Tag: #HMP


Congratulations, you are now a hospice volunteer or thinking about volunteering at a hospice center in a hospital or clinic. Here comes the ‘now what?’ questions. What do you do and do not do on your shift? What do you say and not say? Where do you go and not go? And how do you do it? Most of these questions and more might/will have already been answered in the training sessions. But the most important questions would be ‘Why?’ and again ‘How’. Why is it important to volunteer at a hospice center and how do you even volunteer?

Let us begin by starting to think about delivery as a volunteer. Note that a hospice volunteer is a person who will not only keep the company of patients but also ensure and support the nurses and workers in the vicinity. The truth is that most hospice volunteers do not have a planned duty like other volunteering opportunities have set out. This does not mean that there are no tasks for volunteers in hospice centers. Hospice facilities need volunteers around not just because of the experiences volunteers will gain, which includes direct patient contact, but also because volunteers are essential for institutions like clinics and hospitals to maintain the communal and friendly environment needed for patients to not feel burdened or stressed emotionally and mentally.

Volunteers are essential in hospice centers as they offer compassionate support to patients and their families during some of the most difficult times. They provide companionship, emotional comfort, and practical help, significantly improving the quality of life of patients. By alleviating loneliness and isolation, volunteers create a vital human connection that enhances emotional well-being. They engage in activities like reading, conversing, and offering a comforting presence, which can be deeply soothing for patients and their loved ones.

Hospitals and hospice centers often face significant resource limitations, and volunteers help address critical care gaps. By handling non-medical tasks, volunteers allow nurses and other healthcare professionals to concentrate on specialized medical care. They assist with administrative duties, run errands, or offer respite care, giving family members a much-needed break. This support is vital to maintaining an efficient and responsive healthcare environment. Moreover, volunteers bring diverse skills and perspectives, enriching the care setting with their unique talents.

The involvement of volunteers in hospice care highlights a community’s dedication to supporting its members and promoting a sense of unity and care. Volunteers frequently become advocates for hospice services in their communities, raising awareness and fostering a culture of compassion and empathy. Their contributions extend beyond immediate care to support the broader mission of hospice centers, which is to deliver holistic, patient-centered care. By bridging the gap between professional healthcare and the personal touch of community care, volunteers ensure that patients receive comprehensive support that meets both their physical and emotional needs.

Despite all these fully structured and well-formatted duties of volunteers, there is still some randomness to being a hospice volunteer. Each hospice patient has unique needs and emotional challenges, so volunteers need to be flexible and ready to adapt. They also need to empathize with both the patient and their caregiver, adjusting their support as situations change. This ability to adapt and empathize highlights how vital volunteers are in hospice care. They face different challenges and emotions daily, requiring them to be emotionally intelligent and resilient. By meeting these varying needs, volunteers help ensure patients feel comfortable and respected during their final days.

In summary, hospice volunteers are incredibly important. They improve the quality of life for terminally ill patients and help professional staff by taking on non-medical tasks. Their compassionate presence and adaptability show the community’s commitment to caring for its members. Volunteers provide a crucial bridge between clinical care and personal connection, making sure patients receive comprehensive support for both their physical and emotional needs. Through their dedication and empathy, volunteers significantly impact the lives of patients and their families.

Dennis Boakye ’26 is a rising junior with a major in Neuroscience and a minor in Mathematics. He is also a co-president of the Neurolawrence Club and the Synthetic Biology Club and the treasurer for the American Medical Student Association (AMSA, Lawrence Chapter) and the Black Student Union (BSU). Dennis is the current career peer educator for the Health and Medicinal Professions (HMP) and the Physical and Natural Sciences (PHN) career communities at Lawrence University. Connect with Dennis on LinkedIn.


There are 17 Department of Energy (DOE) national labs in the US, each dedicated to discovering, synthesizing, and manipulating scientific data and findings. Below is a brief review of 10 national labs, along with links to their job openings and undergraduate programs.

