
Category: General

Surviving a Summer Internship Far from Home

If you are reading this, it means that you want to secure or have already secured a summer internship. If you haven’t found something yet, set up an appointment with CLC staff to explore some resources. If you are all set, these are some things to keep in mind while you get ready for the best summer of your life. I spent the summer between my junior and senior year in Washington DC, and I made several mistakes while I was preparing for my internship. For example, I had no idea how to find housing, or how to eat on a budget. I hope my mistakes make your summer easier and more fun.

Just like most things in big cities, housing is (very) expensive. You can try to save money by sharing a room or commuting. More traditional options for interns are well-known intern housing options like June Homes. You can find city specific alternatives if you start searching early on; however, these tend to be more expensive, and they fill really fast. Other options that might be less pricey, are reaching out to alumni or personal connections and asking if they know of anyone subletting or in need of a summer house sitter. Another way to learn about subletting options is through subletting groups on Facebook. Try to avoid less reliable websites like Craigslist. If you find something that you like, ask to see the apartment or house through a video call, or if you can have a connection in that city go visit the apartment in person. There are some people out there making money from fake apartment postings. Someone gave me this advice before my summer in DC: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”.

Getting around. The best way to get around on a budget is by using public transportation and walking. If your city has a metro, don’t be afraid to use it. In most cities you can get a metro card and load it at almost every metro station. Usually, metro cards also work for city buses. Another way to move around the city is by using free transportation designed for tourists, in DC it was a bus: the DC Circulator. Buses tend to be less reliable than metros, but they usually reach more places. If it will be your first time on that city, download these apps: Via, a cheaper ride-share option; the metro app, will let you know the best way to get places and how far way buses are; and CityMapper, will show you different options to get places as well as the price for each option.

Eating on a budget. Food is also very expensive, so the cheapest option is to go grocery shopping and cook for yourself. Keep this in mind while searching for housing. If you are planning to cook, make sure you find housing that has a fully equipped kitchen. Remember that in in some cities you have to pay for disposable bags, so bring reusable bags with you when you go grocery shopping. Buy a Tupperware and bring food to work, it is not weird. Most interns are also on a budget, so they will probably be doing the same. In some cases, you can even eat for free. Usually events happening during lunchtime or after five provide free food.

Although food is expensive, most entertainment options are free. Make sure you find things to do after you get out of work. There are hundreds of free events happening all over the city, ranging from congressional briefings about public policy to showings of 90s movies at a park. Summer is a special time: museums have new and exciting exhibits, families have picnics at the park, people to listen to music. Use Facebook, Google, and Eventbrite to learn about free events happening near you.

Contact other interns. The only thing that makes free events better, is going with the right company. Most interns in the area are just like you, trying to find people to hang out when they get out of work, so reach out; again, it is not weird. Reach out to interns at your organization, reach out to interns from Lawrence, and reach out to young alumni living in your city.

Make and cultivate connections. If you find a person whose job sounds like something you’d like to do, tell them. They can be your boss at your organization, or someone that you met at a meeting, request to meet with them for an informational interview and ask them anything you want to know. But it doesn’t stop there, email your connections to let them know what you’ve been up to.

Dress to impress. Make sure to have a business casual wardrobe that will keep you cool during the humid summer months. Most organizations will require you to dress up for work. Remember that you might be using public transportation and walking a lot, so use clothes that look fancy and keep you cool. You might be attending meetings with congress people, CEOs, and other important people in your field. Make sure you look presentable and refreshed. Some people even bring walking shoes with them to ensure comfort.

Be prepared for anything. Summer weather is unpredictable. A morning that looks like a humid summer day, later turns into a thunderstorm that floods the city. While there are no good ways to prepare for that, here are some things to keep in your bag so you can survive hot days, rainstorms, and everything in between: a water bottle, sunscreen, sunglasses, an umbrella, a cardigan or light jacket, and a reusable bag.

