressure environments, especially during election cycles, and may need to work long hours, including nights and weekends. Additionally, politics can be divisive, and navigating conflicting viewpoints and agendas is part of the job.

Moreover, political party work can sometimes be financially unstable, especially for those working at the grassroots or local level, where positions are often volunteer-based or poorly paid.

Despite these challenges, working for a political party can be deeply rewarding. Political party employees are at the forefront of change, fighting for policies and candidates they believe in. Whether it’s improving a local community or helping to shape national policy, party work offers a unique opportunity to be directly involved in the democratic process.

For those passionate about civic engagement, working for a political party at any level provides a meaningful way to make a difference, develop professional skills, and build a career in politics.

If you’re interested in working for a political party, start by volunteering. Many party workers begin by volunteering for campaigns or local party offices, eventually working their way into paid positions. You can also attend party events, network with party members, and explore internships or entry-level roles that allow you to gain experience in the field.

How to Run for Public Office: A Step-by-Step Guide

Running for public office is one of the most impactful ways to shape your community, advocate for change, and serve the public. Whether you’re interested in running for a local position such as city council or a higher office like state legislature or Congress, the process can be both exhilarating and challenging. If you’re passionate about improving your community and want to make your voice heard, this guide will help you navigate the steps to launch a successful campaign.

1. Determine Your Motivation: Why Are You Running?

Before diving into the logistics of a campaign, you need to clearly define why you want to run for office. What drives you? Is it a specific issue like education, healthcare, or environmental sustainability? Understanding your motivation will help you shape your message and connect with voters.

Ask yourself:

What change do I want to see in my community?

What specific policies or issues do I feel strongly about?

How can I contribute to improving people’s lives?

Running for office isn’t just about winning; it’s about making a positive impact. Your motivation will guide you through the tough moments in your campaign and help you remain focused on your goals.

2. Choose the Right Office

The next step is determining which public office you want to run for. Start by identifying your scope of interest and the level of government you want to work in:

Local Offices: Positions like city council, school board, or mayor often provide direct influence over issues such as local infrastructure, schools, and public safety. Running for local office is a great way to begin a political career or to address specific community problems.

State Offices: State representatives and senators influence statewide issues, including education, healthcare, criminal justice, and economic policy. State office often requires a more organized and funded campaign but provides the opportunity to shape broader legislation.

Federal Offices: Running for U.S. Congress (House or Senate) allows you to engage with national issues, though federal campaigns are often highly competitive, require significant funding, and demand a sophisticated campaign structure.

Consider your skills, experience, and the areas where you feel you can make the greatest impact. Running for an office that aligns with your expertise and passion will make your campaign more authentic and convincing to voters.

3. Understand Eligibility and Legal Requirements

Before declaring your candidacy, you must ensure you meet the legal requirements for the office you’re running for. Each position has its own set of rules regarding eligibility, so research the following:

Age and Residency Requirements: Different offices require minimum age thresholds and often require you to be a resident of the district or state for a specified period.

Filing Requirements: Find out what forms and documents you need to file to declare your candidacy, including financial disclosures and petitions.

Campaign Finance Laws: Understand the laws governing campaign donations, spending limits, and reporting requirements. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) oversees federal elections, while state and local offices have their own regulations.

It’s a good idea to consult with an election attorney or campaign advisor early in the process to ensure you’re in compliance with all legal requirements.

4. Research the Political Landscape

Before launching your campaign, conduct a thorough analysis of the political landscape in your district or area. This involves:

Assessing the Incumbent: Who currently holds the office? What are their strengths and weaknesses? If they’re well-liked, running against them will be more challenging.

Voter Demographics: Understand the demographics of your district—age, income level, education, political affiliation, and key concerns of the voters. This will help you tailor your campaign message.

Past Election Results: Look at previous election results to gauge voter turnout and identify potential swing districts or key areas where your support may be strongest.

5. Develop Your Campaign Platform

Your platform is the heart of your campaign. It should clearly articulate the issues you care about and the solutions you propose. Here’s how to develop a strong platform:

Identify Key Issues: Focus on a few core issues that are important to voters in your district. Whether it’s healthcare, education, infrastructure, or job creation, make sure these issues resonate with your audience.

Be Specific: General statements like “I want to improve healthcare” aren’t enough. Provide specific policy proposals. For example, “I will work to expand Medicaid in our state to ensure low-income families have access to healthcare.”

Show Your Values: Voters respond to candidates who share their values. Whether it’s a commitment to public service, environmental sustainability, or fiscal responsibility, make sure your platform reflects your personal and political values.

Your platform should be easy to understand and address the most pressing concerns of the electorate. It will be the foundation for all your campaign materials, speeches, and debates.

6. Build a Campaign Team

A successful campaign requires a strong team of dedicated individuals. Even in local races, it’s essential to surround yourself with people who can handle different aspects of the campaign, including:

Campaign Manager: Your campaign manager will oversee the day-to-day operations of your campaign, coordinate volunteers, and handle logistics.

Finance Director: Fundraising is critical to any campaign. A finance director will develop a fundraising strategy, help you meet donation goals, and ensure compliance with campaign finance laws.

Communications Director: This person will be responsible for media outreach, press releases, speeches, and social media strategy.

Field Director: Your field director organizes volunteers, voter outreach, canvassing, phone banks, and voter mobilization efforts.

You may also need a legal advisor, digital strategist, and policy advisors depending on the size and scope of your campaign.

7. Create a Fundraising Plan

Campaigns require money for advertising, events, staff, and outreach materials. Creating a robust fundraising strategy is key to staying competitive.