1. Ames National Laboratory

Ames National Lab, an Iowa-based institution, conducts both fundamental and applied research that helps the world better understand chemistry, physics, and materials science. It is operated by Iowa State University under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. They also have an internship program called the Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) program. This is a premier Department of Energy internship designed to bring undergraduates into the laboratory research setting at Ames National Laboratory and Iowa State University to work with scientists who are leaders in their research fields (Link To Their Undergraduate Internship).

Check out Their Website for more information: https://www.ameslab.gov/

2. Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne is a multidisciplinary science and engineering research center, where talented scientists and engineers work together to answer the biggest questions facing humanity, from how to obtain affordable clean energy to protecting ourselves and our environment. It is found in Chicago, leading discovery and power innovation in a wide range of core scientific capabilities, from high-energy physics and materials science to biology and advanced computer science. (Check out their job openings: Here). They also have solid programs for undergraduates during the summer and within the academic year ( Click here to Check it out).

Also check out their website for more information: https://www.anl.gov/

3. Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven National Laboratory applies its expertise and world-class facilities to pressing scientific questions about everything from the fundamental forces of nature to the complex interactions of ecosystems and the environment. Located in Upton, New York, Brookhaven National Lab excels in designing, constructing, and operating large-scale, cutting-edge research facilities—some of which are unavailable anywhere else in the world. Among Brookhaven Lab’s current initiatives are nuclear science, energy science, data science, particle physics, accelerator science and technology, quantitative plant science, and quantum information. Check out their amazing educational programs on their website. Check out their undergraduate programs: Here

Fun Fact: They collect and study data from a Large Hadron Collider, the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, and use the collected data to explore the laws of physics at subatomic scales, test predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics, and search for signs of new particles and forces (Cool!! Read more here)

Check out their website for more information: https://www.bnl.gov/world/

4. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Fermilab is America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory. Their vision is to solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space, and time for the benefit of all. They strive to lead the world in neutrino science with particle accelerators, lead the nation in the development of particle colliders and their use for scientific discovery, and advance particle physics through measurements of the cosmos. They are found in Batavia, Illinois (on a 6,800-acre site) and managed by the Fermi Research Alliance LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. They also have over 2,000 employees ranging from engineers to administrative professionals (Check out their job openings: Here).

Also check out their website for more information: https://www.fnal.gov/

5. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab is managed by the University of California for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Their core values are team science (solutions to complex problems), service, trust, innovation, and respect. Their mission is to expand the frontiers of knowledge and deliver solutions for science and humankind. The lab is located on Cyclotron Road, Berkeley. CA. They have approximately 16,350 researchers worldwide who use their facility, and about 1,800 scientists and engineers work in the facility. Check out their Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI). They also partner with the Joint BioEnergy Institute to offer undergraduate research opportunities. (Read more)

Check out their website for more information: https://www.lbl.gov/

6. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL’s)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory was established in 1943 as part of the Manhattan Project and is building on a legacy of discovery and innovation to continually address the most urgent research and development (R&D) needs. They deliver scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs needed to realize solutions in energy and national security and provide economic benefit to the nation. They address national needs through impactful research and world-leading research centers. ORNL’s world-class scientific user facilities are available to users from universities, industry, and other institutions. Here are their facilities: • Building Technologies Research and Integration Center • Carbon Fiber Technology Facility • Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences • High Flux Isotope Reactor • Manufacturing Demonstration Facility • National Transportation Research Center • Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility • Spallation Neutron Source. Check out their educational programs (Here)

Fun Fact: They organize the annual JUMP (Join the discussion, Unveil innovation, Make connections, Promote tech-to-market) STEM competition for undergraduate and graduate students at US colleges and universities (Read More)

