Tag: #NES

Job Prospects for Humanities Majors

By Jonathan Hogan

If you’re a humanities major, you may have received some pessimistic or rude comments about your choice of major. As a German major, I am personally sick of people thinking that all I do is study the language of German, and I’ve heard people tell English majors that they’re “majoring in a language that they already speak fluently.” Regardless of your humanities major, whether it be History, Gender Studies, a language, or something else, I hope you haven’t internalized the discourse that demands that your prospects are dim. As this article will demonstrate, humanities majors have the widest array of careers to choose from, making your problem not a lack of opportunities, but rather the difficult decision of which path to take.

Before delving into some of the main career paths taken by humanities majors, it’s worth mentioning that one of the distinct specialties of those holding humanities majors is finding niche positions to work in that likely won’t be enumerated because of their specificity. Thus, if nothing listed is in your interests, don’t fret! This is merely a broad and by no means an exhaustive list. If you know with all your heart that you want to work as a religious advisor at the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, then go for it! 


               One of the most common majors that apply and are accepted to Law school is English. This shouldn’t be a surprise, as both humanities majors and law degrees require a mastery of language, as well as the ability to analytically read and critically think about texts. If a law degree sounds interesting to you, click this link to read an article on the first step to applying for law school—the LSAT.


               Similar to Law, the field of publishing plays into a strong connection with written language. In comparison to Law, publishing places more of an emphasis on a love of books, networking abilities, and editing skills. For an article on what it’s like to work as an editor, click this link, and for an article on how to break into the relatively tight-knit industry, click here.


               Okay, NGO can mean a lot of things, ranging from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative political think tank, to Médecins Sans Frontières; however, the humanities can also mean a lot of things, making NGOs a potential place of work for essentially any major. The Center for Reproductive Rights, for example, would pair nicely with the Butlerian gender theorist out there, and Public Allies, an NGO dedicated to social justice through representative leadership, would pair nicely with a History major, or really any major that focuses on inequality in general.


               Another popular path for humanities majors is journalism. Because of the broad range of subjects that are written on, the only real requirement for Journalism is strong writing skills; however, Journalists are most effective when they can pair their strong writing skills with deep background knowledge in another area. For this reason, humanities majors are especially well-positioned to go into the field, as they typically command a deep well of knowledge on a specific topic, as well as immaculate writing skills.


               For those of you who have read the above career industries and are struggling with the idea of giving up theorizing and researching for more general use of skills developed at Lawrence, academia might be for you. One of the major advantages of going into academia is that, if a doctoral program really wants you, they will ensure that you aren’t losing money when pursuing your degree through fellowships and undergrad teaching positions. That being said, academia in general, is going through a major upheaval in the U.S. and the humanities appear to be suffering more than STEM and Social Science Departments. When asking your favorite professor for advice about pursuing a doctoral program in a humanities field, a question that will likely come up is: “would you still choose to pursue your doctorate even if you knew that it wasn’t going to lead to a job in academia?” If the answer is no, then it’s probably advisable to find a different outlet for your passion. If the answer; however, is yes, then you’ve just determined your next step for after Lawrence.

               A short list of five broad industries in which humanities majors typically find themselves working likely has not solved all of your professional development problems; however, hopefully, it has pointed you towards an industry that you might want to learn more about. In the worst case, however, this article can serve as a good tool for fending off anyone who’s mocking your decision to major in the humanities—just say you’re planning on going to law school 😊. 

Jonathan is a Third Year German and Government major. He works as a Peer Educator to assist students in the CJW and GLI career communities. In addition to professional development, Jonathan is interested in the cultural construction of the modern nation-state, normative constraints on rational behavior, and all things German. You can schedule an appointment with him here to improve your resume, learn more about the CJW and GLI career opportunities, and work on anything else professional development-related.

Idealist.org Review for #NES Community

Idealist.org is great for students who may not have their teaching certification yet, looking for non-profit work or mission-driven experiences. In the #NES Community, you can find relevant education and non-profit work easily through their search engine, and many of their opportunities are entry-level! Not only do they have jobs and internships but they also have relevant volunteer and graduate programs listed. This site is definitely a good catch-all source for those looking for relevant NES experience. Thankfully, the site is also well organized.

