
Tag: gradschool

Grad school degree options for artists of all types

For those interested in the Visual & Performing Arts, graduate school may be something to consider. Whether you are pursuing studio art, film, theater or music there are two main degree programs you can think about considering; The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) and the Master of Arts (MA). Whereas with music, one often pursues a Master of Music (MM). Each degree can be further categorized depending on your area of interest. For example, if you’re pursuing Film you can pursue an MFA or MA in Filmmaking, Visual Arts can receive a MFA or MA in Visual Arts, Music Education can receive an MM in Music Education, etc. However, what are the big differences between these degree programs? 

Let’s start with the Master of Fine Arts. The MFA is often more rigorous than the MA program since it offers much more hands-on course work. This is because the MFA program is often thought of as terminal, or as the last degree someone earns for their career. The MFA often takes 2-3 years to complete. 

The Master of Arts on the other hand is a little less rigorous when it comes to hands-on course work. The degree program can be completed in 2 years, and often features more seminars and is much more academic in design. Unlike the MFA, the MA is often not terminal. This means it is used as a stepping-stone to achieve high degrees, such as a Doctorate.  

The Master of Music is the main Masters degree for those studying Music Education, Performance, Composition etc. There are of course MA programs for those interested in pursuing music as well, but it is often designed to have a broad overlook of the topic of music rather than specializing in just one area like the MM programs. 

Want to know more about an MFA, MA, of MM in your career path? Check out these sources below:  

By Marissa Lake ’22. I am a sophomore Vocal Performance major. I am also the curator for the #ECE and #VPA Career Communities. I love performing as well as music education, and I hope to one day become an established vocalist.

Grad School for Social Work

All positions in Social Work require at least a Bachelor’s Degree. However, many positions often require higher degrees in order to achieve them.  

For those interested in Social Work there is one main Master’s degree one can pursue; the Master’s of Social Work (MSW). Almost all social worker positions require at least a Bachelors, however, if you wish to become a licensed clinical social worker you must also have an MSW.  

There are also two Doctorates one can pursue in the area of Social Work. These are the Doctor of Social Work (DSW) and the Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (PhD). The DSW is beneficial for those wishing to continue their education as a clinical social worker in hopes of become agency heads and other positions of administration, whereas the PhD is for those considering being educators in social work.

Want to know more? Check out these sources below:

Do I Need a Masters Degree to be a Social Worker? (via)

Should I pursue a Ph.D in Social Work? (via)

By Marissa Lake ’22. I am a sophomore Vocal Performance major. I am also the curator for the #ECE and #VPA Career Communities. I love performing as well as music education, and I hope to one day become an established vocalist.

Grad School for Religious Studies

For those considering furthering their education in the field of Religious Work, it is important to know that many professionals in the field have Ph.D’s and Doctorates rather than just a Masters degree. However, there are multiple Master’s degrees available for those with different interests and aspirations. This is important to consider when career planning, and deciding exactly which career path you would like to take.  

The current Master’s programs offered for Religious Work is the Master of Divinity (MDiv), the Master of Religion(MRel), and the Master of Theological Studies (MTS). The MDiv is often pursued by those who wish to become ministers. The MRel is for those who want to specialize in any ONE religious tradition, whereas the MTS is for those who want to specialize in MANY different religious traditions.  

As mentioned before, those in the field of Religious Work often have Doctorates rather than just a Master’s degree. The Doctorates currently being offered is the Doctor of Divinity (DD), the Doctor of Biblical Studies (DBS) and the Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Ph.D). The DD is for those who wish to lead religious organizations and the Ph.D is for those who wish to be researchers on Theological Issues. However, the DBS is specifically for those who want to specialize in the Christian faith.

Want to know more? Check out these sources below:  

Pursuing Graduate Work in Religious Studies (via)

What Can I Do With a Religion or Theology Degree? (via)

By Marissa Lake ’22. I am a sophomore Vocal Performance major. I am also the curator for the #ECE and #VPA Career Communities. I love performing as well as music education, and I hope to one day become an established vocalist.