We are excited to share two additional upcoming Q&A with Mark meetings for faculty and staff.
Meeting Dates & Times
- Thursday, June 25 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
- Special Guests for this meeting include Ken Anselment, Vice President for Enrollment and Communication, and Rich Jazdzewski, Associate Dean of Students for Wellness Services. Ken and Rich look forward to answering your questions.
- Click the following link to join the June 25 meeting –https://lawrence.zoom.us/j/97356418174?pwd=NFd5NEo0clFEdTVDOTkrN1VYbXFsUT09
- Thursday, July 30 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
- Future communications will include the zoom meeting link
If you are unable to attend, we will be recording the meeting and will share a link after.
Submitting your Questions
You are encouraged to submit questions ahead of the meeting here. The meeting will have an active chat function and questions can be submitted using this feature as well. We will cover as many questions as possible during the allotted time.
Thank you all for your dedication and work to support Lawrence. Please continue to take care of yourselves.