Their site is very easy to navigate, especially for students who are used to searching on Handshake. You just type in keywords for the field you are interested in, the area you are looking around, and then select if you are looking for “Jobs”, “Internships”, “Volunteer”, “Organizations” “Mutual Aid Groups” or “Grad Programs. There are also many other filters that can be used to apply to your search, such as “Job Function”, “Issue Areas”, “Education Level” and so much more! You can really curate the search to exactly what you are looking for, which is very helpful in narrowing down the thousands of search results. Once you find an opportunity you are interested in, then you can apply directly on their site, or it will direct you to the company site where you can apply. Depending on your specific field of interest, for those in the NES Community, we suggest using keywords such as “education”, “teaching”, “non-profit”, “social”, “fundraising” and “giving” to help kick-start your search. 

Idealist.org also has many resources listed on the bottom of its website. They have career resources and also grad resources for applying to grad school. They have hundreds of articles aimed at helping you find the perfect opportunity to apply to next!

Overall, Idealist.org is a very useful tool for searching for jobs, internships, and other opportunities. Those in the NES community should definitely check out what Idealist has to offer since they have thousands of opportunities and also many resources for applying and maintaining your opportunity. 

#NES Summer Opportunity Guide


One of the hardest parts about pursuing a summer program in any field is choosing one that is right for you. Thankfully for the NES community there is a wide range of summer opportunities to choose from. Schools and community centers are always looking to have an extra hand at helping out. 

  1. Location:

First you will want to choose where you want to complete your summer program. Do you want to stay within driving distance of your home town to spend time with your family over the summer? Do you want to travel to a new city you’ve been wanting to explore? Maybe you just want to live in Appleton and live on campus for the summer? There are many different options, however, location is the first thing you should consider before searching for summer opportunities since it will narrow down your search by a lot. 

  1.  Paid vs. Unpaid

The next thing to consider while searching for summer opportunities is if you will be paid for your work or not. Some opportunities may pay you in a stipend or bi-weekly in paychecks. Others, especially non-profits, may not pay you at all for your work. Some may even ask you to pay them for the opportunity, especially in certain arts settings (these opportunities may offer work study). If you have found a summer opportunity that you enjoy but it is unpaid, don’t worry! Lawrence has quite a bit of funding to offer for summer experiences. 

  1. What do YOU want to gain from the experience

There are so many different experiences that look amazing on a resume. Though some opportunities are at more “prestigious” places that doesn’t mean you wont get equally as good opportunities at smaller programs.  A Curating Internship at the Smithsonian can be equally as rewarding as a Curating internship at the History Museum at the Castle right here in Appleton. If you find an opportunity or program that looks like something you would like to do, apply for it! It doesn’t need to be at a big name company for the experience to be rewarding. Find one that works best for you and what you would like to do with your career. 


Well, you’ve narrowed down summer opportunities you would like to apply for… now what? Next it is time to prepare and send in your application. Depending on how many opportunities you are applying for, this could take awhile so be sure you have your deadlines in order before diving in.

  1. Application Materials

Most internships and programs require you to submit a resume. If you need resume help check out our article here or create an appointment at the career center and we can get you started! You may also need to create a cover letter to go along with your application, you can see a sample cover letter here. Be sure to triple check deadlines in order to get your materials in on time! 

  1. Gather References

References get handed in with your other application materials, however, they require a little more explaining. Many opportunities require you to list references for the company to reach out to to learn more about you. Some opportunities require you to list your academic advisor or current employer, but many leave it up to you who you want to list. We suggest listing any teachers, current or past employers who know you and your work ethic very well. 

  1. Interview

Interviews are probably the scariest part about the application process; you are so close to getting the position but the interview can really make or break the employer’s decision. Before your interview we suggest creating a mock interview appointment with us at the Career Center. We will conduct the entire appointment like it were your actual interview and then give you feedback on how you did and how to improve. Doing a mock interview with a friend also works well, and ensures you aren’t extremely nervous during your actual interview. 

