Lawrence University News

2009 Nobel Prize Winner Thomas Steitz to Deliver Lawrence University’s 2010 Commencement Address

Nobel Prize-winner Thomas Steitz will return to his alma mater to deliver the commencement address at Lawrence University’s graduation ceremonies June 13, 2010.

Tom-Steitz_web.jpgSteitz, who earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Lawrence in 1962, was named one of three winners of the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry Oct. 7 for his research describing the structure and function of ribosomes. He will receive his Nobel Prize medal Dec. 10 during ceremonies in Stockholm, Sweden.

“We are delighted and honored that our distinguished alumnus is making a visit to Lawrence part of his extremely busy schedule,” said Lawrence President Jill Beck. “We look forward to welcoming Dr. Steitz back to campus in June. The seniors in the Class of 2010 should have a very exciting commencement ceremony.”

In a letter to President Beck, Steitz said he would rearrange plans to be in Europe so he could attend the June exercises.

“I have decided that it is very important for me to accept your invitation for next spring’s commencement,” Steitz wrote. “My years at Lawrence were of such great importance to me and my life and I feel I must pay tribute to Lawrence.”

Steitz credits his Lawrence education for setting him “on the right path.”

“It gave me an appreciation about how to think about answering questions,” said Steitz. “I was taught how to put things together, how to integrate information. I think that has been an important contributor all along.”

The Nobel Prize recognized Steitz’ decades-long research on the structure and function of the ribosome, which transforms encoded DNA information into proteins central to all of life’s functions. To determine its structure, he used the technique known as X-ray crystallography to map the position of each of the more than 100,000 individual atoms that make up the ribosome. His research has helped scientists develop new generations of antibiotics.

A native of Milwaukee and a graduate of Wauwatosa High School, Steitz is the Sterling professor of molecular biophysics and biochemistry and professor of chemistry at Yale University, where he has taught since 1970. He also is an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

After graduating cum laude from Lawrence, Steitz earned his Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry from Harvard University. Prior to joining the Yale faculty, Steitz worked at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England.

Earlier this month, Lawrence announced it would rename its newest science building “Thomas Steitz Science Hall” in honor of the Nobel Prize-winning alumnus.

Rob Neilson’s Los Angeles Public Art Commission Dedicated Nov. 14

Lawrence University sculptor Rob Neilson, who specializes in site-specific public art, will be among the guests of honor Saturday, Nov. 14 for the official dedication of his latest creation — 54 cast iron portraits adorning the new Pico-Aliso light rail station in Los Angeles, Calif.

Rob-Neilson-Train-Sculpture.jpg The dedication ceremonies for the $115,000 commission Neilson titled “About Place, About Face” culminates a project that was three years in the making. The more than four dozen metal portraits, some as big as four feet tall, feature faces of people who actually live in the rail station’s neighborhood.

“All of my work is site specific,” said Neilson, associate professor of art at Lawrence. “But I wanted to take this a step further and make the project not just about the location, but also about the surrounding neighborhood and the people who live there and use the facility.”

In conjunction with the Los Angeles Metro Transit Authority, Neilson used dozens of neighborhood volunteers who were willing to have their faces digitally scanned. The visual information, collected in a process that took just 17 seconds per face, was sent to a computer numerical controlled machine that milled it into dense foam from which molds were made and eventually cast with molten iron — at a toilet factory.


Much of the work on his “About Place, About Face” project was created while Neilson served as an Artist-in-Residence in the Kohler Arts/Industry Program through the John Michael Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan and the Kohler Company in Kohler. Known world-wide for its toilets, bathtubs and sinks, Kohler’s foundry became Neilson’s art studio.

Kohler employees would take breaks from making toilets and bath tubs to cast his larger-than-life faces, filling his mold with 100 pounds of molten iron.

“Historically public art monuments have been used to commemorate the accomplishments of ‘great’ and ‘powerful’ individuals,” said Neilson, a Detroit native who lived in Long Beach, Calif., for five years before joining the Lawrence art department in 2003. “The ‘About Place, About Face’ project is a monument to the rest of us, particularly the people in the neighborhood who use the Pico-Aliso rail station.

When awarded the commission, Neilson said he was given the charge of creating a piece of public art that involved the community and referenced the area and its people.

