Lawrence University Graduate Discusses Life as Entrepreneur in Science Hall Colloquium

APPLETON, WIS. — Eric Seidel, a 2003 Lawrence graduate and a former software engineer for Apple Computer, shares insights on how a liberal arts and science degree helped him launch his own web-based company in a Science Hall Colloquium.

Seidel presents “Entrepreneurship: The Calculus of Starting Your Own Company after Lawrence,” Thursday, Feb. 15 at 4:15 p.m. in Science Hall, Room 202. The event is free and open to the public.

After earning his bachelor’s degree cum laude in mathematics, Seidel spent three years working for Apple Computer before launching his own start-up company,, last May. The fashion-focused, Internet-based company allows users from around the world to discuss fashion and share fashion photographs.

In his address, Seidel will discuss the importance of problem-solving skills in starting a company, how software development differs for start-up companies, the challenges of raising necessary capital to start a new company and the process of delivering a product to the marketplace. received venture capital funding from the Boston, Mass., firm Y-Combinator and is currently in the process of raising additional capital. The company opened to the public in January, 2007