Check out their website for more information: https://www.orni.gov

7. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a different kind of national lab that advances the frontiers of knowledge, taking on some of the world’s greatest science and technology challenges. They have distinctive strengths in chemistry, Earth sciences, biology, and data science which are central to their scientific discovery mission. Their research lays a foundation for innovations that advance sustainable energy through decarbonization and energy storage and enhance national security through nuclear materials and threat analyses. PNNL collaborates with academia in fundamental research and with industry to transition technologies to market. Their researchers accept great challenges such as unlocking the mysteries of Earth’s climate, helping modernize the U.S. electric power grid, or safeguarding ports around the world from nuclear smuggling, for one purpose: to create a world that is safer, cleaner, more prosperous, and more secure. Each year they welcome over 1,500 interns from across the nation to join internship and research associate opportunities that open pathways for a variety of STEM careers in basic science, clean energy, national security, and more. Learn more about these opportunities that are available throughout the year and how they help their interns grow their network to position them for future success (Here)

Also check out their website for more information: https://www.pnnl.gov/

 8. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)

This multimillion-dollar building will serve as an international hub of fusion research and a platform for new programs. Its modern and efficient design will support the Lab’s expanded scientific mission in microelectronics, quantum materials and devices, and sustainability science. They are studying ways to remove fossil fuels from industrial and manufacturing processes to contribute to a Net-Zero America, contributing to a sustainable future. They also strive to understand plasma from the lab to the cosmos, and for good reason: plasma, the fuel of fusion, makes up 99% of the visible universe, exploring the universe and beyond. Year-round internships are available, both paid and for credit – for students at 4-year and 2-year institutions. Work closely with a scientist or engineer on a cutting-edge project. Join Them! They also have a Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI), program.

Also check out their website for more information: https://www.pppl.gov/

 9. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) National Accelerator Laboratory

Their mission is to explore how the universe works at the biggest, smallest, and fastest scales and invent powerful tools used by scientists around the globe. Their research helps solve real-world problems and advances the interests of the nation. They are known for leading large-scale science projects, and we welcome scientists to use their X-rays, lasers, and electron beams for groundbreaking experiments. SLAC’s vision is to open new windows to the natural world and build a brighter future through discovery and innovation. They live by the values of excellence (being at high standards), integrity (being accountable), collaboration (being committed to the collective success of SLAC), respect, and creativity (exploring new ideas with courage). They have a workforce of nearly 1,700 creative, diverse, and united employees (Check out SLAC’s job openings Here). SLAC offers a variety of internship opportunities along with mentorship opportunities created to help students be successful in their career interests (Check Them out)

Also check out their website for more information: https://www6.slac.stanford.edu/

10.   Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory lab capitalizes on its unique technologies and expertise to perform advanced computing and applied research with industry and university partners, and provides programs designed to help educate the next generation in science and technology. Scientists worldwide utilize the lab’s unique particle accelerator, known as the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (CEBAF), to probe the most basic building blocks of matter – helping us to better understand these particles and the forces that bind them – and ultimately our world. One of their mission is to deliver discovery-caliber research by exploring the atomic nucleus and its fundamental constituents, including precise tests of their interactions. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is entering an exciting period of mission growth and is seeking new team members ready to apply their skills and passion to have an impact (Check out their job openings here) They also have programs for undergraduates, which are mostly internships and other opportunities for students to get involved (Here). You can also check their website for more information: https://www.jlab.org/

Here are the links to the other National Labs in the United States:

11. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

12. Sandia National Laboratory

13. Idaho National Laboratory

14 . Los Alamos National Laboratory

15. National Energy Technology Laboratory

16. National Renewable Energy Laboratory

17. Savannah River National Laboratory

Dennis Boakye ’26 is a rising junior with a major in Neuroscience and a minor in Mathematics. He is also a co-president of the Neurolawrence Club and the Synthetic Biology Club and the treasurer for the American Medical Student Association (AMSA, Lawrence Chapter) and the Black Student Union (BSU). Dennis is the current career peer educator for the Health and Medicinal Professions (HMP) and the Physical and Natural Sciences (PHN) career communities at Lawrence University. Connect with Dennis on LinkedIn.


