For this term’s community read, we follow up on last term’s Keynes, Cowen, & Capitalism with two books. The main course will be Nicholas Wapshott’s Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics, featuring the co-evolution of the legacies of John Maynard Keynes and F. A. Hayek. Indeed, frequent readers of this blog or the economics blogospher generally are likely familiar with what I like to call “The Citizen Kane of macro battle rap videos.”
Here’s an excerpt of Tyler Cowen’s review.
Here’s Wapshott talking about his book with co-creator of the Keynes v. Hayek videos, Russ Roberts.
We will also read sections of Todd Buchholz’s now classic, New Ideas from Dead Economists, which should help us put some of this history in context.
As per usual, the course is one unit and requires you to read and to discuss. Please stop by and sign up this week with Professor Galambos or Professor Gerard. We need to get a head count and set a meeting time.
UPDATE: 391 DS — Keynes, Hayek and Other Dead Economists. Sign up sheets pinned on our bulletin boards.
We will meet Thursdays at 3:25.