I hope these tips make your summer internship easier and more fun.

By Barbara Espinosa ’20 who survived an internship in DC during one of the hottest summers ever.

13 Things to do During Your 13 Weeks of Summer as a Music Major

Summer is right around the corner! For some musicians, it could be a great time to take a bit of a break and recollect after being burnt out from a busy school year. For others, including myself, summer is a chance to take advantage of this extra time and explore various opportunities that are available. Here are some of the things I would recommend:

1. Teach lessons

Summer is a great time to gain experience teaching private lessons. Get in touch with music directors, staff at music stores, friends, and family in the area to let them know you plan to teach and ask them to share your name and contact information to prospective students. This is a great time for you to get business cards made and network with others to get your name out there.

2. Take lessons

Get in touch with your high school private instructor or local orchestral musicians and see if they are available to teach you any lessons. I got in contact with various clarinet professors at schools I decided to apply to and did some travelling to take lessons with them. I would highly recommend doing this if you anticipate furthering your education with graduate school.

3. Work at your local music store

Many jobs at music stores can be full-time positions, but it is definitely worth a shot seeking out seasonal or part-time positions! You can learn a lot about different products available, gain valuable customer service skills, and stay updated on current music trends and events. This is a good chance to network too!

4. Work at a music camp for kids

This is especially beneficial for music education majors. Gain experience teaching music and working with kids of various ages and skill levels from elementary school through high school, depending on the program. You could have a significant influence on their musical futures!

5. Secure an internship

There are various internships available for musicians. Many of these may involve working with kids, as mentioned above, but there are many other exciting internships available that may focus more on arts administration if that is something that might interest you. Various symphonies and opera companies have development, marketing, and other internships available. This is another great way to network with others and possibly spend the summer living somewhere new!

6. Attend concerts

During the summer, there are numerous orchestras, wind bands, jazz bands, and chamber ensembles that will be putting on performances. Many of these are exciting pops concerts that take place outdoors and are often free!

7. Play chamber music with local friends

Do you have other musical friends or know of other talented musicians in your area? Hit them up and see if they would be interested in playing any chamber music together! This can keep you engaged with music and keep your rehearsal skills going.

8. Take church gigs

There are many musical opportunities available at churches for their weekly services. I occasionally get asked to perform clarinet for services, but if you have piano or organ experience, these skills are especially valuable. Of course, there’s always church choirs you can get involved with.

9. Do some research and listening

For the sake of my own enjoyment this summer, I started compiling and organizing lists of clarinet repertoire of essentially all possible solo and chamber music I can discover and I have since been going through and listening to all of it and giving them ratings. This is something that really interests me and it kept me quite entertained this summer while teaching me a lot of information that is very valuable for me to know. Projects like this or just listening music is a great way to spend time.

10. Attend a summer music festival

There are so many musical festivals available for all musicians whether they are for orchestras, operas, or chamber music. These are rather competitive to get into and can be very costly. But the experience and the skills learned at festivals can be invaluable and ones you might not learn during the school year. I can say from my own experience, it really sparked a high degree of motivation for me to keep improving and I met so many other great musicians that made me determined to improve.

11. Pursue other performance opportunities

Find performing opportunities for yourself. Find a venue to put on a recital or get a hold of food pantries, warming shelters, or nursing homes to see if you can come in to perform. Chances are they would all be thrilled to have a talented young musician performing!

12. Try something new!

Ever wanted to try a new instrument? Or maybe you want to try your hand at composing? This is the time to do it! Feel free to explore possibilities, take chances, and do something out of you comfort zone. A spark of interest for something could end up developing into a wonderful new passion (and can just be downright fun- I learned bassoon my senior year of high school and loved it!).

13. Practice hard and well

Although you might be gone for a couples weeks on a family vacation or might be busy with work or whatever else you have going on during the summer, don’t neglect practicing. Make sure to find time during your days to really get some high-quality practicing accomplished. Motivation can definitely be a struggle during the summer, but view this is a great time to really be productive and get a lot accomplished!

