MyLU Insider

“They Call Us Illegals”: A documentary film and virtual reality simulation

The Office of Diversity & Inclusion is pleased to be partnering with Lawrence’s Film Studies Program, the Diversity and Intercultural Center, ESTHER, and the Appleton Dignity & Respect Campaign to bring you two films in one event: Los Sueños de Anita and The Unafraid.

Los Sueños de Anita is a virtual reality experience that immerses viewers into the life of two undocumented parents as they raise their young daughter Anita and face struggles much too familiar to the community. It runs about 9 minutes and will be available for viewing between 3pm-4:15pm and 7pm-8pm.

The Unafraid follows the personal lives of three DACA students in Georgia as they take on activism in a state that has banned them from attending their top state universities and disqualifies them from receiving in-state tuition at any other public college. The screening (which will take place in the Warch cinema) starts at 4:30pm on September 26 with a Community Conversation and short survey afterward, and viewing the virtual reality piece will be available again until 8pm.

This event is free and open to the public.