Library Displays

Category: Library Displays

Senior Experience Addresses Wisconsin Mine

For her senior experience project, geology major Steph Courtney ’14 decided to approach an issue that hits close to home.  In a series of four posters and tangible display accessories, Courtney explores the geology and hazards associated with GTac’s planned taconite mine near Mellen, Wisconsin.  The goal of the posters is to provide an information source about these topics because it is fairly difficult to find accessible scientific information from scientists in today’s political climate.DSC022381

In her project’s mission, Courtney states, “In my time at Lawrence, I’ve discovered that I have a passion for science public outreach, education, and communication.  Coupled with my interests in conveying information visually, I’ve found that one of the ways I most enjoy working on this passion is through museum-type displays, such as this one.  I’ve found a number of ways to exercise and refine that passion through LU-garnered opportunities, but feel that…public engagement and feedback is always helpful.”DSC022401

Courtney isn’t the sole part of the geology department who is addressing this topic, professors Andrew Knudsen and Marcia Bjornerud have been working on this issue as well, and collaborated with another geology student to write a paper about it.  In addition, Bjornerud has been working with the Bad River tribe and has testified to the state legislature about the planned mine.

Steph Courtney’s display can be viewed on the second floor of the Mudd Library through May 9th, 2014.  There will be a public reception (with snacks!) on May 4th from 3-5pm.

NEDAwareness Week Books Display

Thanks to the campus student groups PSA, LUNAMI, SAA, and LU Wellness, there is a new themed display on the New Books shelf in the library for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (February 23rd-March 1st).

1779140_10203606711034707_1843898827_nThe goal of this week is to promote public and media attention to the seriousness of eating disorders and improve education about triggers, warning signs, and how to help those struggling. NEDAwareness’ 2014 theme is “I Had No Idea”, seeking to address the misconceptions and stigma that surround eating disorders.

This display provides print resources for patrons that are perhaps suffering from an eating disorder, or are interested in learning more about them. Also on display are educational infographics provided by NEDA, the National Eating Disorders Association (which can also be viewed here).  To learn more about NEDA and NEDAwareness Week, you can visit their websites here and here.

NEDA’s Information & Referral Helpline: 800-931-2237

LU Counseling: 920-832-6574 or the WellLU webpage for counseling and other resources.


Mapping Then and Now: History of Geologic Mapping Display

Geologic Mapping Display

Have you noticed the large measuring rod that has been affixed to the stairway railing in the library? We are not expecting a flood or measuring the height of our patrons as some have suggested. That is called a stadia rod, and it is part of a geological mapping exhibit that will be set up in the library throughout winter term.

This display will consist of three installments, starting with From Washington and Jefferson to the Establishment of the U.S. Geological Survey, Last Century Mapping Techniques, and concluding with Current Digital Mapping Methods.

Geologic Mapping

The display was designed by Professor Emeritus of Geology, John Palmquist, with the purpose of exploring the role of maps and mapping in the development of the United States, as well as to show how mapping techniques have advanced over time.

For the duration of the display, a plane table, alidade, and stadia rod will be set up to encourage visitors to not only see these tools, but also to get a feel for how they are used.