Abbey Atwater ‘19

Career Peer Educator

7 questions about the Career Center that you may have but are too embarrassed to ask

What can the Career Center help with?  The Career Center has Career Peer Educators (or CPEs) and Career Advisors willing to help you with resume building, job/internship searches, exploring life after Lawrence, and more. CPEs can help you with general resume, job searching advice, and how to use platforms like Handshake and Viking Connect. Meanwhile, Career Advisors can offer more specific advice about careers and planning for graduate school.

Where do I even begin? If you don’t have a concrete idea on where to start in the career exploration process, the Career Center can help you get started! Just make an appointment and we will walk you through the Career Center resources and help you identify your career exploration goals.

I just made an appointment, how do I prepare?  You don’t need to stress about preparing for your appointment. For resume review appointments, we can help you get started if you’ve never written a cover letter or resume, or you can bring a current draft to review during the appointment. For other appointments, it’s helpful to make a list of your questions so that we can be sure to cover everything within the advising session. We will always meet you where you’re at!

What is Handshake?  Every student has a Handshake account and you can log in using your Lawrence credentials to register for events, search for jobs and internships, and schedule appointments with Career Advisors and CPEs.

What is Viking Connect? Viking Connect is Lawrence’s alumni networking platform. It is a lot like LinkedIn but it only includes Lawrence students and alumni, and the alumni are ready and there to support you! Connecting with alumni is a good way to conduct informational interviews with people in your potential fields of interest. For example, you can ask alumni about a day in the life of a molecular biologist, or ask how a research and development role with a corporation might look different from academic research. There are even templates to help get you started with networking.

Do I need to use a Handshake account *and* a LinkedIn account *and* a Viking Connect account?  Having a Handshake account is essential for receiving updates from the Career Center and because it is how we schedule appointments. LinkedIn and Viking Connect are centered more around networking. It is highly recommended that you have all three so that you don’t miss out on potential opportunities for career exploration.

I am an upperclassman and have never been to the Career Center – is it too late?  It is never too late to schedule an appointment. The Career Center and its resources are open to you while you are on or off campus, and you can even schedule an appointment after you graduate!

Adapted from Barbara Espinosa’s ’20 (CPE) list of questions that her friends had about the Career Center.

Julia Ammons ’22 is a Biology major and Anthropology minor with interests in the natural sciences and museum studies.

Raisa Fatima ’23 is a Physics major with interests in research related to Physics and/or engineering.

Dear Career Center, how do I email professors to inquire about an undergraduate research opportunity?

Emailing professors about research opportunities can be daunting, especially if you don’t have a personal relationship with the professor. How do you contact a professor when they’re in a different department, or if they’re at another institution?
General emailing conventions apply. Emails to professors should:

  1. Have an informative subject line. Example: Meeting to discuss your research
  2. Be concise and direct. See template example below
  3. Be formal. e.g., Dear Dr./Professor Simmons, Sincerely, etc.

If you know the professor because you’ve taken their classes, emailing them to request a meeting to discuss research opportunities will suffice. Depending upon the professor, an entire conversation might even take place via email.
For professors who you do not know, an initial email should include:

  1. An introduction: Include your class year and major(s)
  2. When emailing off-campus, specify that you’re a student at Lawrence University
  3. How you found out about their research or specific project
  4. Explain why you’re interested in their research
  5. Describe any of your relevant research and/or class experience
  6. Explain why gaining undergraduate research experience is important to you (e.g., what goals are you hoping to achieve, what skills are you hoping to develop)
  7. Ask them if they might be available for a brief 20-30 minute meeting to talk about their work, and/or whether they offer undergraduate research positions over the summer

Here’s an example format of a general email to a professor:

Subject: Meeting to discuss your research
Dear Professor/Dr. [Last Name of Professor],
My name is [name] and I am a [class year] at Lawrence University majoring in [major]. I found out about your research [explanation of how you found out about it]. I am especially interested in your work because [explanation of why this topic interests you].
My experience in [research experience or class] confirmed my desire to further develop my research skills and [goal]. I am sure you are very busy, but would you potentially have 20 minutes to talk about your research via phone?
I would appreciate the chance to talk with you about your research in this field, and if any, potential future opportunities in your lab. I have attached my resume and unofficial transcript. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide. I look forward to hearing from you.