Happy Applying!

Written by Marissa Lake ’22 Career Peer Educator

Common #NES Graduate Degrees

Considering a Career in Education?  

If you are considering a career in Education, it is important to note that you often only need a Bachelor’s Degree in order to be a classroom teacher at the early childhood, K-12, and high school levels. However, if you would like to teach at the higher education or University level you often need at least a Master’s degree.   

These degrees can be pursued at any time after a Bachelor’s is achieved. For example, one can take a few years off after undergrad to get hands-on experience teaching in a classroom setting before pursuing their next degree. There is no right or wrong way to do it, it all depends on your schedule and how you would like to pursue the degree. 

If you’re considering getting a Master’s degree for the field of education, you must consider which Master’s degree is the right fit for you. Currently, there are two common Master’s programs that can take you two different paths in the field; the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) and the Master of Education (M.Ed.). The MAT is for those who specifically want to teach in a classroom setting. On the other hand, the M.Ed. is often pursued by those who wish to work in administrative or policy roles, for example, within school districts, with the US Department of Education, or departments of education at the state level.   

There are two main Doctorate degrees for those in Education. The Doctorate in Education (Ed.D), and the Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D). The Ed.D is often pursued by those who want to work in positions of leadership and policy making within a school or school district. Whereas the Ph.D is often for those who wish to be University and Higher Education Teachers or teacher educators.  

Want to know more? Check out these sources below:  

Considering Religious Work?  

For those considering furthering their education in the field of Religious Work, it is important to know that many professionals in the field have Ph.D’s and Doctorates rather than just a Masters degree. However, there are multiple Master’s degrees available for those with different interests and aspirations. This is important to consider when career planning, and deciding exactly which career path you would like to take.  

The current Master’s programs offered for Religious Work is the Master of Divinity (MDiv), the Master of Religion(MRel), and the Master of Theological Studies (MTS). The MDiv is often pursued by those who wish to become ministers. The MRel is for those who want to specialize in any ONE religious tradition, whereas the MTS is for those who want to specialize in MANY different religious traditions.  

As mentioned before, those in the field of Religious Work often have Doctorates rather than just a Master’s degree. The Doctorates currently being offered is the Doctor of Divinity (DD), the Doctor of Biblical Studies (DBS) and the Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (Ph.D). The DD is for those who wish to lead religious organizations and the Ph.D is for those who wish to be researchers on Theological Issues. However, the DBS is specifically for those who want to specialize in the Christian faith.

Want to know more? Check out these sources below:  

Pursuing Graduate Work in Religious Studies (via) CSUChico.com

What Can I Do With a Relgion or Theology Degree? (via) DegreeQuery.com

Considering Social Work?

All positions in Social Work require at least a Bachelor’s Degree. However, many positions often require higher degrees in order to achieve them.  

For those interested in Social Work there is one main Master’s degree one can pursue; the Master’s of Social Work (MSW). Almost all social worker positions require at least a Bachelors, however, if you wish to become a licensed clinical social worker you must also have an MSW.  

There are also two Doctorates one can pursue in the area of Social Work. These are the Doctor of Social Work (DSW) and the Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work (PhD). The DSW is beneficial for those wishing to continue their education as a clinical social worker in hopes of become agency heads and other positions of administration, whereas the PhD is for those considering being educators in social work.

Want to know more? Check out these sources below:

Do I Need a Masters Degree to be a Social Worker? (via) SocialWorkDegreeGuide.com  

Should I pursue a Ph.D in Social Work? (via) DworakPeck.usc.edu

Service Opportunities for Gap Year

Are you interested in attending graduate school, but not ready to jump right in after graduating from Lawrence? Curious to learn about gap year opportunities to gain experience and explore your interests? We’ve got you covered. There are a wide array of opportunities for recent graduates — here are just a few service programs that offer yearlong opportunities in healthcare.