What comes into your mind when you hear hospice? Do you get scared, sad, anxious, happy, optimistic, or worried? Try to imagine how a volunteer talks to a patient, creates bonds, and shares memories in a day, only to find out the next day that their lovely friend is no longer in this world. As sad as it might sound, it is also fulfilling to know that the friend is now relieved of their immeasurable pain. Volunteers at hospice centers go through this cycle over and over again rejecting their own self-worth and accepting that of the patient. What, therefore, is the essence of being a hospice volunteer?

However, the true essence of being a hospice volunteer goes beyond the simple application process. It requires immense compassion, empathy, and a willingness to confront the fragility of life. It is a journey of self-discovery, where volunteers learn to cherish every moment and provide comfort to those in their final days, finding fulfillment in the profound impact they have on the lives of others.

Becoming a volunteer typically involves straightforward steps. The first step will be to research hospitals or clinics with hospice facilities where you can volunteer. Some hospice facilities have different roles or duties for hospice volunteers that may range from spending time with a hospice patient to recording the testimonials or life stories of patients. You may also be assigned to work as a front desk assistant, welcoming and guiding families and patients.

After conducting thorough research on the facility and the hospital or clinic, the next step is to understand the requirements and application process. As mentioned earlier, most volunteer applications are not as complicated as those for scholarships or internships. There are two options available to apply: speaking directly with a representative from the institution or completing an application online or in a soft copy format. It is more advised to reach out to someone in the institution, to get a sense of the people and the environment.

The subsequent actions are contingent upon the previously mentioned steps. A scenario for each choice will be more valuable than relying on assumptions. The first scenario is dependent on the option of reaching out to a representative. After reaching out to a representative, and asking for more information and clarification, you will be informed to complete an online application if applicable. In the second scenario, a representative is reached out to after completing the online application if also applicable. Review of your application should take less than a week for which a representative will reach out.

As most hospice centers need volunteers to aid patients’ well-being as well as contribute to the well-being of the center, applicants are more likely to be accepted than rejected. This was proven in a study by Vanderstichelen et al, where they surveyed 342 healthcare organizations in Belgium using a self-developed questionnaire. Their results showed that 80% of the organizations (only 254 responded) have volunteers who provide direct patient care. Some of the tasks of volunteers in healthcare organizations ranged from psychological to existential care tasks. They concluded that most organizations, like hospitals and clinics, emphasize the necessity of volunteer support and training, and organizational coordination of recruitment efforts (Vanderstichelen, S., Houttekier, D., Cohen, J., Wesemael, Y. V., Deliens, L., & Chambaere, K. (2018). Palliative care volunteerism across the healthcare system: A survey study. Palliative Medicine, 32(7), 1233-1245).

The next and final steps depend solely on the institution. A training session could be organized or not depending on the plan of the institution. Once all the requirements and documentation are completed and all the needed materials, along with supplementary ones have been received, determining your volunteer hours will be next. This step is optional and can be skipped if the service hours are known or determined already. One thing to consider is the location of the facility or institution and the means of getting there. Calculating the time spent on the road and in the vicinity is important when choosing a mode of transportation.

Dennis Boakye ’26 is a rising junior with a major in Neuroscience and a minor in Mathematics. He is also a co-president of the Neurolawrence Club and the Synthetic Biology Club and the treasurer for the American Medical Student Association (AMSA, Lawrence Chapter) and the Black Student Union (BSU). Dennis is the current career peer educator for the Health and Medicinal Professions (HMP) and the Physical and Natural Sciences (PHN) career communities at Lawrence University. Connect with Dennis on LinkedIn.