“I tried to create a work of art that speaks of the area’s past, present and future inhabitants,” said Neilson. “My goal was to have something that encouraged a sense of ownership and involvement within this community. I think these portraits accomplish that.”

The dedication of Neilson’s sculpture and the opening of the Pico-Aliso light rail station is part of an $898 million extension project of the Los Angeles Metro Gold Line.

Lawrence University’s Annual Alternative Giving Fair Offers Gifts of Hope, Support

Local shoppers have the chance to give more than just a gift this holiday season. By purchasing presents at Lawrence University’s alternative giving fair, they will provide gifts of hope and support to people in need around the world.

Lawrence hosts its third annual alternative giving fair Saturday, Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center Somerset room.

Set up like a traditional market with more than 20 booths (and information tables), the fair features a variety of “alternative gifts” designed to help dozens of national and international humanitarian projects. Focused on saving lives in developing countries and preserving the planet, available alternative gifts range from a greenhouse in North Korea to grow healthy food for hospital patients to safe motherhood kits for pregnant women in Rwanda and Tanzania. Each alternative gift purchased includes a card that is sent to the gift recipient, informing them of the item purchased in their honor.

To date, the first two fairs have raised nearly $19,000 for more than 40 causes and organizations around the world.

The fair also will feature a variety of tangible gifts, including tapestries, mugs, ornaments, scarves and jewelry hand-crafted by artisans in developing countries. These products are provided by Globally Sound, a local Fair Trade store.

Live musical entertainment by Lawrence students will be provided throughout the day and refreshments will be available.

The alternative giving fair is sponsored by the campus organization Students’ War Against Hunger and Poverty (SWAHP).

Saxophonist David Davis Wins Lakeshore Wind Ensemble Young Artist Competition

Lawrence University musician David Davis won the Lakeshore Wind Ensemble Young Artist Solo Scholarship Competition held Saturday, Nov. 8 in Manitowoc.David-Davis_web.jpg

A junior saxophone performance major from Sussex, Davis received a first-place prize of $1,500 and will be the featured soloist during the Lakeshore Wind Ensemble’s March 6, 2010 concert at the Manitowoc Capitol Civic Centre.

Davis performed Bading’s “Concerto for alto saxophone and wind ensemble” for the undergraduate competition, which is open to musicians up to the age of 25. Nearly 20 musicians covering woodwinds, brass, percussion and piano participated in the audition.

Davis is a student in the saxophone studio of Professor of Music Steven Jordheim.

Four Lawrence University Students Earn First-Place Honors at State Singing Competition

Lawrence University students captured first-place honors in four categories at the 2009 Wisconsin chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) competition held Nov. 6-7 at UW-Eau Claire.

Winning their respective divisions were Erin Bryan, Appleton, sophomore women; Sara Brannon, Houston, Texas, junior women; Patrick MacDevitt, Marquette, Mich., junior men; and Evan Bravos, St. Charles, Ill., senior men.

Bryan is a student of Professor of Music Patrice Michaels. MacDevitt studies in the voice studio of assistant professor of music Steven Spears. Brannon and Bravos are both voice students of Ken Bozeman, Frank C. Shattuck Professor of Music.

Eight of Lawrence’s 35 singers entered in the competition advanced to the finals round. The four first-place finishers each were awarded $150 for their winning efforts, while second- and third-place finishers received $125 and $100, respectively.

This year’s auditions drew a total of 345 singers from around the state, who competed in 20 separate divisions by gender and level. Depending upon the category, NATS competitors are required to sing two, three or four classical pieces from different time periods with at least one selection sung in a foreign language.

