On February 1st, Dr. Kimberly Barrett will send an email with the subject line, “Members of the Lawrence community: Share your perspective on the campus climate for diversity and equity,” inviting you to participate in the HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey.
In this survey, we will ask about your perceptions of Lawrence’s climate and support of diversity and equity, as well as your experiences with discrimination and harassment. We hope that every member of our community will participate in this important survey, regardless of whether or not you have experienced discrimination or harassment at Lawrence. The survey will remain open until March 1st.
The survey is being administered by HEDS, an independent organization, and your responses will be anonymous to Lawrence. We will only receive data in which any survey information that might identify you has been removed. Participation in the HEDS Survey will enable comparison of results across universities, which will be a new opportunity for us to better understand the data.
Your input is essential!
To that end, if at least 300 students and employees complete the survey, 25¢ for each completed survey will be donated to the campus food pantry. If at least 600 students and employees complete the survey, 50¢ for each completed survey will be donated to the campus food pantry, which IF WE ALL PARTICIPATE could result in a total donation over $1000!