Set a Budget: Estimate how much you’ll need to cover campaign expenses like marketing, travel, and staffing. Campaign costs vary depending on the level of office and the competitiveness of the race.

Solicit Donations: Reach out to friends, family, and community members for early donations. Use crowdfunding platforms, hold fundraising events, and seek donations from political action committees (PACs) and organizations that align with your values.

Comply with Campaign Finance Laws: Ensure all donations and expenses are reported accurately. Be transparent with your donors and the public about how funds are being used.

8. Engage with Voters

Connecting with voters is the most important part of running a campaign. To win, you need to build relationships and earn the trust of the people. Here’s how to engage effectively:

Door-to-Door Canvassing: One of the most effective ways to meet voters is through face-to-face interaction. Knock on doors, introduce yourself, and share your platform. Listen to their concerns and adjust your message to reflect voter priorities.

Town Halls and Community Events: Attend local meetings, host town halls, and participate in public forums. Being visible and accessible to your community is essential.

Social Media and Digital Outreach: Use social media platforms to share your message, engage with voters, and respond to current events. A strong online presence can help you reach younger voters and mobilize supporters.

Phone and Text Banking: Use volunteers to make calls or send texts encouraging voters to learn more about your campaign and to turn out on Election Day.

9. Prepare for Public Speaking and Debates

You’ll likely have opportunities to participate in debates, interviews, and public forums. Being a confident and clear communicator is crucial. Here’s how to prepare:

Know Your Platform Inside and Out: Be ready to explain your policies clearly and concisely. Practice answering questions about your positions.

Handle Criticism: Opponents may challenge your record or positions. Remain calm and composed, and focus on articulating your message rather than getting defensive.

Engage in Active Listening: Show respect for your opponents and the audience. Listening carefully to questions and responding thoughtfully will help you connect with voters.

10. Get Out the Vote (GOTV)

As Election Day approaches, your focus should be on Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts. Mobilizing your supporters is key to securing a win. Here’s how:

Phone Calls and Text Messages: Remind your supporters to vote on Election Day. Provide them with information on polling locations and voting hours.

Volunteer Canvassing: Organize volunteers to knock on doors and encourage people to head to the polls.

Social Media Push: Use your social media channels to remind followers about Election Day, share polling locations, and emphasize the importance of voting.


Running for public office is an exciting opportunity to serve your community, advocate for the issues you care about, and shape the future. While it requires hard work, careful planning, and dedication, the experience is deeply rewarding. By focusing on your motivation, building a strong platform, engaging with voters, and mobilizing support, you can run a successful campaign and make a lasting impact.

How to Get Involved in the 2024 Elections

The 2024 elections are coming up, and they are a big deal! Whether you’re voting for the first time or have been involved in elections before, this is an important opportunity to shape the future of your community and country. If you’re wondering how you can get involved, there are plenty of ways to make a difference. Here’s how:

 Register to Vote

The first and most important thing to do, if you’re eligible, is to register to vote. Either vote at home or register to vote at your Lawrence address very easily (but don’t vote both places!)  The Lawrence Center for Community Engagement, has compiled a comprehensive guide to registering, so please click here for more information!

Volunteer for a Campaign

Volunteering for a campaign is a great way to get involved. You can help by making phone calls, sending text messages, or going door-to-door to talk to voters. Campaigns often look for volunteers to help spread the word about their candidate. It’s a fun way to meet people and learn more about the political process! It also helps that volunteer experience for a campaign can look great on a resume (especially if you’re a government student).  To find volunteer opportunities, visit the campaign web site for the candidate you support.

Join a Voter Registration Drive

Helping others register to vote is another way to make a difference. Voter registration drives are held by community organizations, schools, and other groups to encourage people to register. You can assist by handing out forms, answering questions, or encouraging people to check their voter status. Every new voter counts, and you can play a part in boosting turnout.

 Engage in Conversations

One of the easiest ways to influence the election is by talking to people about the importance of voting. Share what you’ve learned about the candidates and the issues with your friends, family, and neighbors. These conversations can inspire others to get involved and vote, especially those who might not be sure why it matters.

 Attend Rallies and Events

Many candidates hold rallies, town halls, and other events where you can learn more about their platforms and ask questions. Attending these events can give you a deeper understanding of the issues at play and what’s at stake. You can also volunteer at these events to help with organizing and spreading the word.

 Become a Poll Worker

In Wisconsin, you can sign up to become a poll worker through the MyVote Wisconsin website. Poll workers help ensure that Election Day runs smoothly by assisting voters, handling ballots, and making sure the process is fair. It’s a paid position, and you’ll get to see firsthand how elections work from behind the scenes.

 Use Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool to spread awareness. You can post about the importance of voting, share information about candidates, or encourage people to register and vote early. Just make sure to verify that what you’re sharing is accurate. Social media can be a great way to connect with others who care about the election and want to make a difference.

 Join or Start an Organization

Many organizations work to promote voter engagement and civic involvement. If you’re passionate about a specific issue, you can join a group that advocates for change. You can also start your own group at school or in your community to raise awareness and encourage others to take action. On campus, the Student Democrats is the only organization on campus directly linked with one of the two major political parties, but for those who want to be more involved in advocacy for very liberal issues, both Appleton Students for a Democratic Society and the Young Democratic Socialists of America are likely good fits!

 Advocate for Issues You Care About

Even if you’re not directly involved with a campaign, you can still advocate for the issues that matter to you. Write for the Lawrentian, contact your representatives, or organize events to raise awareness. The more people hear about important issues, the more likely they are to vote with those issues in mind.