Katie DeRuyter joined us in mid-July as the new library administrative assistant and we’re delighted that she’s here! To help everyone get to know her a bit, we asked her some questions.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up mostly in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, though I did learn what warmer weather in winter was like living a few years in Columbia, Missouri as a kid.
What did you study in school?
I received my Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from St. Norbert college in 2016. I am currently working on my Masters in Library Science online through University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.
What do you like to do in your free time?
No matter how busy I am I can usually find time to read, though with classes it can be a little difficult. I am also fairly involved in community theater as a Stage Manager and Sound Designer. When I don’t have a show I’m working on, I like to crochet, cross stitch, stream a video game, or go hiking with my husband.
What is your favorite thing about working in a library?
I recently came from a public library and I loved being able to help kids find something to read, especially when it was in a format other than a typical book. There is something that is so comforting being surrounded by so many different stories, even as it’s a little overwhelming knowing I’ll never get to read them all. It just means there are more options for every kind of reader!
Favorite Genre?
Sci-fi and Fantasy, both YA and adult