You can find more examples here. Remember: A well-written, thoughtful email that feels personalized to someone’s research is more likely to elicit a response, especially if you are pursuing opportunities off-campus. If you need help, you can always make an appointment with myself or Jacklyn, our #PHN advisor, to discuss your resume and how to begin the research exploration process.

Raisa Fatima ’23 is a Physics major with interests in research and engineering. She enjoys painting, reading and playing games like Stardew Valley in her spare time. Raisa works as a Career Peer Educator for the BE and PHN career communities so if you’re interested in anything PHN or BE related, or you just need some general advice on anything professional development related like resumes, cover letter etc. you can schedule an appointment here.

Summer Music Festivals

AGBU Musical Armenia Program
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-May
Approximate Festival Dates: mid to late-July (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,500

AIMS (American Institute of Music Studies)
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-March
Approximate Festival Dates: early-July to mid-August (six weeks)
Application Fee: $250 + $45 (vocal and piano), $45 (orchestra)
Approximate Overall Cost: $6,695 (vocal and piano), free w/ contract (orchestra)

AlpenKammerMusik Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: mid to late-July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,600

American Bach Soloists Academy
Approximate Application Deadline: late-February
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July to mid-August (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $35
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Annie Moses Summer Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-May
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-July (1 week)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,350

Apple Hill Summer Chamber Music Workshop
Approximate Application Deadline: early-May
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to mid-August (five 10-day sessions)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,800 (one session), $3,400 (two sessions)

Aria International Summer Academy
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August(three 2 week sessions)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,975 (per session)

Approximate Application Deadline: mid-October (voice), mid-November (composition and conducting), early-January (instrumental)
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to mid-August (7 weeks)
Application Fee: $25 (before Oct. 1st), $60 (Oct. 2nd-Dec. 1st), $125 (Dec. 2nd-Jan. 2nd)
Approximate Overall Cost: $9,375 (full), $6,265 (half)

Atlantic Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to late-July (4 weeks)
Application Fee: $95 (by mid-January), $120 (by deadline)
Approximate Overall Cost: $4,650 (full), $2,740 (half), Free (fellowship)

Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Bang on a Can Summer Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-January
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-July to early-August (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $40
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,900

Bay View Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early March (winds and strings), early April (brass)
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to mid-August (two 4-week sessions)
Application Fee: $28 (by Feb. 1st), $35 (Feb. 2nd-March 1st)
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,950 (8-week), $1,550 (4-week)

Berklee Summer Programs
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Blackburn (Festival Napa Valley)
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: early to late-July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: Free

Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: late-August (1 week)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $320

Approximate Application Deadline: mid-January and later
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August (two 3 week sessions)
Application Fee: $79 (by January 21st), $149 (after January 21st)
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,800 (3 weeks), $6,850 (6 weeks)

Approximate Application Deadline:  early-January (opera), early-February (instrumental)
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to early-August (8 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $7,200

Butler University Adult Big Band Workshop
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June (1 week)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $250

Cabrillo Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July (1 week)
Application Fee: $6
Approximate Overall Cost: Free

CCM Summer Programs
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

CCPA Programs (Chicago Center of Performing Arts)
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies (early-June to late-July)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies ($275-$450)

Approximate Application Deadline: mid-May
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July to early-August (two 1-week sessions)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,325 (one session), $2,550 (both sessions)