2009 NATS Auditions/Lawrence Results

November 6-7 at UW-Eau Claire


High School Men

Luke Selker, Appleton, Wis./Third Place/Carol Jegen/Ken Bozeman

Freshman Women

Katrina Zosseder, San Rafael, Calif./Third Place/Karen Leigh-Post

Freshman Men

Luke Randall, Edina, Minn./Second Place/Ken Bozeman

Sophomore Women

Erin Bryan, Appleton, Wis./First Place/Patrice Michaels

Julia Steiner, Milwaukee, Wis./Third Place/Patrice Michaels

Junior Women

Sara Brannon, Houston, Texas/First Place/Ken Bozeman

Junior Men

Patrick MacDevitt, Marquette, Mich./First Place/Steven Spears

Senior Men

Evan Bravos, St. Charles, Ill./First Place/Ken Bozeman

Sculpture Project that Recyles Used, Discarded Materials Focus of Lawrence Visiting Artist Series Address

Michigan-based ceramist Daniel Bare, who draws inspiration for his work from landfills, recycling bins and thrift stores, discusses his latest project, “Re/Claim,” in a Lawrence University Visiting Artist Series address Monday, Nov. 9 at 4:30 p.m. in the Wriston Art Center auditorium. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Inspired by ceramic production villages in China, Bare’s “Re/Claim” project uses mostly post-consumer found ceramics to create new sculptures. Daniel-Bare-ceramics_web.jpgStruck by the impact of overproduction, consumption and disposal of resources worldwide, Bare reinvents the role of commonplace, frequently discarded or forgotten items by turning them into new sculptures.

By reorganizing mass-produced items such as mugs, plates and other ceramic figurines into new structures, Bare lengthens the items’ lifecycles. Challenging the limits of ceramics and the boundary between hand-made and machine-made objects, he sees his work as a commentary on a wasteful culture and contemporary environmental concerns.

A recent resident artist at the Pottery Workshop in DeHua, China, Bare is a ceramics technician and ceramics instructor at Grand Valley State University and serves on the Exhibitions Committee of the Urban Institute of Contemporary Art in Grand Rapids. His artwork has been exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally.

Alumni Author Discusses His Latest Book on C-SPAN’s “After Words”

Lawrence University alumnus and author Harry MacLean ’64 will be featured on C-SPAN’s “After Words” this weekend (Nov. 7-8) to discuss his latest book, “The Past is Never Dead,” with Richard Holworth, owner of Square Books in Oxford, Miss. His “After Words” interview will air on C-SPAN Saturday, Nov. 7 at 9 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 8 at 11 a.m., 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. (all times CST). Harry-MacLean-Headshot-web.jpg

MacLean’s “The Past is Never Dead” details the 2007 trial of James Ford Seale for his role in the kidnapping and murder of two young black men in 1964. In writing the book, MacLean sought not only to cover the past crime, but to discover the truth about Mississippi. Along with recounting the Seale trial, Maclean interweaves the story of Mississippi and its struggle for redemption from its troubled past.

Maclean, who lives in Denver, Colo., recently discussed “The Past is Never Dead” in an interview with Claire Martin of the Denver Post. He also is the author of “In Broad Daylight,” which earned the 1989 Edgar Award for “best true crime” and 1993’s “Once Upon A Time.”

Lawrence University Honors Nobel Prize Winner Thomas Steitz by Renaming Science Building

Since its opening nine years ago, Lawrence University’s newest academic building has been known simply as Science Hall. But it soon will bear the name of Lawrence’s 2009 Nobel Prize winner, Thomas Steitz.

Lawrence President Jill Beck has announced that the college’s Board of Trustees, at its recent fall meeting, voted unanimously to rename Science Hall as “Thomas Steitz Science Hall.” The building’s new name honors the 1962 Lawrence graduate who was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry Oct. 7 for his research that revealed the structure and function of ribosomes.

An official renaming ceremony will be held at a date to be determined.

Tom-Stetiz2_web.jpg“This is a fitting way for Lawrence to recognize one of our most distinguished graduates, by naming for Dr. Steitz the facility in which our current students are learning cutting-edge science,” said Beck. “His dedication and accomplishments serve as inspiration to all of our young, aspiring scientists. Having the building they learn and conduct research in bear his name will motivate them to consider all that is possible in their own careers.”

The naming announcement is especially fitting since Steitz was the invited keynote speaker for the building’s official dedication ceremonies in October 2000.

“I was truly amazed to hear from President Beck that Lawrence is going to name its new science building after me,” said Steitz, a Milwaukee native who graduated from Wauwatosa High School. “This is, indeed, a great honor from a university to which I owe so much.”

