Boy, Was He Strict

plantz pool

Dateline, Appleton, Wis., January 28, 1908.

A “daily news special” reported out of Milwaukee stated that “at the close of the present semester this week” Lawrence University students “will have to sign an agreement not to frequent billiard or pool rooms or they will not be allowed to re-enter.”

President Plantz got the names of a number of boys “who for some time have visited local billiard rooms.” These boys received letters “advising them to desist from the practice or take expulsion from the college as a penalty.” He then went on to say any student who refused to abide by this rule and wished to attend a college with less stringent rules would receive a letter of recommendation from him. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

You can find out a lot more about LU and Samuel Plantz in the University Archives.