AmeriCorps State and National
AmeriCorps may not seem like the place for health care opportunities, but there are actually a variety of service programs offered that focus on community wellness and health services. For example, take a look at the “Be Well Fox Valley AmeriCorps Program” right here in the Fox Valley area. Through this program, members have the opportunity to provide health education and promote physical, mental, and social health for community members.
Check out AmeriCorps here!

National Health Corps
This program is specifically dedicated to connecting young adults interested in becoming health professionals to people in need. There are a variety of positions available for many different organizations (called “host sites”) nationwide. For example, you could spend a year as a “Patient Navigator” where your responsibilities include linking patients to health care services, enrolling patients in health insurance, and providing health screenings.
See more about the National Health Corps here!

How to become a Music Teacher (Elementary, Middle School)

Interested in becoming a music teacher for elementary or middle school students? Read on for some important information on how to get your dream teaching job! 

Job duties:

Here are some specific job duties required for becoming a music teacher. First you must have knowledge of the instrument/instruments in the ensemble. Knowing your instrument(s) inside and out will make teaching your class that much easier. Next you need the ability to manage a classroom. Classroom management is important because sometimes children can get rowdy and not retain the information you are teaching. Finally, you’ll need experience writing curricula, and in this case concert programs with appropriate repertoire. Music teachers not only have to create classroom plans, but they also have to plan exactly what music their ensembles and students are expected to play. 

Where they work:

Oftentimes, any type of music teacher is hired by a school district to teach band, orchestra, or private lessons. Sometimes if hired by a school district you are expected to travel between several schools within the district per week to teach students. You can also be hired by private schools, however, this process can be lengthy and sometimes requires degrees from very specific universities. Many areas are looking for music teachers, especially during the pandemic. Be sure to choose the right area for you by taking into consideration the cost of living + your salary of that particular area to make sure that is where you want to be.

Working conditions:

As a music teacher, you can expect to be working at least 40 hours a week. This is often the minimum for music teachers since they also have to do after-school music programs, concerts, musical rehearsals, etc. The best thing about being a teacher though is that you have a good portion of the summer off of work! Unless you seek out summer music camps to help out with. 


Often times you are working with children in a classroom setting. Your colleagues will most likely range in age, and sometimes you may have to collaborate with a music teacher of another ensemble or even have a teacher’s assistant. 

Education and Training:

The minimum degree for this profession is often a bachelor’s degree in a music-related field. After earning this degree, you are then expected to complete practicum before applying to work within a school district. State licensure is required for teaching in any state within the U.S. Requirements for these do differ by state so it is important to do your research before applying for different school districts. Here at Lawrence, if you are a Music Education major you will be guided to get your certification over the course of the 5-year degree program (4 years of school, 1 year of student teaching).

How to gain experience while in undergrad:

The best way for aspiring music teachers to gain experience while in undergrad is by applying for and attending internships. There are many summer programs that offer teacher internships such as The People’s Music School, Merit School of Music, Wisconsin Conservatory, and much more! You don’t need your teachers certification to apply for these internships, and they are a great way to gain experience in the field.

Pay and Benefits: 

Your pay depends on the school district your working in and its geographical location. Often times your pay is based on price of living for geographic area. On the lower end of the price of living, but you can get by. Substitutes are going to be under a full teaching salary, making around $12-$15. Public school teachers generally have benefits (dental, vision, health) however, private school teachers often times do not.

Job Outlook:

Right now, music teachers are needed EVERYWHERE. There is a shortage of teachers in general, however, music teachers are especially needed. Sadly, music is one of the first classes to get cut out of curricula in elementary and grade schools. Job market is thankfully expected to grow by 12% in the next few years, and many school districts will hire you right out of your student teaching experience. 

Global Considerations:

Teaching jobs that are abroad (outside of the U.S) often offer 2 year contracts. Teachers coming into the U.S are asked to apply for a VISA upon hire; which means you can go through the application process without needing a VISA, however, if you are hired by the school you are required to apply for one. As far as I know, all types of US teaching certificates can be obtained by international students and they can secure a teaching job in the U.S upon graduation. There could be extra steps depending on where certification is obtained (NYC you need fingerprint scans), so it is important to do you research on the district you are applying for.