Chautauqua Institution
Approximate Application Deadline: early-October (voice), early-February (instrumental), early-March (piano)
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to mid-August (7 weeks)
Application Fee: $55
Approximate Overall Cost: $4,375

Classical Music Festival Eisenstaedt
Approximate Application Deadline: early-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-August (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $50 (by Feb 1st), $100 (after Feb 1st)
Approximate Overall Cost: $795 (orchestra), $1,450 (chorus)

College Light Opera Company (CLOC)
Approximate Application Deadline: mid to late-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to late-August (2 months)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Colorado Summer Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to late-June (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $200

Conductor’s Institute of South Carolina
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to mid-June(2 weeks)
Application Fee: $35
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,400

Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July(3 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,910

Curtis Summerfest
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-January
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-July to early-August (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $65
Approximate Overall Cost: $5,150

Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: mid to-late July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $60
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,804

Domaine Forget
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Druid City Opera Workshop
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late May (1 week)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,300

Eastern Music Festival (EMF)
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to late-July (5 weeks)
Application Fee: $35 (before January 1st), $70 (after January 1st)
Approximate Overall Cost: $5,500

Euro Arts
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-July to mid-August (5 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

European American Music Alliance
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: early to late-July(5 weeks)
Application Fee: $90
Approximate Overall Cost: $4,435

Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Approximate Application Deadline: early March
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,850

Franz Schubert Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-April
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July to early-August(1 week)
Application Fee: $100
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,915

Great Lakes Chamber Music Festival Shouse Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: early-December
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to mid-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

The Heifetz Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: early-February
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to mid-August (6 weeks)
Application Fee: $135
Approximate Overall Cost: $6,205

Hot Springs Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: late-March
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $100
Approximate Overall Cost: $750

Icicle Creek Chamber Music Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to mid-July(3 weeks)
Application Fee: $60
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,700

IES Vienna Summer Music Program
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: late-May to early-July (6 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $7,650

Approximate Application Deadline: early-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July or mid to late-July (Italy), late-July to mid-August (Germany) (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $60
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,150

Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July(2 weeks)
Application Fee: $70
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,999

International Academy of Music
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $100
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,500

Kendall Betts Horn Camp
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-May to mid-June (1 to 3 week sessions)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,995 (1 week), $3,990 (2 weeks),$5,985 (3 weeks)

Kent Blossom Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August (5 weeks)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,600

Killington Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to late-July(4-weeks)
Application Fee: $95
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,995

Kinhaven Young Artist Seminar
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June (1 week)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Kneisel Hall
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to mid-August (7 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Kutztown Summer Chamber Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-April
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July (1 week)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $850

Lake City Violin Intensive
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July to early-August (1 week)
Application Fee: $60
Approximate Overall Cost: $250

Lake Placid Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-August (1 week)
Application Fee: $100
Approximate Overall Cost: $800

Madeleine Island
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-April
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-June (1 week)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $975

Approximate Application Deadline: late-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July to early-August (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $65
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,900

MasterWorks Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-March
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to mid-July (4 weeks)
Application Fee: $30
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,900

Meadowmount School of Music
Approximate Application Deadline: late-January
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to mid-August (7 weeks)
Application Fee: $110
Approximate Overall Cost: $7,500

Miami Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to mid-July (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $35
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,750

Monteux School and Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-December
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to late-July (6 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,500

Music Academy of the West
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to early-August (8 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: Free

Music House International
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-April
Approximate Festival Dates: mid to late-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $25
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,500

Narnia Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-June
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-July to early-August (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $160
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

National Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $35 (before mid-February), $60 (after mid-February)
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,000

National Orchestral Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: late-May to late-June (5 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,050

National Repertory Orchestra
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to late-July (8 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