Smart Ways to Showcase Your Talents to Recruiters as a STEM Major

As a STEM major, you possess a wealth of knowledge and skills that are highly sought after by employers. However, in today’s competitive job market, it is essential to go beyond just having a degree and demonstrate your talents and abilities to recruiters effectively. In this article, we will explore smart ways to showcase your talents as a STEM major and increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Build an Impressive Portfolio:

One of the most effective ways to showcase your talents is by building an impressive portfolio. Include projects, research papers, coding samples, or any relevant work you have completed during your studies. A portfolio not only demonstrates your technical skills but also showcases your ability to apply your knowledge in practical scenarios. Ensure that your portfolio is well-organized, visually appealing, and highlights your key achievements

Participate in Hackathons and Competitions:

Participating in hackathons, coding competitions, or other STEM-related challenges is an excellent way to showcase your talents. These events provide opportunities to solve real-world problems, work in teams, and demonstrate your ability to think critically and creatively under pressure. Highlight your participation, awards, and the outcomes of these events on your resume and during interviews.

Contribute to Open-Source Projects:

Open-source projects offer an ideal platform to showcase your skills and interests while making a valuable contribution to the community. Find projects related to your field of interest, and actively participate by  proposing innovative solutions, ideas or subproject of your own. Not only will this demonstrate your technical competence, but it will also highlight your collaborative and teamwork skills.

Create an Online Presence:

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial. Create a professional website or a personal blog to showcase your expertise and projects. Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights on topics related to your field of study. Engage with other professionals and contribute to online communities and forums to build your network and establish yourself as an active member of the STEM community.

Network Effectively:

Building a strong professional network is vital for any STEM major. Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops relevant to your field to meet industry professionals, recruiters, and potential mentors. Engage in meaningful conversations, ask thoughtful questions, and exchange contact information to establish lasting connections. Online platforms like LinkedIn provide an excellent opportunity to connect with professionals, join industry groups, and showcase your achievements.

Leverage Internships and Research Opportunities:

Internships and research experiences are invaluable for STEM majors. Seek out internships that align with your interests and career goals. These opportunities not only provide hands-on experience but also demonstrate your ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. Highlight the specific projects or research outcomes you worked on during these experiences, showcasing your problem-solving abilities and adaptability.

Develop Soft Skills:

While technical skills are essential, don’t overlook the importance of soft skills. Employers value candidates who possess excellent communication, teamwork, and leadership abilities. Engage in extracurricular activities, join student organizations, or take up leadership roles that allow you to develop and showcase these skills. Highlight these experiences on your resume and during interviews to set yourself apart from other candidates.

As a STEM major, you possess a unique set of talents and skills that are highly valued by recruiters. By following these smart strategies to showcase your abilities effectively, you can increase your chances of securing your dream job. Remember to build an impressive portfolio, participate in competitions, contribute to open-source projects, create an online presence, network effectively, leverage internships, and develop your soft skills. With the right approach, you can stand out among your peers and embark on a successful career.

Personal Project Ideas for a Productive Summer 

Summer is a wonderful time to relax and recharge, but it’s also a great opportunity to work on personal projects that can enhance your career prospects and personal growth. Whether you’re a student, a recent graduate, or a working professional, there are many ways to use your summer break to work on personal projects that can help you achieve your goals. Here are some ideas to help you get started: 

Update Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile: 

Updating your resume and LinkedIn profile is an essential project that can have a significant impact on your career growth and success. These two tools are often the first impression potential employers or professional connections have of you, so it’s essential to ensure they accurately reflect your skills, experience, and achievements.

To start, review your current resume and LinkedIn profile and make any necessary updates. This includes adding new experiences, skills, certifications, and job responsibilities. Make sure your headline, summary, and job descriptions accurately reflect your unique value proposition and what sets you apart from others in your field.

It’s also important to tailor your resume and LinkedIn profile to the specific job or industry you’re interested in. Use relevant keywords and highlight the skills and experiences that align with the job description. This can increase your chances of being noticed by recruiters or hiring managers and increase your likelihood of landing an interview.

