From now until the end of March, we will be highlighting various funds and summer internships available to students! Through the generous support of alumni and friends, Lawrence students are eligible to apply for funding to support summer internships or projects.
The Kaitlin Mahr Fund
The Kaitlin Mahr Internship in English was established in 2019 in memory of Kaitlin Mahr, a member of the Lawrence University Class of 2009, whose life was tragically cut short in 2007 due to depression and an accidental overdose. As a student, Kaitlin was majoring in English, a member of Melee Dance Troupe, and a LARY Buddy tutor.
The Kaitlin Mahr Internship in English supports students pursuing internships in career fields related to English. This fund will allow students to seek prominent internships in large and midsized publishing houses and other literary endeavors in New York, Minnesota, California, and elsewhere. Internships might also take place at smaller independent presses or in new media, journalism, digital marketing, etc. Preference will be given to students who are majoring in English.
The fund was established by Kaitlin’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Todd and Debra Mahr. Dr. Mahr is a member of the Lawrence University Class of 1979. The gift was made in honor of Dr. Mahr’s 40th Reunion. The Kaitlin Mahr Internship in English will provide a stipend to cover travel and living expenses.
Priority Deadline: March 28, 2025
Questions? Michelle Buchinger can help! Email her at