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Resume Tips & Samples

RESUME BASICS – Chronological Resume

  • Header
    • The header is the very top portion of your resume. It will always have your name, phone number and email, and if applicable your Linkedin and website URL. 
    • Your contact info should be listed underneath your name.
      • Ex. (000) 000-0000, sample@lawrence.edu, linkedin.com/in/sam-ple
  • Education
    • This section is where you list the schools you have attended and the degrees obtained. For first year university students, this section may include your high school’s name and any honors awards you’ve obtained while in high school. 
    • List the name of the school, where it is located, and your anticipated or achieved graduation month and year. Underneath this list the degree you obtained and the what you majored/minored in.
      • Your major should always be bolded on the resume
    • Underneath your school information you can list any honors or academic awards. This may include any Deans list achievements or National Honors Societies. 
  • Work Experience 
    • Here is where you list your work experience in REVERSE chronological order (newest positions at the top). 
    • For the job information, list the name of your position, name of company, where it is located, and the month and years you have worked there. 
    • Underneath the job information make 3-5 bulletpoints describing what you did for your position
      • Try to use keywords from a job position you are interested in. 
      • Good action words to start are: “assisted” “managed” “collected” etc. Try to stay away from words like “helped”. 
    • Only list job information that is relevant to what you are applying for. 
  • Additional Experience
    • This section is for any work information you don’t want to or need to describe, unlike your Work Experience section. This often includes clubs, sports teams and other extracurriculars. 
    • For the additional experience section, list the name of your position, name of company (or club/sport), where it is located and the month and years you participated. 
    • In this section you do not need to put bullet points underneath the job experience. 
  • Technological & Language Skills
    • If applicable, in this section you can list any technology programs you are acquainted with or languages you know.
      • Ex. Microsoft word. Fluent in French. 
    • Try to stick to programs and languages you know very well, instead of just putting down ones you are acquainted with. 


  • Chronological Resume
    • The most standard form of resume. 
    • Highlights work experience.
  • Combination Resume 
    • This resume highlights your skills and classes rather than your work experience.
    • Use this resume when you may not have much work experience within the field you are applying for.