The career center’s page on Lawrence’s website is an excellent resource for learning how to write effective resumes and build a strong LinkedIn profile. We offer samples, templates, and guidance on how to highlight your strengths and make a lasting impression on potential employers or connections.

Build Your Personal Website:

Building a personal website is a valuable asset in today’s digital world, regardless of your field of study or profession. It’s a powerful tool that allows you to showcase your skills, experience, and accomplishments to the world. With the rise of online job applications and remote work, having a professional-looking website can help you stand out and make a lasting impression on potential clients, customers, or employers.

Creating a personal website has become easier than ever before, thanks to website builders like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and customizable templates, making it easy to design a website that suits your unique needs and style.

Your personal website should include relevant information such as your resume, portfolio, projects, and any other achievements that demonstrate your expertise and value. It’s an opportunity to showcase your work and highlight your unique selling points to potential clients, customers, or employers. Including a blog, section can also help you establish your authority in your field and attract a wider audience.

In addition to showcasing your skills and experience, a personal website can also help you connect with like-minded professionals in your field. You can use your website to create a network of contacts and share your work with others. This can lead to new opportunities and collaborations that can help you grow professionally.

While building a personal website may not be a common practice in STEM fields, it certainly has its benefits. It offers a platform to showcase your work, connect with others, and establish your authority in your field. It can also demonstrate your proficiency in web development, design, and communication skills, which are highly valued in today’s job market.

Write Research Papers on Topics of Interest:

In today’s fast-paced world, staying up-to-date with the latest academic trends and honing one’s skills has become more critical than ever but staying engaged in academics is a vital aspect of your professional and personal growth. One effective way to stay engaged and work on your own time during the summer is to write research papers on topics of interest.

Writing a research paper is an excellent way to explore a topic in-depth, gain new skills, and showcase your abilities. The best part is that you don’t need any prior research experience or access to data to get started. A review paper can be an excellent place to begin, as it enables you to synthesize and evaluate existing research on a given topic.

To get started, you can identify a topic that piques your interest or that you’ve always wanted to explore. Then, use online databases like the Library, JSTOR, or Google Scholar to find scholarly articles and research papers related to your subject. Once you’ve gathered sufficient information, start synthesizing it into a unique paper that adds value to the existing conversation on the topic.

While writing your research paper, you’ll develop critical thinking, research methodology, writing, and communication skills. You’ll learn to analyze and synthesize complex information and gain valuable insights into the topic you’re exploring. This newfound knowledge and skill set will prove beneficial in your future academic and professional endeavors.

In addition to the personal and professional growth opportunities that come with writing a research paper, it also offers a chance to contribute to the academic community by adding new ideas to the existing discourse. Your paper can open up new avenues of exploration for future researchers, sparking new debates and ideas.

Conduct your passion project:

If you’ve ever had an idea for a personal project or passion project, this summer is the perfect time to turn that idea into a reality. Whether it’s becoming an advocate for a cause you’re passionate about or creating a project to empower a specific group, pursuing your interests can not only bring personal fulfillment but also have a positive impact on your community.

Lawrence University has a history of supporting students in pursuing their personal projects, and many Lawrentians have already turned their ideas into successful ventures. For instance, some students have launched initiatives to promote sustainability, while others have developed programs to support mental health and wellness.

In addition to the support of the Lawrence community, the Career Centre offers Experiential Funding to help students finance their personal projects. These funds can be used to cover project expenses and support your research, development, and implementation.

When choosing a project, consider selecting one that is aligned with your field of study or intended career path. This can help you gain valuable experience and skills that will be relevant to your future career goals. Furthermore, pursuing a project can help you build your resume and make you a more competitive candidate in the job market.