Steitz is the Sterling professor of molecular biophysics and biochemistry and professor of chemistry at Yale University, where he has taught since 1970. He also is an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His Nobel Prize honored his decades-long research on the structure and function of the ribosome, which transforms DNA into proteins central to life functions.

After graduating cum laude from Lawrence with a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, Steitz earned his Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry from Harvard University. Prior to joining the Yale faculty, Steitz worked at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England.

The building name is just the latest accolade for Steitz from his alma mater. In 1981, Lawrence awarded Steitz an honorary doctorate of science degree and recognized him with its Lucia R. Briggs Distinguished Achievement Award in 2002.

Finished in 2000 after two years of construction, the $18.1 million, 78,000-square-foot science building is home to Lawrence’s molecular science programs. It is the largest academic building on Lawrence’s 84-acre campus.

The building’s first two floors house the chemistry department, while the third floor is devoted to the biology department. A bridge through the building’s distinctive 30-foot glass atrium connects the third floor to adjacent Youngchild Hall, providing the biology department with a contiguous space on the top floor of two separate buildings. The lower level features two advanced research laboratories in physics, a radioisotope wet lab for use by both the biology and chemistry departments and a world-class electron microscopy suite.

Steve March Tormé, Wisconsin Homegrown Quintet Headline Lawrence University’s Annual Jazz Celebration Weekend

Steve March Tormé, son of legendary jazz singer Mel Tormé, and the Wisconsin Homegrown Jazz Quintet, five accomplished musicians all with state roots, headline the 29th edition of Lawrence University’s annual Jazz Celebration Weekend.

Steve-March-Torme_web-blog.jpgMarch Tormé opens the weekend Friday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lawrence Memorial Chapel, 510 E. College Ave., Appleton. The Wisconsin Homegrown Jazz Quintet closes the weekend Saturday, Nov. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for both concerts, ranging from $15 to $22 are available through the Lawrence Box Office, 920-832-6749.

“Wisconsin has produced a list of jazz luminaries, including such legends as bandleader Woody Herman of Milwaukee and renowned big band era trumpeter Bunny Berigan from Hilbert,” said Fred Sturm, director of jazz studies and improvisational music at Lawrence. “Some great musicians from Wisconsin are now major national and international jazz artists and our Jazz Weekend provides the perfect opportunity to bring a few of them back home.”

Backed by the 10-piece Lawrence Faculty Jazz Band, March Tormé’s opening concert, “Tormé Sings Tormé,” is a musical and visual tribute to his father as well as a commemoration of the 10th anniversary of his father’s 1999 death. The concert, which was part of a 32-city American tour in 2007, includes video footage and photos from March Tormé’s show business life.

Born in New York City, the son of the multi-talented Mel Tormé and the former model, Candy Tockstein, Steve’s parents’ divorced when he was young and his mother remarried the actor/comedian Hal March, who was the host of NBC-TV’s “The $64,000 Question.”

March Tormé spent nearly 30 years living in southern California, honing his craft as a performer, working as an actor and appearing on a number of variety television shows, including three years as the featured vocalist on ABC-TV’s “$100,000 Name That Tune.” His circle of friends included many other second-generation show biz kids, including Liza Minnelli, Dean Martin Jr. and Carrie Fisher.

With a singing career covering more than three decades, March Tormé’s repertoire spans the gamut from classic standards to his own original music that carries the influences of artists ranging from the Beatles and Todd Rundgren to Joni Mitchell and Steely Dan.

His first album, “Lucky,” released in the late 1970s, earned critical acclaim while is latest CD, “Inside/Out,” was released earlier this year. The disc features 12 of his own original works that showcase his talents as vocalist, keyboardist, guitarist and composer.

Lawrence’s superb vocal jazz group, the Hybrid Ensemble, will open the March Tormé concert and perform one of his original compositions with him. The concert also will include a performance of one of his father’s most famous compositions, “The Christmas Song,” with a new arrangement scored by Lawrence faculty member Lee Tomboulian.

“While the show is a tribute to Mel Tormé, Steve is not trying to copy his legendary father,” said Sturm. “Steve’s got a sound, style and approach that’s uniquely his. There are wonderful moments where you’ll hear his father’s influence, but Steve’s got a distinctive voice that’s all his.”