New England Conservatory Summer Programs
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Norfolk Chamber Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August (chamber music) (6 weeks), mid to late-June (new music) (2 weeks), mid-August (choir and choral conducting) (1 week)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Oberlin in Italy
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: NA
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Oberlin Summer Programs
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Ohio Light Opera
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-May to mid-August (10 weeks)
Application Fee: $40
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Orford Music
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: NA
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Orvieto Musica
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: NA
Application Fee: $45
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Pacific Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-January
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August (5 weeks)
Application Fee: $30
Approximate Overall Cost: Free

Pacific Region International Music Academy (PRISMA)
Approximate Application Deadline: late-February
Approximate Festival Dates: mid to late-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $880

Performing Arts Abroad
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Perlman Music Program
Approximate Application Deadline: early-February
Approximate Festival Dates: late-May to mid-June (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $95
Approximate Overall Cost: $500

Philadelphia International Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Rafael Mendez Brass Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July (1 week)
Application Fee: $35
Approximate Overall Cost: $885

Rocky Ridge Music Center
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to mid-July (4 weeks)
Application Fee: $85
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,925

The Rome Festival Orchestra
Approximate Application Deadline: late-January
Approximate Festival Dates: NA
Application Fee: $39
Approximate Overall Cost: $4,994

Round Top
Approximate Application Deadline: late-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to mid-July (6 weeks)
Application Fee: $80
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,000

Sarasota Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-February
Approximate Festival Dates: early to late-June (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $95
Approximate Overall Cost: $865

Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: NA
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-June to mid-July (4 weeks)
Application Fee: $60
Approximate Overall Cost: $5,425

Snow Pond Music Festival (SPMF)
Approximate Application Deadline: late-March
Approximate Festival Dates: early to late-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $100
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,995

Summer at Eastman
Approximate Application Deadline: Varies
Approximate Festival Dates: Varies
Application Fee: Varies
Approximate Overall Cost: Varies

Summit Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: early-May
Approximate Festival Dates: late-July to early-August (3 weeks)
Application Fee: $125
Approximate Overall Cost: $3,800

Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to late-August (9 weeks)
Application Fee: $75
Approximate Overall Cost: $250

Taos School of Music
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: early-June to early-August (8 weeks)
Application Fee: $70
Approximate Overall Cost: $600

Texas Music Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: late-May to late-June (4 weeks)
Application Fee: $80
Approximate Overall Cost: $500

Torggler Vocal Institute
Approximate Application Deadline: early-April
Approximate Festival Dates: mid to late-June (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $30
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,250

UNCSA Alexander Technique Workshop
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-June
Approximate Festival Dates: mid-July (1 week)
Application Fee: None
Approximate Overall Cost: $1,710

The University of British Columbia Summer Voice Workshop
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-May
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,600

Approximate Application Deadline: late-January
Approximate Festival Dates: early-July to early-August (5 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: Free

VSO Institute (Vancouver Symphony)
Approximate Application Deadline: early-March
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-July (1 week)
Application Fee: $38
Approximate Overall Cost: $982

Yellow Barn
Approximate Application Deadline: mid-January
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August (5 weeks)
Application Fee: $80
Approximate Overall Cost: Free

Youth Orchestra of the Americas
Approximate Application Deadline: NA
Approximate Festival Dates: late-June to early-August (5 weeks)
Application Fee: NA
Approximate Overall Cost: NA

Zodiac Music Academy and Festival
Approximate Application Deadline: late-April
Approximate Festival Dates: early to mid-July (2 weeks)
Application Fee: $50
Approximate Overall Cost: $2,500

Career Planning Guide

Career Planning Guide (all links will take you to the CLC website)
Chapter 1 – Resumes
Chapter 2 – Cover Letters
Chapter 3 – Portfolios and Personal Websites
Chapter 4 – Managing Your Image
Chapter 5 – Etiquette
Chapter 6 – Networking/Making Connections
Chapter 7 – Job and Internship Search
Chapter 8 – Other Letters
Chapter 9 – Interviews
Chapter 10 – Components of a Job Offer
Chapter 11 – Graduate School