Three simple ways to grow professionally in your field this summer

As a college student, summer break presents a valuable opportunity to focus on professional development. Whether you’re preparing for your future career, exploring potential interests, or simply looking to gain practical experience, taking proactive steps can set you up for long-term success. Instead of viewing summer as just a break, think of it as a chance to build skills, make connections, and enhance your career prospects. Here are just three simple ways to grow professionally in your field this summer:

  1. Organize your life and map your goals
    Strong organizational skills are crucial for career development, and summer is an ideal time to refine these abilities. Whether you are just starting to explore career options or working toward a specific goal, keeping track of your progress can help you stay motivated and intentional. One effective approach is to journal, make lists, and track your goals. Start by creating a “dream list”—a collection of personal and professional achievements you hope to accomplish within the next year or during your summer job or internship. This could include anything from learning a new skill, landing a research position, or networking with industry professionals.

    Once you have outlined your aspirations, take time to reflect on your existing accomplishments. Make a list of the skills and experiences you have already gained and identify any gaps that need to be filled. This process helps in recognizing your strengths while also clarifying the areas where you need to grow. From there, develop a structured action plan to achieve your goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable steps with specific deadlines. Whether it’s completing an online course, updating your LinkedIn profile, or applying for internships, a well-organized approach will make your progress more tangible and achievable.

  2. Craft and refine professional documents
    Your professional documents—resume, cover letter, personal statement, and portfolio (if applicable)—play a crucial role in making a strong impression on potential employers, graduate programs, or research advisors. Since academic-year schedules can be hectic, summer provides a perfect opportunity to fine-tune these essential documents. Regardless of the type of document, an effective professional statement typically includes three key components:

    Professional Intention: Clearly articulate your long-term goals and aspirations. Your statement does not need to fit into a narrow niche but should convey a broader sense of direction. For example, you might express an interest in problem-solving through research, advocating for healthcare equity, or exploring sustainable solutions for environmental challenges.

    Reflection: Highlight your experiences and how they have shaped your interests. This could include coursework, internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that have contributed to your skills and professional growth.

    Connection: Bridge the gap between your intentions and your experiences. How do your past experiences support your future aspirations? This connection makes your narrative compelling and cohesive.

    Use this time to get feedback from mentors, career advisors, or peers on your resume and personal statements. Platforms like Viking Connect (for Lawrence students) or Handshake can also provide templates and guidance on structuring these documents effectively.

  3. Talk to people in the field you’re interested in
    Beyond self-reflection and document refinement, engaging with professionals is one of the most effective ways to grow in your field. Conversations with experienced individuals can offer insights into industry trends, career paths, and strategies for success.

Here are a few ways to expand your professional network:

  • Leverage Online Networking Platforms: Platforms like Viking Connect allow Lawrence students to connect with alumni who have experience in a variety of careers. Reaching out to alumni can provide valuable guidance, insider knowledge, and even potential mentorship opportunities.
  • Attend Career Fairs & Networking Events: Check Handshake for upcoming career fairs, professional panels, and industry-specific events. These gatherings allow you to meet recruiters, explore job openings, and gain advice on career planning.
  • Request Informational Interviews: Reach out to professionals whose careers interest you and ask if they would be open to a brief chat about their journey and insights. Many professionals are happy to share advice, and these conversations can open doors to potential opportunities.
  • Engage in Online Communities & Webinars: Many industries host webinars, virtual meetups, and LinkedIn discussions. Participating in these events can help you stay informed about new developments and trends in your field.

Building a strong network not only increases your job prospects but also provides inspiration, support, and direction as you navigate your career path.

Final Thoughts: Make This Summer Count

Summer is a unique period that allows for both relaxation and meaningful growth. By taking the time to organize your goals, refine your professional documents, and actively engage with industry professionals, you set yourself up for a stronger and more confident career journey.

Don’t wait until graduation to start preparing for your future—every small step you take now contributes to your long-term success. Whether it’s through self-improvement, networking, or skill-building, making the most of your summer can set you apart and help you achieve your career aspirations.