Four years ago, March Tormé moved from California to Wisconsin, where is wife is originally from, and now makes his home in Appleton.

His concert is presented in collaboration with the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center and media partner 91.1 FM The Avenue.

Saturday’s concert features the ensemble debut of the Wisconsin Homegrown Jazz Quintet, featuring saxophonist Joel Frahm of Racine, drummer Zach Harmon of Winneconne, Eau Claire native Geoffrey Keezer on piano, trumpeter Brian Lynch, who grew up in Milwaukee and Appleton-born bassist Ike Sturm.

While they will be playing together for the first time as an ensemble, each member of the quintet has established himself individually, performing with many of the jazz world’s biggest stars. In addition to performing together, each quintet member also will be showcased as a solo artist with the Lawrence University Jazz Ensemble.

Brian-Lynch_web-blog.jpgLynch, considered one of the premier jazz artists working today, has been a member of the Horace Silver Quintet, Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers and the Phil Woods Quintet and has enjoyed a 20-year association with Latin jazz star Eddie Palmieri.

Geoff-Keezer_web-blog.jpgKeezer, who began touring with Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers as an 18-year old, has been the featured pianist with Diana Krall, Joshua Redman, Chick Corea and Christian McBride, among others.

Joel-Frahm_web-blog.jpgFrahm, who recently was recognized in Downbeat magazine’s Critics Poll as a “Rising Star” in the tenor saxophone category, has appeared with Jane Monheit and Kurt Rosenwinkel and recorded the 2004 CD “Don’t Explain” with Brad Mehldau.

Zach-Harmon_web-blog.jpgHarmon and Sturm will be on familiar turf as both have strong Lawrence connections. Harmon, who grew up in Winneconne and now lives in Los Angeles, is the son of Wisconsin musical icon John Harmon, the first director of Lawrence’s jazz studies program. He has toured Vietnam and India with Herbie Hancock and Wayne Shorter and recorded with Grammy-winning trumpeter Terence Blanchard.

Ike-Sturm_web-blog.jpgSturm, the Appleton-born son of current Lawrence jazz director Fred Sturm, is the jazz music director at St. Peter’s Church — the “Jazz Church” — in Manhattan and has collaborated with Bobby McFerrin, Maria Schneider and Kenny Wheeler. His new CD, “Jazz Mass,” is scheduled for release in mid-November.

“Though several members have crossed musical paths before this, the quintet will play together for the first time as a unit just 48 hours before their Saturday performance,” said Sturm. “Assembling this group was like picking my own Wisconsin all-star team. And having Ike and Zach on stage will complete beautiful circles for John Harmon and me.”

In addition the two evening concerts, more than 1,000 middle and high school and collegiate instrumental and vocal students representing 49 school ensembles will participate in a series of clinics on Saturday, Nov. 7 conducted by seven Wisconsin jazz educators. All of Saturday’s daytime events, including ensemble performances held throughout the Music-Drama Center, Shattuck Hall, and the Memorial Chapel, are free and open to the public.

A complete Jazz Celebration Weekend schedule of events can be found here.

Africa-based Missionary Featured in Lawrence University Social Justice Series Presentation

Peter Brokopp, a missionary in Burkina Faso, presents “[Encounter: West Africa] Dry Tears. Malnutrition. AIDs.” in the second installment of Lawrence University’s 2009-10 Social Justice Series Thursday, Nov. 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center cinema. The event is free and open to the public.

The presentation will examine the reality of poverty and the life-and-death importance of clean water in the land-locked sub-Saharan country to grow crops, curb malnutrition and prevent fatal diseases through water-borne illnesses. Brokopp’s work focuses on developing people rather than programs through both formal education and community health education, including proper water care and AIDS education.

Brokoff grew up in Gabon, Africa, where his parents were missionaries. He worked in the United States as a youth pastor for six years before moving to Burkina Faso in 1998 to work with youth development. Assisted by volunteers who come for 10-day stays, Brokopp’s efforts center on establishing wells and building youth centers and schools.

The Social Justice Lecture Series is sponsored by the Lawrence University Volunteer and Community Center and brings guest speakers to campus to discuss contemporary social justice issues such as Wisconsin’s school funding crisis and asylum for battered women of the world.