RSVP to one or all three events via the link below!
Networking with Allied Health Professionals
Tuesday, Jan. 21 | 7 p.m.
Fox Commons B&E Center
Join us to hear from alumni in allied health care careers! Dinner will be provided from Chipotle.
- Gabriela VanEperen ’10, APNP
- Ashley Crowe ’10, MSN
- Tess Seering ’20, PA-C Emergency Medicine
- Cate Frazier ’08, PA-C
- Molly Van Zeeland ’07, DPT
- Emma Kane ’13, MPH
Emotional Wellbeing with Erin Buenzli
Thursday, Jan. 23 | 7:30 p.m.
Fox Commons B&E Center
Learn ways to stay grounded and make yourself a priority as we care for others in our work. Explore mindfulness and gratitude-based interventions. Snacks will be provided.
Networking with Physicians
Tuesday, Feb. 18 | 7 p.m.
Fox Commons B&E Center
Local alumni in medical professions (MD, DO, DDS, DPM) will speak to students in small groups. A taco bar will be provided.